Import invoice data

John A Brown johnbrowngreybeard at
Mon May 4 10:33:14 EDT 2015


I am a new user. gnuCash is a very good program. I have used "QB" from the
DOS days and they have finally convinced me to look elsewhere for
accounting software. "OB" was good, maybe excellent in the early days but
Intuit's constant and problem causing copy protection and planned
obsolescence make it very frustrating to use. I have set up gnuCash with my
chart of accounts, begenning balances, a few checks, a few deposits and a
few invoices. gnuCash has everything I have to have and none of the OB
problems. I have always been amazed and the quality and support available
with open source programs. Thank you very much.

I am interested in automating invoice creation in my situation. Is there
any way to import / create invoices with a text / xml file import?

Thank you, John Brown

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