question about warning on stderr

John Ralls jralls at
Mon May 12 16:17:08 EDT 2014

On May 12, 2014, at 10:52 AM, incoming-gnucash at wrote:

> Am I right that it is correct to have that non-date format word
> "Scheduled" in the date field in a scheduled transaction template?  If
> so, the invariant check is a bit overzealous for this caller, but of
> course no harm is caused by having the warning.

Yes, it’s correct. It gets filled in later. But the SX transaction gets committed, and the generic transaction commit function, used for both SX transactions and normal ones, tries to sort it by date, and of course the date is invalid, so the date compare function (which is in a different library that we don’t write) bails on the invariant check. Everything is working the way it’s supposed to, it’s just a bit noisy.

John Ralls

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