accessing GC file on a network folder

Chris Good chris.good at
Sat Jul 23 18:06:25 EDT 2016

>Message: 5
>Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 16:07:20 +0800
>From: __ <tereque at>
>To: Tommy Trussell <tommy.trussell at>
>Cc: "gnucash-user at" <gnucash-user at>, Plutocrat
>	<plutocrat at>
>Subject: Re: accessing GC file on a network folder
>	<CAOXTaOSqferEB1WxKT7dV4AJE=atjLGrpT9dMDfomU5eeCbb2Q at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> What exact version of GnuCash are you running now? (In your first
>message you said you're running "GC 6.7.7" which isn't a version of GnuCash
I am aware of.)
>sorry. I meant 2.6.3. that is  also  the  gc  version the file was created
in (Win, 32 bit).  Now I have  installed 2.6.13  but  still get  the same
error. And I  get the  same error with 3 different GC files. So >i'd  say
that a bad file being  the  reason  is  then not too  likely (I mean
incidently  haveing  3 files that became  bad in the  exact same moment)
>> Did you make a backup copy of the data file before copying it to the
>shared volume? (You might try backing up the current file and carefully
restoring an old file from backup to see if it opens as expected. Watch out
so you don't accidentally erase your known good >data file.)
>the files I am  trying to  open on  a different  machine are  backups
(copies).  My laptop just completely died (HD is  dead) and I am trying  to
revive  things  on a substitute  machine with  the  copies I >made  earlier.
>Those are copies made with Areca backup software

Hi Tereque,

Is it possible you are trying to open a copy of your prefererences file
[book name].gcm instead of the data file?

If you'd like to email me your data file, I can have a look to ensure it is
actually a GnuCash data file, and find out which format it is in.
This will probably be much faster than you asking many questions.
If it is a corrupt GnuCash data file or an incomplete backup, I probably
won't be able to fix it. I'm not promising to spend hours trying to recover
your data - unless you want to pay me :-)

If you are reasonably proficient with computers, you may prefer not to trust
me with your data, and do it yourself.
You need to uncompress the data then open it in an xml editor. This may

Regards, Chris Good
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