Auto-total in split transaction

John Ralls jralls at
Wed Dec 28 16:31:30 EST 2016

> On Dec 28, 2016, at 12:47 PM, Dean Gibson <gnucash.stuff at> wrote:
> When entering a transaction in single-line mode, you only have to enter the amount once.  However, in split mode, there is no way that know of, to enter several lines (referring to other accounts), and then have the difference summed to the account associated with the current open register.
> Of course, one can just press enter and then change the "unbalanced" line entry to refer to the current account, but that's a nuisance.
> Is there a way to enter a "*" or "T" (or similar) for the amount for the current account, which then becomes the balancing value?

Enter all of your other splits, using <TAB> or the mouse to leave each split. The resulting imbalance will accumulate in the blank split; you'll delete it each time you add another split, but when you leave that split you'll get a new blank split with the new imbalance. When you've got everything else entered, add the current account in that split and you're done.

John Ralls

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