Wrong screen (Gnucash 2.4.13/Mac OS X 10.8.5)

Jim Hickstein jxh at jxh.com
Wed Nov 27 14:03:26 EST 2013

On 2013/11/27 12:45, John Ralls wrote:
> On Nov 27, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Jim Hickstein <jxh at jxh.com> wrote:
>> My laptop has an attached external monitor as the "primary" screen, but
>> not, apparently, screen zero (or whatever) because Gnucash creates all
>> its pop-ups on the internal screen, and I have to drag them out where I
>> can see them.  (Lately I have to run with the laptop open for thermal
>> reasons, and it faces away from me, making pointing to it tricky.
>> Normally, closing it removes the ambiguity.)

> This isn't really the answer to your question, but why don't you run the displays in mirror-mode?

Because the external display is much bigger (Thunderbolt 27).  Mirroring
reduces it to the least common denominator.

> The problem is that we mostly accept the default for opening helper windows and dialogs. On a Mac not running Mavericks that means the upper-left-hand corner of the display configured to be right-most in the Arrangement tab of System Preferences>Displays. Given the increasing prevalence of multi-monitor configurations, we should figure out how to keep our windows closer together. The relevant documentation is at https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/unstable/GtkWindow.html#gtk-window-move and the articles linked to it. 

Ah!  That's a good workaround: I rearranged things so the (unused)
internal is to the right, and now it behaves better.  I still wonder a
little about how "correct" this is in the general case, but now I'm
content to just complain and don't need to come up with a patch. :-)
Still, I'm willing to help if there is anything further to be done.

> Pop-ups means context menu to me, and those should appear at the mouse pointer.

Those work correctly.  I guess I mean new window.  Select an item and
hit Duplicate.  It creates a new dialog for "New Transaction
Information".  This starts out on the same screen (for an instant) then
"vanishes", i.e. moves, to the position you state.  I had to deal with
this a lot more under X11 (and not just Gnucash) so I had some idea
where it went.  Also, most sane people would probably arrange to have
both screens visible all the time; it's only my cable arrangement with
the laptop on the nearby shelf that makes this hard.

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