Cash Flow Report Between 2.6.3 and 2.6.5

Robin Chattopadhyay robinraymn at
Sun Jan 18 10:49:28 EST 2015


I've been using GC 2.6.3 on a Win7 PC for a while. In that time, I've saved
a cash flow report just the way I liked it.

Recently, I switched to a new Win 8 PC and started running 2.6.5. My saved
report no longer functions the same as it did under 2.6.3. I switched to
2.6.3 on the new PC and the report has gone back to the way I liked it. How
can I get the cash flow report from 2.6.3 into 2.6.5? I thought I could
replace cash-flow.scm on the new PC with the one from the old PC but that
didn't seem to do the trick.

The difference is how splits are handled. In 2.6.3, the report takes the
net that moved into or out the account, but 2.6.5 reports all the splits.

For example, I will record in one transaction my gross pay and
various deductions. In 2.6.3, the cash flow report shows just the net pay
going into the checking account. In 2.6.5, the report shows the gross pay
going in and all of the deductions going out.


--- Typed with my thumbs and sent from my iPad.

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