Reports by customer, employee, and task

rpietro pietr007 at
Sat Dec 30 13:44:35 EST 2017

Hi, I am brand new to gnucash, and am just setting up accounts for a business
where I would like to get reports by customer, consultant (they get paid
based on specific tasks they complete), and task type (there are around 15
different tasks, with a two level hierarchy, e.g. taskcatA:task1,
taskcatA:task2, taskcatB:task3, ...) .  

At this point I have created the traditional business accounts, and I have a
couple customers, but I am still confused on the following:

1. How do I use the information on customers for my ledger entries so that I
can generate reports by customer?
2. To get reports on consultants pay rates for a given period (say a month),
should I add then as sub-accounts to expenses?  
3. Same question regarding the tasks: should they be sub-accounts to

Would appreciate any input. Thanks

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