Source for (historic) Deposits to Checking account with almost no information

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Mar 31 09:05:34 EDT 2015

But every once in a while, my wife has made a deposit about which I have 
no information other than the amount and the date. In the future, we 
will record the information more carefully, but for right now, what do I 
use as the source for that deposit? I don't to track it all that 
closely, it's a paltry amount. Is the best thing to do to create some 
kind of Equity::MysteriousDeposits account, and use that for the source? 
Thanks, Mike
In the earliest days of double entry bookkeeping there were no ledger 
accounts of type "income" or "expense" and the transactions were 
immediately recorded against equity. Later (still a long time ago) 
somebody realized that more information was available if these 
transactions were recorded in temporary accounts of type "income" and 
"expense" (letting one see what the totals for categories was) and only 
at the end of the accounting period close these to equity.

So you could simply have an account of type "income" with a name like 
"unknown". The only problem would be with those that were actually 
reimbursements (should have been a transfer between asset accounts) but 
you can correct those at the end of the period if you find you had 
reimbursements still pending in your books (but learned that 
reimbursement had in fact been made).


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