<div id="RTEContent"> I downloaded and installed gnucash, and setup investments account in the Assetts category, under "Brokerage Account."<br> <br> When I run <br> dump-finance-quote yahoo yhoo <br> for example, it runs successfully and I get an output like this:<br> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:<br> symbol: YHOO <=== required<br> date: 02/17/2006 <=== required<br> currency: USD <=== required<br> last: 32.88 <=\<br>
nav: <=== one of these<br> price: 32.88 <=/<br> timezone: <=== optional<br> <br> However, in the "price editor" window, when I click "Get Quotes" in the popup window, it displays the following message:<br> <br> Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:<br> NASDAQ:yhoo<br> yahoo:dell<br> <br> In the account edit for the yahoo stock, it is setup as follows:<br> Account Name: yahoo<br> Account Code: yhoo<br> Commodity:<br> Type: NASDAQ<br> currency/Security: yhoo (yahoo)<br> Account Type: stock<br> Parrent Account: Brokerage Account<br> <br> Price Quote Source is
selected, and the source for price is selected as "Yahoo", timezone is "Use local time." <br> <br> Dell account is very similar, except in the Commodity, the Type: yahoo is what I experimented with. <br> <br> How come I can get with the dump command, but not in the gui. BTW, in the command line I have tried for multiple stocks, and it works fine. <br> <br> Any help is appreciated. <br> <br> Vazrik <br> </div>