QIF spec ambiguity in example file

Daniel White twinbee42 at skytopia.com
Wed Apr 30 10:13:20 EDT 2014

Hi Derek,

Thanks for your help - most of the fog is clearing now! Just one thing...

>> Can you confirm whether "!Account" can use 'B', as you said before it
>> could, but
>> the URL I gave only lists N,T,D,L (and arguably / $). If so, what is
>> the purpose
>> of B?
> Reading the code, B is "Budget".

Is there a supporting URL for this? I checked the following URLs which
roughly describe the specification, and no where is B mentioned under
the "Account Information" section (i.e: "!Account")

Wikipedia only lists N and T:

The 'official' spec only lists: N T D L / %

Regards, Daniel

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