foreign currencies are shown as 0.- in default currency reports

Dave H hellvee at
Wed Jan 7 04:03:59 EST 2015

I ran the "Account Summary" report  on my system and it shows toe foreigh
currencies ok - there is a "Commodities" tab on the report options and it
has a check box called "Show Foreign Currencies" which is checked on for
the report.  I suggest you re-run the report(s) and when they display the
output then click on the "Options" icon at the top of the page and check
the report options - you have to run the report BEFORE you can update the
options.  In my case the "Report's Currency" is set to "AUD (Australian
Dollar) which is my local currency and the "Show Foreign Currencies" is
also checked on.  This will need to be setup for each report - once it's
running as you want it to I guess you'll have to click the "Save Report
Configuration" to make it permanent until you want to change the options
again ?

Cheers Dave H.

On 7 January 2015 at 08:20, __ <tereque at> wrote:

> >> What specific report(s) are you having issues with ?
> "Accounts Summary" is what I actually want to make. "Balance Sheet" shows
> the same effect. But "Cash Flow" works fine
> >> If I run a transaction report and include multiple currency accounts
> they all show up as expected in the various currencies....
> "Transaction report" as well as "Balance Sheet" shows values in CNY for
> other currencie's accounts
> >> did you set the currency correctly on the General tab of each account -
> there is a "Security/currency:" field on the account tab which is set to
> the relevant currency I have setup in the Price Editor. This might not have
> come across from your existing file either ???
> yes, the Security/currency is set to the foreign currency it should be. if
> I say "show exchange rates those are being shown on the bottom of the
> reports (I said they would not show earlier, that was a mistake, sorry). In
> the Cash Flow these exchange rates are set are as setup in the Price Editor
> but in the :Account Summary" they are all like "$1 元0.00". So it somehow
> seems to be a missing link between "Account Summary" and the Price Editor
> and the exchange rates defined there
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 6:42 PM, Dave H <hellvee at> wrote:
>> What specific report(s) are you having issues with ?  If I run a
>> transaction report and include multiple currency accounts they all show up
>> as expected in the various currencies....
>> Cheers Dave.
>> On 3 January 2015 at 13:15, tereque <tereque at> wrote:
>>> On 1/2/2015 9:18 AM, Dave H wrote:
>>>  You may have used Tools >> Price Editor to setup each of your foreign
>>> currencies and clicked the "Get Quotes" button at least one to setup the
>>> values of the foreign currenices?  That works for me and shows the foreign
>>> currencies in only the "Balance (Period)" and "Total" columns on the
>>> Accounts tab, all other columns show the equivalent AUD amount.
>>> thanks >Tools >Price Editor works in regards to the "Accounts" tab.
>>> Forign currency accounts are showing with an equivalent value in my default
>>> currency now
>>> But my report still shows 0.- for my report currency (which is not my
>>> computer's local currency). Normally I only llok at the "report currency
>>> (CNY)" but in order to find the cause I played around with the report
>>> settings a little. I can display my accounts currencie's value $ or EUR
>>> when I choose "Show Foreign Currencies" but it's not being exchanged. the
>>> report currency shows a 0.- for those accounts. Also no exchange rate is
>>> being shown when I mark 'Show Exchange Rates'. So I guess I need to teach
>>> my report to look at the price editors exchange rates (which apparantely
>>> the "Accounts" tab is doing successfully). Any idea how to achive that?
>>>  On 2 January 2015 at 10:10, tereque <tereque at> wrote:
>>>> I made a new file by >File >Export >Export Accounts
>>>> I am dealing with 4 currencies in my accounts USD, HKD, EUR, CNY
>>>> My computer's locale is US but my default currency (as well as my
>>>> default report currency) is CNY.
>>>> In my original file's "Accounts" page and the reports all foreign (not
>>>> CNY) currencie's are displayed as the equivalent value in CNY(showing
>>>> "present CNY" in the Accounts tab)
>>>> Now in my new file all foreign currencie's value's are only shown in
>>>> the foreign currency. The CNY values are set to 0.-
>>>> So what I need it that all currencie's values are shown in my default
>>>> currencies equivalent in the "Accounts" tab as well asin my reports (which
>>>> are all in CNY)
>>>> how can I get that working?
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