OFX Viewer?

Greg Feneis mfeneis at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 21:16:42 EST 2015

Hi folks,

I'm using GnuCash 2.6.3 on a Win7 64.

I've been importing transactions from my bank's downloaded OFX files one
month at a time.  After I import, I go through the records and assign the
right accounts, etc.  It's been going very well until I got to December
2014.  The GnuCash import dialog showed 6 transactions to be imported, so I
clicked OK and now I can't find the transactions in GnuCash.  If I open the
OFX file again, the import dialog doesn't show any transactions because
they've all been imported.

Does GnuCash have a way to let me view the content of an OFX file?  Or,
maybe someone can suggest an OFX viewer?  I figure if I can view the list
of transactions, I can get a better idea of where to find them in the

​It doesn't seem like a good feature that GnuCash prevents the user from
seeing the content of a file if it's already been imported.  I mean, I get
it, but there must be a better way to handle already-imported-transactions
than to simply not show them, eh?​

Perhaps they could appear in the import dialog with all of the text
stippled out or some such.  I.e. We're here, but you can't do anything with
us because you've already imported us.

Kind regards,


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