"Cannot parse file" and now get different file from backup

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 27 03:42:05 EST 2013

On 27 November 2013 04:21, Christine <luhbulan at mac.com> wrote:
> I don't know what I did right, but I just got it open. Obviously I'm not so
> computer literate anymore....
> Basically, I followed the fix of changing the extension name to gz, then
> extracted the file using gui tar. I opened the file but it was still the
> wrong file. So I opened gnucash again, and then opened the file with the
> gnucash window already open. It worked!

I am not a mac user, but is this the problem that on a mac double
clicking the accounts file does not open the file you click, but the
last file that was used?  On a mac to open a different file I think
you must open gnucash then use file open to open the one you want (I

Is there any chance the fix for the unzip bug can be backported, it
seems to be affecting more and more users.


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