Hello,<br><br>I've been reading about other users who are also having trouble retrieving quotes with gnucash. They are also getting the error:<br>"Unable to retrieve quote for these items:"...<br><br>The interesting part is that in looking at other user's attempts, I ran:
<br>dump-finance-quote yahoo twbix<br>Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:<br> symbol: TWBIX <=== required<br> date: 2/3/2006 <=== required<br> currency: USD <=== required
<br> last: 16.28 <=\<br> nav: <=== one of these<br> price: 16.28 <=/<br> timezone: <=== optional<br><br><br>This appears to be working without error.
<br><br>Before getting to this point, I wasn't sure what type of fund to use. So, I have tried every possible type of fund, always getting the "Unable to retrieve quote" error. <br><br>Again, the interesting things are, 1. The ticket symbot retrieves the quote without error using dump-finance-quote, 2. It does not require the entry of a "Type"
<br><br>Well, I've just speant the last 6 hours fruitlessly trying to get this to work. Any pointers would be greatly appreaciated. It seems so close...<br><br>Sandra<br><br>