Tr : Year end options

Alain Dormoy cageda at
Thu Mar 9 05:01:06 EST 2017


Additional question:

How do you export and reimport the CoA?


De : Alain Dormoy 
Date : jeudi 9 mars 2017 10:49
À : stepbystepfarm at 
Cc : Gnucash 
Objet : Year end options


Thanks for this very interesting tutorial.

On a more general basis I have to ask what file is to be saved. Is it "NAMEOFFILE.gnucash" ?


De : cageda at 
Date : jeudi 9 mars 2017 09:20
À : cageda 
Objet : Fwd: Re: Year end options

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-------- Message transféré -------- De : Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at À : gnucash-user at Date : mardi, 07 mars 2017, 01:58PM +01:00 Objet : Re: Year end options

  On 3/7/2017 3:55 AM, Alain Dormoy wrote:
  > The idea is not to carry a ledger going back 8 years.
  > Seems a bit cumbersome but if you should tell me that carrying it that way is common practice with GC users I guess I'll do it too.
  > Also it would be useful to have some guarantee that you can't inadvertently modify an entry in a year after you closed the book for that year. Does GC support that?
  If you want to mimic the way it was done in the old days, pen and ink on 
  paper in bound volumes with new volumes for each year you can.

  1) Before doing the "close the books", make a copy of the file -- pre 
  close (run the P&L report)
  2) After doing "close the books" make another -- post close. (run the 
  Balance Sheet)
  3) Export the CoA and import into your books for the new yea. Use the 
  Balance Sheet to enter the initial balances of all the standing account 
  (all the accounts of type asset, liabilities, and equity -- all the 
  income and expense accounts will be zero)
  4) I would ALSO ---- make copies of the first two copies on read only 
  memory an send to a safe location leaving the one you have on site for 
  quick reference if needed. Run a Balance Sheet on the new file to 
  confirm that it matches what you (supposedly) entered data from.

  Michael D Novack
  gnucash-user mailing list
  gnucash-user at
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