Date of transaction change with time zone change

John Ralls jralls at
Mon May 26 12:54:58 EDT 2014

On 25 May 2014, at 19:10, Fabricio Lemos <fabricio.lemos at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I moved to another country, with a different timezone, and now all of my
> transactions date are shown as they were made the day before the actual
> date. This bug <> was
> reported more than 10 years ago but still isn't fixed. Anybody have a
> workaround to the problem other than changing my computer timezone to the
> old one?

Nope. It's inherent in the way GnuCash handles entry time and the (IMO dumb) way that bug was addressed, by setting entry time to midnight local of the entry date. It would have  set it to 1100 GMT for that date -- 1100 so that the date wouldn't change on New Zealanders when going on DST -- but that's not what happened, so for now you're stuck.

I've proposed on the dev list to use only the date, no time, for entry dates for version 2.8.

To answer an earlier question, date/time is stored in either ISO-8601 format (XML) or whatever is the native date/time field in the active SQL database. It's a 64-bit “unix” time in memory.

John Ralls

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