Invoice VAT booked to wrong account

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu May 5 17:42:16 EDT 2016


nicolas severyns <nicolasseveryns at> writes:

> Version 2.6.11 and 12 on Windows 10.
> I managed to rebook some of the invoices, but others do not work.
> I checked the tax table. Not one of my taxes points to the Equity:Starting
> Balances account. But maybe they did when I started out with GnuCash two
> months ago. I might have made some changes to the tax table while working
> in Gnucash and adding data. That was probably not a great idea and I fear I
> have messed things up totally.
> When I tried to delete the Starting Balances account, because I don't need
> it (it was empty without bookings at that moment), it kept telling me that
> it was linked to my tax table and could not be deleted.
> The taxes it referred to in my tax table do not refer to this account,
> however.
> I think I should start all over again, or find a way to break this link in
> the tax table.

The Tax Tables use a copy-on-write update strategy.  When you attach a
tax table to an invoice item it uses the "current" tax table.  But once
you post the invoice it will "stabilize" the tax table and then future
modifications will create a "new" one over the saved one.  If you unpost
the invoice it will ask if you want to continue to use the old tax table
or use the new one.

This was all put into place to handle the case where taxes change over
time, but you might need to edit an invoice after you changed the tax
table (e.g. for a new year).

The downside is that this effectively "hides" the older versions and
there is no good way to view them in the UI.

I suggest you start over if you haven't spent much time already entering

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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