postgres for gnc on win 8.1

Wm wm+gnc at
Wed Apr 15 15:00:17 EDT 2015

I've just set up postgres and gnc on Win 8.1 (having had it working on 
Win XP before) so now would be a good time for people interested to ask.

If you want a Lubuntu or similar VM postgres to talk to your Win gnc one 
I can help you with that too.

I still maintain that xml first, sqlite second and other backend later 
is the way to go.

This is just a throw while my mind is fresh, no one should really need 
postgres or mysql versus they really want it.  Seriously, folks, sqlite 
is better than postgres and mysql for storage for most people.

Except for some weird number divisions and stuff like that in which case 
it is better because you can store umpteen precision numbers in plain 
text in sqlite.


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