Support for Multiple Sets of Books

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Nov 8 11:47:16 EST 2013

On 8 November 2013 16:34, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:
> The two organizations are completely separate (one a symphony and the other
> is a ministry). I just want to be able to move between them quickly since
> both will have several applications running concurrently.  I would not be
> working on them at the same time, however, I want to be able to respond
> quickly to the needs of both. They would be in different workspaces on a
> single desktop, so the chances of mixing transaction would be would be very
> small.

In that case just create a new data file (File > New File) and save it
somewhere appropriate.  Then setup two shorcuts or menu items one of
which runs
gnucash /path/to/file_1
and the other
gnucash /path/to/file_2
Then you can have both open at once easily.


> Regards,
> Jay
> --
> Jay Ridgley
> jridgley2 at
> Registered Linux User ID - 9115
> Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320
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