Expenses not showing up on Profit and Loss

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Sat Jul 27 08:42:13 EDT 2013

hb187 wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am doing some simple bookkeeping for a local theater group. I am using
>gnucash so that the next person in charge of this won't have to buy
>quickbooks. I have some familiarity with quickbooks and accounting training. 
>I'm not sure why, but when I run a profit and loss report, no expenses show
>up. I have entries in the expense accounts.
An Income Statement (if your theater group is a non-profit you can 
retitle to Revenue Statement) is always for some specific range of 
dates. When you get nothing selected, the first thing to check is 
whether the date range you have specified has transactions within that 
date range. An especially likely source of error when new to gnucash and 
still in the "testing phase" (entering data from whatever you previously 
used to see what gnucash does with it).

IF that is your problem, using Edit => report options and going to the 
page that lets you specify the date range, change that to the proper 
date range for the reporting period.


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