Windows: "Metal" theme crashes Gtk2 theme selector

Wm wm+gnc at
Mon Apr 20 17:53:57 EDT 2015

Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:30:29 <2774894.lXjaVylqgT at legolas.kobaltwit.lan> 
Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at>

>On Monday 13 October 2014 16:26:06 Dave H wrote:
>> I'll second that, there's far too many to choose from :-)
>> Cheers Dave H.
>I'm glad you see it this way.
>We actually had a similar discussion on irc yesterday in which I said
>the exact same thing.
>Expect the next version of gnucash on windows to ship with a reduced set
>of themes.

Gentle reminder about that but more importantly:

the infamous Metal theme still crashes the theme selector itself on both 
a clean Win 8.1 gnc 2.6.6 and as before on Win XP (tested on sep 

Not a big deal for me but I do think it should have been removed from 
the set as suggested OR if someone likes it, it should be renamed


or something similarly obvious.

it reliably kills gtk2_prefs.exe

I don't see the point in keeping a theme that kills a selector on OS's 
spanning over a decade.

The way my installs work the Metal theme is really crap from Win XP to 
Win 8.1

Why is it there?

Do the decent thing and remove it from the distribution, please.


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