How do I create an Expense sub-account?

Wm tcnw81 at
Sun Apr 24 22:23:01 EDT 2016

In article <CAMvKNK2tNN6N4Dyox9afmwXzzQKmw20qp5ZzHro1GThUYDwaVA at>
ph hermes < at> wrote:
> here's a basic question.
> when you transfer money from your wallet (your account) to your kid's
> account is it still your money or does it belong to your kid?
> the reason i ask is for my sole proprietor business i transfer assets from
> time to time but it's still all my money. so i can transfer asset money
> from personal ckecking to business checking etc. al within asset section.

It may be different where you are but from an accountinng POV (in 
the UK at least) transfers between a sole proprietor business and 
the owner should go through equity, how you do your taxes is up to 
you :)


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