Where are the styles for reports set?

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at mtdata.com
Mon Jul 4 09:10:02 EDT 2016

> The 'eguile' reports do understand css, but not all the reports are 
> available in this format, and the ones that do exist still need some 
> work, but it's not a high priority of the core developers because it's 
> easy to export the data if you want a report to look different (for 
> example by copying and pasting the report data into a word processor). 

And perhaps trying to do it all with INTERNAL (to gnucash) stuff a waste 
of time.

Back when I first began using gnucash for keeping organizational books I 
asked our lawyer-accountant type if I should code the special reports 
used by non-profits (I was a retired "pro" after all). He said "Don't 
bother, Mike. Just export the data needed for the reports and we then 
use a favorite full service editing program to do all the fancy editing. 
ANY accountant would prefer to do it that way." See, no matter how many 
changes to the standard report you make there will sooner or later 
always be one more needed.

Sure, back in the days when I did this sort of thing for a living, we 
programmer/analysts did that sort of thin, wrote PROGRAMS* to do the 
editing and changed those as the format needed a change. But the VOLUME 
was large enough to justify the effort << you want to use a BATCH edit 
process when it is 100K records you are changing each run >>

Michael D Novack

* I would classify a batch editing SCRIPT as a program. Any of the 'nix 
shells plus standard library of utilities qualifies as a complete 
programming language of the "string processing" type << the 
fundamental/native data type is string  ---- an early example of such a 
language SNOBOL >>

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