Online version of of GNUcash for problem debugging

CCAAT ccaat at
Mon May 26 11:08:37 EDT 2014

On 05/26/14 09:31, John Ralls wrote:
> On 25 May 2014, at 17:41, CCAAT <ccaat at> wrote:
>> On 05/25/14 19:18, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On May 25, 2014, at 5:08 PM, CCAAT <ccaat at> wrote:
>>>> Howdy,
>>>> I wonder how much trouble it would be to put GNUcash online somewhere (portal) where folks could post (attempt to post) some entries and then
>>>> ask their questions?  That way, the snippet of a few journal entries could be viewed by all to facilitate question answering?
>>>> Is the possible?  A good/bad idea?
>>> While it’s theoretically possible, it’s not really practical. GnuCash has no facility for
>>> simultaneous users and no remote GUI, so the only way to set it up would be with some sort
>>> of VNC arrangement, which would have to be locked so that only one user could use it at a
>>> time.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>> So the only user, would be the poster with a question. Putting in the sufficient entries to define the problem/question. Many could view the
>> input, via some form of limited low bandwidth X, only to view, not write. Only the person with a question could write to the VM.
>> Another question would require another sandbox/jail/VM for the singular write ability for form the next question. The major problem I see is
>> with different versions of the code (gnucash versions).
>> Intriguing idea?
> If you think it's so easy, try it. Let us know how it works out. ;-)
> Regards,
> John Ralls

Sorry, if I implied that it would be easy. Nothing is easy, until it is 
done. Doable? Yes. Worth the effort? Debatable. Another question is of 
the myriad of various accounting (used loosely here) softwares available
in open source format, which would be the easiest to set up as an online
portal to work out the bugs......?

I like and use gnucash, but other codes may be more suitable for 
experimentation?  I'm very interested in figuring out how to build
secure portals with multiple VM on a secure linux server platform.
I hoping to find folks interested in the ideas, so I have a few
alpha testers that can offer up some code snippets as well.

Gentoo is my development platform. I'm mostly an embedded coder
so for sure this is going to be a learning (trial and error) experiment.
Maybe I should look elsewhere for a friendly_code to test this idea on?

I guess I should move to the gnucash dev discussion list? [1] Is it 
active and friendly?  Googling suggest that much of the gnucash user 
base has migrated to turbocash? (I know nothing of turbocash, except 
recent google tidbits which probably do not discuss the problems therein?)



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