2007-03-21 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:47:38 <Beth> Good evening, I was thinking book-closing support would be nice as a summer of code project, but some poking around revealed that it's already in r15086 in SVN as per: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=342599
00:48:15 <Beth> I'm currently running 2.0.4, does that include book closing? If not, what would I need to upgrade to in order to get it?
01:02:46 <Beth> I need to leave for the night, but if you have an answer about which rev the book-closing support is in, please preface it with Beth-afk so I have a chance of finding the answer. I could also post to the mailing list I suppose... :-) My main question is can I merely upgrade to 2.0.5, or do I need to go to SVN, and if SVN, is it in the main trunk branch / what SVN command do I need to give to download that. I haven't done an SVN build since the 1.9.0 rele
01:02:46 <Beth> ase candidate and I'm not that familiar with the tool.
01:02:57 *** Beth is now known as Beth-afk
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01:27:21 <jakin> could someone tell me about the gsoc project relating to reports?
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01:34:24 <jakin> jsled?
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03:51:31 <warlord> Beth-afk: that feature is in trunk only, but last I heard it wasn't tested so it may get disabled before 2.2 (again)
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10:15:55 <warlord> good afternoon, jsled
10:16:39 <jsled> hey. Where in the World is Warlord? :)
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10:17:10 <warlord> Prague
10:17:30 <warlord> WitWiW? :)
10:17:34 <jsled> heh.
10:25:10 *** Beth-afk is now known as Beth
10:27:13 <Beth> warlord, Thanks. I may try to give it a try. As in, download trunk, save my data, attempt to use the feature, if it works, take the data file back to 2.0.4 again to continue working. It may save me time in the long run.
10:27:46 <Beth> Or at least help my procrastination some... I still haven't closed out 2006 and I haven't put anything from '07 in the computer yet for that reason...
10:28:15 <warlord> Eep!
10:29:23 <Beth> It happens every year, I'm used to it by now. If it weren't for April I'd probably still be in 2004.
10:29:53 <Beth> Once upon a time I was organized, then I had children.
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10:30:22 <Beth> (Second one due on Juen 5th BTW)
10:31:55 <warlord> Congrats!
10:33:14 <Beth> We're pretty excited, should be agirl this time.
10:35:20 *** hampton|away is now known as hampton
10:35:38 <hampton> congratulations Beth
10:35:57 <Beth> hi Hampton!
10:36:05 <warlord> nice.
10:37:10 <Beth> My older one is sitting on my lap reading " I love trains" now. Hard to believe he's 2 1/4 already.
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10:38:06 <jsled> Sure.
10:38:27 <hampton> I think esodan's problem is that all the engine objects have embedded QofInstance structures. If you convert QofInstance -> GObject, then all the data structures with embedded QofInstances need to be created via the gobject system.
10:38:43 <hampton> But that conversion could be the entirety of step one.
10:38:56 <Beth> See you later, and know that I vote for Book closing for SoC projects :-)
10:39:05 <jsled> Easy enough. xaccAccountMalloc() { Account *acc = g_object_new(Account, 1); /* ... */; return acc; }
10:39:10 *** Beth is now known as Beth-afk
10:39:14 <jsled> hampton: right, exactly.
10:39:20 <jsled> Beth-afk: congrats!
10:40:00 <jsled> hampton: his option 3 seems to convert everything to GObject sub-types including a QofInstance, then re-converts them to QofInstance sub-types.
10:40:25 <jsled> Plus, there's that same "then refcounting will just appear" thing.
10:40:44 <hampton> Agreed. But that means adding the basic GObject framework to each engine object. ISTR there's now a macro that makes that fairly easy.
10:41:24 <warlord> Isn't there a way to do g_object_init(&gobj) ?
10:41:34 <hampton> hmm. Then the ability to refcount will just appear. Whether or not refcounting is done properly is a different discussion entirely.
10:41:35 <jsled> That's fine. It seems like it shoudl be: merge QofInstance and QofEntity as a subtype of GObject (called "GncObject"), then make everything a GncObject subtype.
10:41:46 <hampton> jsled: agreed
10:42:00 <jsled> hampton: ah, fair enough. But, of course, all the work is in the latter.
10:42:06 <hampton> yes
10:42:28 <jsled> The beginning of my response tries to make that separation clear.
10:42:46 <warlord> Can we get a working system without having to gobject-subtype every qof object?
10:43:06 <hampton> warlord: I don't believe there's any such function. One of the thing g_object_new does is allocate space for all the instance private variables for all of the parent classes.
10:44:26 <hampton> I don't think so. I think the qofinstance->gobject change ripples through all derived objects
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10:44:42 <warlord> Hmm.. It was in glib-2.0.6 ;)
10:45:26 <jsled> hhe.
10:46:17 <warlord> That's really too bad. :(
10:46:22 <hampton> I'm looking at the GObject section of devhelp and don't see the appropriate function. :-(
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10:48:05 <warlord> Yeah...
10:49:34 <warlord> That's really too bad!
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10:52:31 <warlord> I was hoping we could make a minimal change to just QOF, but apparntly gobject wont let us! Well Foo on Them!
10:58:42 <chris> oh, I just responded to esodan
10:59:06 <jsled> cool.
10:59:16 <chris> warlord: I don't think there's anything like g_object_init(&gobj)
10:59:17 <jsled> Yea response!
11:00:16 <warlord> chris: yeah.. There USED to be, but apparently it's since been removed since I last took a close look at the APIs. :(
11:00:24 <warlord> Foo on them for removing useful functionality.
11:00:56 <chris> (I started responding before I finished reading the logs.)
11:07:37 <warlord> Yeah, based on my adjusted understanding of Gobject (and the lack of a g_object_init() api) I think that option#2 is certainly the best approach, but still a minimalist version thereof.
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12:43:38 <CyborgMax> hello
12:44:10 <CyborgMax> where can i find an german gnucash channel?
12:44:51 <jsled> I'm pretty sure there is not a german IRC channel.
12:44:58 <jsled> There is a gnucash-de mailing list, however.
12:46:18 <CyborgMax> hm...
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12:48:50 <warlord> CyborgMax: sometimes some germans show up here, but there's not a german (specificaly) irc channel.
12:49:33 <CyborgMax> is there a possibility to set the standard resolution auf the booking-window?
12:50:07 <CyborgMax> i don't know if "book" is the correct translation for the german Word buchen^^
12:50:34 <CyborgMax> i am using gnucash 2.0.1 with ubuntu 6.10
12:51:49 <warlord> "resolution"? Do you mean the window size? or the size of the text?
12:52:01 <warlord> And by "buchen", do you mean the "register"?
12:53:08 <CyborgMax> one of those words: http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed§Hdr=on&spellToler=on&search=buchen&relink=on
12:53:22 <CyborgMax> i mean the size of the window
12:54:16 <CyborgMax> and i want to have "view income/outgo" standardly in this window
12:57:14 <warlord> this is a window you get when you double-click on an account in the tree?
13:06:27 <jsled> Assuming it is... no, there's no way to set the size of the window. However, it should save and restore the size of the existing window when you close/restart gnucash.
13:07:05 <jsled> Also -- IIRC -- it should use the previous size of the window for newly opened windows.
13:08:10 <warlord> jsled: not in 2.0.1
13:08:25 <warlord> that register window save wasn't implemented until 2.0.5
13:08:50 <warlord> (and it only makes it the size of the main window, it doesn't remember the last size you set)
13:22:55 <CyborgMax> ah okay
13:26:00 <CyborgMax> I mean this window: http://linas.org/mirrors/www.multimania.com/2001.03.23/yleny/gnucash/images/gnome/window-transfer.jpg
13:26:06 <CyborgMax> the Transfer window
13:26:43 <warlord> ahh.
13:26:51 <jsled> heh
13:27:01 <warlord> hmm. no, i dont the that window remembers its size.
13:27:46 <CyborgMax> sorry, i have to go now
13:27:55 <CyborgMax> see you
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13:33:42 <hampton> it should. there are calls to gnc_save/restore_window_size()
13:34:58 <warlord> hampton: as of when?
13:36:08 * hampton just checked trunk
13:37:50 <hampton> r15166 on 12/1/2006
13:40:14 <hampton> 2.0.3
13:40:25 <warlord> merged in r15174
13:40:36 <warlord> On 12/03
13:41:06 <warlord> but still, 2.0.1 is too old for that.
13:42:28 <hampton> agreed. I was just responding to the "i dont the that window remembers its size" statement to say that it does.
13:42:31 <hampton> or does now.
13:43:22 <warlord> Okay, so it does :)
13:43:28 <warlord> Thank you, David, for implementing it :)
13:43:36 <hampton> Thanks andi5.
13:45:48 <warlord> Ah. Ok.
13:45:52 <warlord> Thank you, andi5 :)
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13:55:04 <andi5> np ;-)
13:56:23 <warlord> Hi andi5
13:56:58 <andi5> yeehaw (windows builds again)
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14:00:55 <tonyr1988> I'm new to GnuCash, with a quick question (I did some searching, but no luck): Is it possible to add bonds to GnuCash and have them keep track of their current value?
14:01:03 <tonyr1988> Similar to gBonds
14:02:54 <warlord> I... dont know. Is there an F::Q backend for your bond price quote?
14:03:25 <tonyr1988> ummm...that's a great question :P
14:03:36 <warlord> Where do you get your bond price quotes?
14:03:44 <tonyr1988> I know little to nothing about finances...I just have some I-Bonds I purchased a couple of years ago
14:03:58 <warlord> Based on that, I think gnucash would just treat them like a stock or mutual fund. It doesn't have specific support for bonds.
14:04:08 <tonyr1988> http://www.treasurydirect.gov/BC/SBCPrice
14:04:41 <tonyr1988> Okay, cool.
14:05:04 <tonyr1988> Thanks for the help.
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14:06:25 <hampton> man that datafile looks familiar
14:06:59 <hampton> Yep, there's a module. USFedBonds.pm
14:07:58 <warlord> Is that "USA"?
14:08:12 <hampton> yes
14:08:20 <warlord> Unfortunately the "Available Sources" list isn't in alphabetical order. :(
14:11:03 <hampton> It is within each group (single-source, multi-source, unknown)
14:12:10 <jsled> hee. http://www.bash.org/?741856
14:12:40 <warlord> Available sources are:
14:12:40 <warlord> tsp vwd financecanada yahoo_nz australia usa troweprice amfiindia nasdaq usfedbonds bmonesbittburns aex_options yahoo_asia troweprice_direct tiaacref canada yahoo seb_funds yahoo_brasil fidelity greece dwsfunds yahoo_australia unionfunds asia indiamutual brasil asegr deka nyse canadamutual fidelity_direct asx fool tdwaterhouse trustnet ftportfolios_direct uk_unit_trusts dutch ftportfolios nzx tdefunds za aex_futures fundlibrary aex yahoo_europe nz van
14:12:40 <warlord> guard europe platinum maninv
14:12:46 * hampton snickers
14:12:55 <warlord> doesn't look it to me.
14:13:26 <hampton> look at the securities editor window though, and you'll see alphabetized lists
14:13:33 <warlord> ok
14:13:46 <andi5> jsled: <unnamed port>: Unbound variable: You
14:23:53 <warlord> okay, almost dinnertime.
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14:44:37 <Finswimmer> hi, I want that the account summary is displayed from 1st of a month till the end. it this possible?
14:46:08 <Finswimmer> i am using 2.0.5
14:46:26 <jsled> The Account Summary report? Change the options...
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14:48:41 <Finswimmer> there is only one option "date", described as "select a date to report on". but it seems as there I can only change the date till it will be reported
14:49:40 <Finswimmer> e.g. 01.03.2007: all my transactions from the beginning towards 01.03.2007 will be shown, and not all actions from 01.03 till today (as I would expect it)
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14:52:51 <andi5> Finswimmer: so you want some merge of two account summary reports, one for 1st and one for the last day of the month?
14:53:59 <Finswimmer> no. I want to have a account summary which displays me all the changes I have during one month.
14:54:11 <andi5> sounds like a transaction report?
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14:54:56 <jsled> Or cash flow, maybe.
14:55:02 <Finswimmer> but a transaction report is not splitted in subaccounts
14:55:09 <jsled> But, no, the Account Summary doesn't let you select the start date.
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14:56:12 <Finswimmer> @jsled: yeah. a start day would solve the problem
14:56:12 <gncbot> Finswimmer: Error: "jsled:" is not a valid command.
14:56:32 <Finswimmer> jsled: yeah. a start day would solve the problem
14:57:20 <Finswimmer> my brother is using 2.0.1, he can change the duration to "this month"
14:57:44 <jsled> Hmm. I don't believe anything changed there between 2.0.1 and 2.0.5.
14:58:59 <Finswimmer> hmm. I will ask him as soon as he is online
14:59:25 <Finswimmer> but is there a possibility to have a start day
15:03:22 <jsled> I suppose abstractly, though I don't think it'd be a balance sheet/account summary at that point.
15:03:35 <jsled> But, no, the report doesn't have a start date.
15:04:58 <Finswimmer> what a pitty. I need a summary for all my accounts, but only one month displayed
15:05:40 <andi5> what information do you want to see in the report? ... i still do not understand that :(
15:05:46 <jsled> Try the Trial Balance report.
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15:07:12 <jsled> Or the Income Statement.
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15:08:55 <Finswimmer> yeah. the Income Statement is the right
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15:10:07 <Finswimmer> andi5: just to explain it: i have a account that must not become more than 800€ per month. so I needed a quick statistic which summarys alle subaccounts of this account.
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15:14:26 <Finswimmer> thank you for your help.
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15:35:48 <andi5> Q: any opinion on http://pastebin.ca/raw/405467 ? i cannot see what we need it for... the only "real" change is not to use -DGNUCASH in src/engine, but i do not see a difference there either...
15:38:30 <hampton> It also removes the guile libs from the compile line (while leaving the includes). That makes no sense.
15:38:39 <hampton> Where did this patch come from?
15:38:56 <andi5> i made it
15:39:27 <andi5> what are you referring to? GUILE_INCS are added to engine/Makefile.am
15:39:46 <andi5> libs, sorry
15:40:25 <andi5> the libs have been in before too
15:42:48 <hampton> Now I'm confused. if you can't see why we need the patch, why did you propose it?
15:43:10 <hampton> but GUILE _LIBS aren't
15:43:16 <andi5> hehe... i do not know what we need all those _LIBS and _CFLAGS for...
15:43:38 <andi5> i see them flooding the Makefile.in's, but they look unused to me
15:43:52 <hampton> k
15:45:19 <andi5> hampton: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/engine/Makefile.am#L115
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15:50:34 <hampton> ok. i missed it in the diff
15:50:48 <hampton> i missed that guile_libs was already present
15:51:21 <andi5> i am sorry about speaking very unclearly today :)
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17:18:07 <andi5> Q: should unixes use fork or threads for save?
17:44:27 <chris> random rant: this whole forking zlib mess is kind of silly when you consider all the trouble that hampton had to go through to make sure everthing is disabled during save.
17:48:25 <andi5> hm... how do you mean this? ... *kinda slow*
17:49:17 * hampton peers over the edge of the battlement, looks both ways, then makes a dash for the door.
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17:55:22 <chris> andi5: I just mean, we use to have this supposed benefit of "background" save by forking. Turned out, the easiest was to solve reentrance problems was to disable everything during save.
17:56:14 <chris> Now, what's the remaining advantage of forking?
17:56:17 <andi5> i will try to take a look at it... maybe there is room for improvement
17:57:22 <andi5> btw, we fork for gzip only, not the save itself, iirc
17:57:23 <chris> IIRC, disabling everything wasn't even fool-proof. ISTR adding a mutex there.
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17:59:22 <andi5> so... i need an answer to my question.... if anyone wants NOT to use threads if available on his unix system, then shout now :-) ..
17:59:40 <chris> andi5: have a blast. :)
18:00:40 <jsled> andi5: you're suggesting s/fork/threads/, basically? Sounds fine.
18:00:51 <jsled> (for this one case, though)
18:02:29 <andi5> my initial question was much less... it was about when to call g_thread_init ... whether to include "|| (defined(G_THREADS_ENABLED) && !defined(G_THREADS_IMPL_NONE))" or not... i planned to keep the fork part if (!g_thread_supported)
18:02:31 <chris> Am I totally imagining that I added a mutex there?
18:03:26 <andi5> chris: i think you added QofSession::lock
18:04:27 <andi5> but if there is some consensus to more, then tell me (can be done incrementally, i guess)
18:04:29 <chris> andi5: oh, yeah...
18:05:33 <andi5> chris: GMutex and g_mutex_{unlock,lock} would have worked too, right?
18:06:16 <chris> andi5: yeah, but ISTR there was some dependency issue.
18:07:07 <andi5> (20:33:53) chris: Using GMutex requires us to link against gthread-2.0 (if we're not already)
18:07:21 <andi5> and we link against gthread-2.0 already, no problem there
18:10:00 <andi5> i am not even sure you actually need gthread-2.0 for GMutex
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18:12:30 <andi5> jsled: so do you think i should remove the fork/gzip part and only have gzip in a thread? ... i could disable compression if (!g_thread_supported)
18:13:27 <chris> andi5: wow, your memory of that conversation is clearly better than mine.
18:13:41 <andi5> *g*
18:14:25 <chris> so, back in Dec, I was convinced that 2.0 didn't link against gthread.
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18:14:41 <chris> Was I wrong? or did you get that with gtk-2.6?
18:15:29 <andi5> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/branches/2.0/configure.in#L143
18:16:33 <chris> hmm... :( That probably would have been nice to know in Dec.
18:16:45 <andi5> sorry
18:17:56 <medioman> Hi. I can import just one .ofx file. The second is blank. But if I try to import this second file as first trial everything is ok. Anybody knows why? thks
18:18:29 <andi5> hm... does it contain the same transactions?
18:18:45 <medioman> no, january and february
18:19:04 <medioman> the first imported is fine, the second blank
18:19:08 <andi5> anything printed to the terminal?
18:21:08 <medioman> no error messages in import window. Is there another terminal?
18:21:38 <_gunni_> Just start gnucash from a console/terminal window
18:21:56 <andi5> yes, there is xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole and others.... depends on how much your desktop environment hides it from you :)
18:23:09 <chris> andi5: that's okay, you can fix it. :)
18:23:20 <medioman> :-) lot of line like this WRITEME: ofx_proc_account() Fill in the account type, default name, currency, etc.
18:23:55 <andi5> hm... what gnucash, libofx, aqbanking version.... all up to date?
18:24:24 * andi5 has never seen a real life ofx file
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18:29:33 <medioman> gnucash 2.0.1 (but it was the same with 2.0.5), libofx2c2a, libofxdev, ofx are 1:0.8.0-12, libaqbanking16 and libaqbankingdata-
18:30:13 <medioman> the strange thing is that the first file imported is always fine, the second blank independently on which they are
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