Report tab displays all white - worked last time (Aug 2016)

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Apr 6 14:43:15 EDT 2017

> On Apr 6, 2017, at 11:37 AM, Rufus <rlaggren at> wrote:
> John
>> gnucash trace...
> What does that involve? Not familiar. CLI parameters?
>> more messages from console...
> That was all of it that showed when starting GC. I did not actually do
> anything at all in GC, just started the program, so perhaps more msg's
> would appear... However, the report tab opened as part of start-up (it
> was blank) so I would think that any operations that generate the report
> would have been run as part of GC's startup procedure - and thus would
> have produced complaints at that time if it was going to.
> Want to mention that Edit/ReportOptions dialog looks and apparently
> works as expected.
> It sounds like I have the python perqs (somewhere on the system,
> anyway); and the webkit stuff looks like the files are then, anyway.
> I'll look into the trace when I get time this evening.


Please remember to copy the list on all replies.


Yes, if a report tab opened then any console errors should have showed up there.

John Ralls

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