Company sponsored stock plan

Klaus Dahlke kdahlke at
Sat Dec 30 16:39:13 EST 2017

Hi Wolfgang,
I have modeled a comparable plan as follows: first of all, I record my salary only net. Salary is what is posted to my bank account after all deductions.

I you don't participate in such plan, posting is straight forward, e.g.:
Bank <-> Income:salary -> 1000

If you participate in the plan, a further account is helpful to show the plan contribution. Also, the amount transferred from your company to your bank is reduced by your own contribution and the taxation for companies' addition. Assuming you participate with 10% of your monthly gross (e.g.150) and your employer will add 20% of our contribution (30 in this example) which is then taxed at 50% (incl all statutory taxes) the postings will be then:

Bank <-> Income:salary -> 835 (1000 - 150 -15) (typically retrieved via aqbanking/HBCI)
PlanContribution <-> Income:salary -> 180 (manual posting)

When the shares are bought, this transaction is typically independent of currency because only the number of shares count:

PlanContribution <-> Investments:MyCompanyStock -> -180 (or whatever the amount is if no fractions can be bought, manual posting).

On the Investment:MyCompanyStock account you set the transaction to the correct number of shares bought (manual posting).

I do assume that you will not have a separate bank account transactions in USD. The dividend payment will be then calculated by your bank and posted in Euro to your bank account:

Bank <-> Income:interest -> 0.10 (this is the Euro equivalent of the 0.12 USD dividend (HBCI retrieval )

You need the USD<-> EUR exchange rate for the correct valuation of the Investments:MyCompanyStock account which you track probably in USD.


On Thu, 28 Dec 2017 21:27:19 +0000
Wolfgang Paul Rauchholz <wp.rauchholz at> wrote:

> Trying to set the following up, but can‘t get it right. I hope to find help
> here. That is the scheme:
> The base currency is in €.
> 1) monthly, a certain amount (in €) is taken off salary and invested in
>  stocks (in USD)
> 2) the company adds X-% on top of the amount and stock (in USD) is bought
> 3) Reporting is done in base currency €.
> Once this is done,  I need to add quarterly dividends, but I believe I saw
> something in the manual.
> Thx for your help.
> -- 
> Wolfgang Rauchholz
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