;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, contact: ;; ;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942 ;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org (define-module (gnucash main)) ;; This is to silence warnings with guile-1.8: (if (and (>= (string->number (major-version)) 1) (>= (string->number (minor-version)) 8)) (default-duplicate-binding-handler 'last)) (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (use-modules (gnucash core-utils)) ;; Load the srfis (eventually, we should see where these are needed ;; and only have the use-modules statements in those files). (use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-8)) (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module)) (use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'printf) ;; files we can load from the top-level because they're "well behaved" ;; (these should probably be in modules eventually) (load-from-path "doc.scm") (load-from-path "main-window.scm") ;; depends on app-utils (N_, etc.)... (load-from-path "fin.scm") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Exports ;; from main.scm (export gnc:version) (export gnc:warn) (export gnc:error) (export gnc:msg) (export gnc:debug) (export string-join) (export gnc:backtrace-if-exception) (export gnc:main) (export gnc:safe-strcmp) ;; only used by aging.scm atm... (re-export hash-fold) ;; from command-line.scm (export gnc:*doc-path*) ;; from doc.scm (export gnc:find-doc-file) ;; from main-window.scm (export gnc:main-window-properties-cb) ;; Get the Makefile.am/configure.in generated variables. (load-from-path "build-config.scm") ;; Do this stuff very early -- but other than that, don't add any ;; executable code until the end of the file if you can help it. ;; These are needed for a guile 1.3.4 bug (debug-enable 'debug) (debug-enable 'backtrace) (read-enable 'positions) (debug-set! maxdepth 100000) (debug-set! stack 200000) ;;(use-modules (ice-9 statprof)) ;; various utilities ;; Test for simple-format (if (not (defined? 'simple-format)) (begin (require 'format) (export simple-format) (define simple-format format))) (define (gnc:safe-strcmp a b) (cond (if (and a b) (cond ((string? a b) 1) (else 0)) (cond (a 1) (b -1) (else 0))))) (if (not (defined? 'hash-fold)) (define (hash-fold proc init table) (for-each (lambda (bin) (for-each (lambda (elt) (set! init (proc (car elt) (cdr elt) init))) bin)) (vector->list table)))) (define (string-join lst joinstr) ;; This should avoid a bunch of unnecessary intermediate string-appends. ;; I'm presuming those are more expensive than cons... (if (or (not (list? lst)) (null? lst)) "" (apply string-append (car lst) (let loop ((remaining-elements (cdr lst))) (if (null? remaining-elements) '() (cons joinstr (cons (car remaining-elements) (loop (cdr remaining-elements))))))))) (define (gnc:backtrace-if-exception proc . args) (define (dumper key . args) (let ((stack (make-stack #t dumper))) ;; Send debugging output to the console. (display-backtrace stack (current-error-port)) (apply display-error stack (current-error-port) args) ;; Send debugging output to the log. (if (defined? 'gnc:warn) (let ((string-port (open-output-string))) (display-backtrace stack string-port) (apply display-error stack string-port args) (gnc:warn (gnc:string-delete-chars (get-output-string string-port) "%")) (close-output-port string-port))) (throw 'ignore))) (catch 'ignore (lambda () (lazy-catch #t (lambda () (apply proc args)) dumper)) (lambda (key . args) #f))) ;;;; Status output functions. (define (strify items) (string-join (map (lambda (x) (simple-format #f "~A" x)) items) "")) (define (gnc:warn . items) (gnc-scm-log-warn (strify items))) (define (gnc:error . items) (gnc-scm-log-error (strify items ))) (define (gnc:msg . items) (gnc-scm-log-msg (strify items))) (define (gnc:debug . items) (gnc-scm-log-debug (strify items))) ;; Set up timing functions (define gnc:*last-time* (gettimeofday)) (define (gnc:timestamp . stuff) (let* ((now (gettimeofday)) (delta (+ (- (car now) (car gnc:*last-time*)) (/ (- (cdr now) (cdr gnc:*last-time*)) 1000000)))) (gnc:msg stuff "-- Elapsed time: " delta "seconds.") (set! gnc:*last-time* now))) (define (gnc:shutdown exit-status) (gnc:debug "Shutdown -- exit-status: " exit-status) (exit exit-status)) ;; Temporary Stub until command-line.scm dies (define (gnc:strip-path path) (let* ((parts-in (string-split path #\/)) (parts-out '())) ;; Strip out "." and ".." components ;; Strip out // components (for-each (lambda (part) (cond ((string=? part ".") #f) ((string=? part "..") (set! parts-out (cdr parts-out))) ((and (string-null? part) (not (= (length parts-out) 0))) #f) (else (set! parts-out (cons part parts-out))))) parts-in) ;; Put it back together (string-join (reverse parts-out) "/"))) (define (gnc:main) ;; (statprof-reset 0 50000) ;; 20 times/sec ;; (statprof-start) ;; Now the fun begins. (gnc:debug "starting up (1).") ;; Now we can load a bunch of files. (load-from-path "command-line.scm") ;; depends on app-utils (N_, etc.)... (gnc:initialize-config-vars) ;; in command-line.scm ;; handle unrecognized command line args (if (not (gnc:handle-command-line-args)) (gnc:shutdown 1)) ;;return to C )