GC seems to changes stock purchase prices

Fross, Michael michael at fross.org
Wed Mar 1 10:28:37 EST 2017


I've noticed something as I've started to use GC for my investments.  When
I manually enter a mutual fund purchase, it often changes the price I paid

For example, if you look at the attachment, I made several purchases of a
mutual fund at a price of $94.43.  However, when I enter in the
transactions, one time it put $94.4301.  Another line it put $94.4298.

If I attempt to change them it reverts back when I leave the cell.

I'm sure it's something I have setup incorrectly and I'd appreciate any
help from the community.  It's causing my numbers to not match up with my
brokerage and while it's a small amount, it's frustrating.

I thought it might be setting the smallest fraction to 1/100 was it, but I
need my shares to be in 1/1000, I just want my price to be in two digits
past the decimal.

Thanks all for any thoughts or ideas.

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