GnuCash 2.6.3 does not automatically create root account?

John Ralls jralls at
Wed Sep 24 09:53:56 EDT 2014

On Sep 23, 2014, at 10:26 PM, James Nylen <jnylen+gnucash at> wrote:

> (Note - I am not nvsoar.)
> I did not select any accounts using the assistant.  I would have, but I must have missed that option.  I created a blank MySQL database and an associated user using phpMyAdmin, then pointed GnuCash at that database.

The assistant has the "Basic" accounts set by default. I just did the same thing, except that I used the mysql shell instead of phpMyAdmin and I didn't create the DB in advance, just granted all on it to the user. The ROOT-type accounts were created.

What version of GnuCash did you use?

John Ralls

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