15.1. Concetti generali

Questo capitolo illustra altre pratiche contabili per quelle attività, frequenti per le imprese, che necessitano di essere registrate sui libri contabili. Le spiegazioni seguenti riguardano sia la descrizione sia lo scopo dell’attività edincludono anche le comuni pratiche contabili (scrittura sui libri o registrazione) per le relative transazioni.

Questi concetti si sono evoluti sulla base di centinaia di anni di esperienza e aiuteranno a massimizzare l’utilità e la significatività della propria attività di registrazione.

This section introduces categorization of assets in the balance sheet based on time or the asset’s useful life (current and long-term). Sometimes assets are also considered from the standpoint of their liquidity , which is regarded as how close or distant the asset is from being turned into cash. Near-cash assets are relatively quickly converted to cash (e.g., accounts receivable), while assets requiring rather a long time to convert to cash are considered to be relatively fixed in their non-cash state (e.g., heavy equipment, buildings, land). (Fixed does not mean they were repaired!)

You should find that current assets parallel those with more liquidity, while long-term and fixed assets are those with much less liquidity. Finally, below you will find a few assets that could be either current or long-term based on the nature of the facts constituting them.