Saving Report Formats

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri Jul 26 12:26:52 EDT 2013

>Cat, I think your answer was spot on...I don't think Wes was trying to
>change a built in report as much as he just wants to not have to make the
>same changes to the same options each time he runs it.
>>>saved report is static (i.e., if I add transactions then run the saved
>>>report, it retrieves the data from the time I created the report; not the
>>>current data).  Is there a way to save the report so that it reports
>>>data?  Thank you, Wes
Maybe making this harder than it is?

OK, let's say that you bring up the report again and it is just what you 
want (all the other options still the same) except of course that date 
range is wrong because it's still what it was the last time. You don't 
have to re-enter everything (all the options yo have for this report). 
Simply Edit => Options and go to the sub page where you get to set 
dates, change the date range, and apply that change. Gnucash will then 
redo the report (bringing in transactions for the new time period).

I do this all the time. I am usually running reports quarterly but not 
in real time. In other words, I am running some days after the end of 
the quarter when all activity for that quarter has been entered. Now 
what I run (to be able to present a "treasurer's report" to the board is 
a Revenue Statement (Income Statement) for start of year to end of 
quarter and a Balance Sheet for end of quarter. Lot's of options 
specified (nesting levels, how subtotals shown, etc.). Naturally when I 
bring up the reports I ran for the last quarter the dates are wrong. But 
I just change those and presto, new reports done.


PS: If what you were doing was using "current date" this will STILL 
work. Simply change ANY option (say nesting level) and then change it 
back and th new "current date" will be used.

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