Request Gnucash Version Recommendation

Matthew Lybanon lybanon at
Sun Feb 8 12:15:55 EST 2015

I’m currently using an old version (2.4.13), and I guess it’s time to upgrade.  I’ve seen some posts about problems with newer versions, so I would appreciate a recommendation on which version I should go to.

My needs are very modest compared to Gnucash’s full capability.  I am a member of a “rockhound” club that puts on an annual mineral, fossil, and jewelry show.  The show is big enough to have its own checking account, and I’m the show treasurer.  I really only need to be able to balance the checkbook and generate a few reports.  No salaries, taxes, inventory, or most of the other things businesses or investors have to deal with.

I’m running Gnucash on a Mac, currently under OS X 10.9.5.  I’ll be upgrading (?) to 10.10 soon.  (I was waiting for 10.10.2, which is now out.)

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