Tracking internet purchases to verify that I have paid applicable sales tax.

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at
Mon Apr 6 15:22:56 EDT 2015

On 04/06/2015 11:08 AM, paula hendricks wrote:
> as an added complicating thought: are all unpaid taxes really unpaid?
> some items might not need to be taxed. for example, in CA food and
> some services don't get taxed. so you don't want to set yourself up
> to pay more than you need to. just a thought.

Here in New Jersey, it is impossible to answer this question. In the
distant past, I got an official publication from the NJ tax office. It
contained some generalities and two lists. One list was of some of the
taxable items, but stated that it was incomplete. The other list was
some of the nontaxable items, but stated that it was incomplete.

And that publication is at least 10 years out of date and no new one is

To make matters worse, some web-based outfits, such as Amazon, charge
tax on some items and not on others. I would like to think they know,
but they do not as some items that are definitely taxable do not get
charged, and others do.

Actually, in New Jersey, you are pretty much on the honor system, but I
do my very best to pay the end use tax (like a sales tax) correctly.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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