[GNC] Reports not displaying.

Martin Booth mdj.booth at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 4 03:20:29 EDT 2023

 John,Reports in Flatpak version 5.3 stopped working for me on 22 Sept even the new release 5.4 would not work on my PC, but both releases still work on my laptop with no issues running the same OS.
PC setupOS - Debian 12, cinnamonGPU Card - Nvida GTX 980 TiGPU driver: nvidia v: 470.182.03
WebKitgtk - 2.40.5-1~debr12u1
Reinstalling GnuCash did not help, I had a timeshift restore point the day prior and it worked, then flatpak updated 3 packages later in the day and reports stopped working.I thought it maybe flatpak updates and removed the 3 packages from my pc but this did not help.

as a note: I then worked out how to manually build and install 5.4.1 from source on my PC following the GnuCash guidelines on wiki,  and now the reports work.

    On Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 05:10:37 BST, john <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:  
 Since releasing GnuCash 5.4 we've gotten 3 bug reports (see below) about report tabs failing to display anything.  Two of the three are for the flatpak distribution of GnuCash 5.4 and running

      WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 flatpak run org.gnucash.GnuCash

works around the problem and allows reports to display normally. Both users have Nvidia GPUs, one quite old. The third report says its for GnuCash 5.2 and the reporter hasn't yet provided any details. The second reporter also installed Gnome Web, aka Epiphany, via Flathub and reported that it has the same symptoms.

For reference GnuCash 5.3's flatpak used Gnome Runtime 43 with WebKitGtk 2.37, GnuCash 5.4's is Gnome Runtime 44 with WebKitGtk 2.39, and the current Epiphany flatpak is runtime 45 with WebKitGtk 2.42.

In addition to flatpaks it seems likely to me that bleeding-edge distributions like Arch Linux might be affected.

I'd like to know who else is affected along with what GPU and driver they have and if they're not using the flatpak what version of WebKitGtk they have installed. I'd also like to collect the same information  from people who have Nvidia GPUs and WebKitGtk >= 2.39 for whom GnuCash reports render normally. 

John Ralls

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