[GNC] Max value during year

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Mar 11 12:37:25 EDT 2024

You can take that same report and copy/paste into a spreadsheet, then 
set up a MAX() function in another cell to look at whatever column. 
(Balance, I would presume in this case)

Some spreadsheet apps have a configurable 'stats' bar at the bottom that 
can show preset analysis, such as MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT, etc. In that 
case, just select the desired column or row (minus the header) and the 
values will auto-populate in the stats bar.

It isn't all done in GnuCash, but it at least saves manual scanning with 
your eyes.


On 3/10/24 11:47 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> Is there an easy way to find the maximum value of an account during a given
> time period (such as a year)?
> I currently do:  Reports: Assets & Liabilities: Asset chart:
> Options:
>    Accounts:  the account I care about
>    Display: Show table
>    General:  Start and End of previous year (or specific dates);
>            Step size:  One Day
> and then scan the table for the maximum.

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