2007-04-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:15:42 *** dbr has joined #gnucash
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00:19:42 <dbr> I'd like to nominate r15868 for backporting. cstim asked my opinion in the bugzilla thread, but I thought I'd respond here first.
00:20:13 <warlord> dbr: can you respond on -devel?
00:20:18 <dbr> sure
00:20:33 <warlord> thanks. That way I wont forget when I actually go through the patches.
00:25:51 <dbr> sent. But the subject line probably isn't as helpful as it should be for future recall. rats.
00:26:14 <warlord> Does it have 'r15868' in the subject somewhere?
00:27:05 <dbr> nope. it's the first text in the body though. Shall I respond and modify the subject?
00:27:32 <dbr> someday I'll get better at thinking carefully before 'send'
00:29:04 <warlord> nah, I can modify it in my local cache.
00:29:11 <dbr> thanks
00:30:37 <warlord> NP
00:39:45 <warlord> Ahh, the ofx dup match. yeah, I saw that earlier and figured it should be backported.
00:53:47 <dbr> I think cstim thought so too, but he was being ultra-inclusive in asking me because I submitted the patch.
01:05:55 <warlord> ok
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01:22:08 <warlord> okay, I should go to bed...
01:22:10 <warlord> good night
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01:34:25 <dbr> crash time (mentally, anyway). goodnight
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09:22:48 <jsled> Probably a bit early in the day for a useful notice, but I'm going to revert the -Wno-unused removal (r15855).
09:27:10 <warlord> jsled: how about making it dependent on the swig version..
09:27:25 <warlord> Add it if the swig version is < 1.3.31
09:27:26 <jsled> that'd be great!
09:27:30 <jsled> :)
09:28:37 <warlord> I wonder if $swig_version is made available to us?
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10:17:45 <magenpie> i'm confused as to how to record a house refinance...
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10:18:16 <magenpie> it was actually a renovation/refinance
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10:28:55 <warlord> magenpie: New Liability -> Old Liability + Cash
10:30:15 <magenpie> i pay off the old loans (debits), i create new loan (credit) and the difference goes into the asset House account?
10:30:20 <magenpie> does that look right?
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10:30:54 <magenpie> i'm doing this years later to have a more accurate picture...
10:30:54 <warlord> Sure.
10:30:59 <magenpie> k, thanks
10:31:06 <warlord> Or you can just use Equity..
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10:41:06 <magenpie> ok
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11:05:23 <jsled> [ot] awesome. http://www.hackaday.com/2007/04/10/mechanical-xeyes/
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11:09:25 <warlord> haha
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12:26:04 <andi5> Q: what do you think about 2.1.0? is not this weekend a nice date? :-)
12:27:31 <jsled> I think <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule> should be updated.
12:29:36 <jsled> Probably a re-request on -devel; I had through of doing both over the weekend, but didn't get around to it.
12:30:09 <jsled> IIRC, Wilddev was generally agreeable to doing releases.
12:31:11 <jsled> I wonder if we can convince him to do releases earlier than Sunday evening Pacific; that time is shitty.
12:31:47 <jsled> Basically no one is around to help fix things if they break, and he's bad about communicating what's up.
12:32:37 <andi5> i guess nearly everyone is asleep then, right? :)
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12:35:34 <andi5> any idea how windows releases should be made? i suppose wilddev will not be able to build the exe's and we have a win32 build master already (whohoo).... shall nathan build the same revisions and name them accordingly 2.1.0 and so on?
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12:36:56 <jsled> Oh, good question. If Nathan's up for it, sure.
12:38:47 <warlord> 1) yes, go ahead and update the wiki
12:39:21 <warlord> 2) I spoke to Nathan and he's willing to do the win32 builds.. But we'll need to (probably) update the build scripts to either build from the tarball or build from the tag
12:39:46 <andi5> wrt 2) will take care of that
12:42:23 <warlord> andi5: do you want to try to figure out why the 1.8.x -> 2.0.99/win32 migration didn't work?
12:43:10 <andi5> yep, i did not get a response / data file though
12:43:23 <warlord> Ah
12:43:30 <andi5> i can even load the huge 1.8 test file
12:43:49 <andi5> so there is not a _huge_ flaw :)
12:47:10 <warlord> wiki updated.
12:47:59 <warlord> And you've verified that you can load a gzip'd data file?
12:48:18 <andi5> i do it all the time :)
12:48:40 <warlord> Just making sure.
12:48:54 <warlord> Are there any other major features that dont work on win32?
12:49:09 <andi5> well, i need some reports... (like http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#64_bit :-))
12:49:23 <andi5> finance quote
12:50:26 <warlord> I can give you a datafile to test F::Q
12:50:39 <warlord> (or are you saying that you're sure it doesn't work?)
12:50:49 <andi5> yes, i am sure
12:51:25 <warlord> ok..
12:51:25 <andi5> currently the price-quotes.scm code forks gnucash.... a rewrite (somehow) is needed
12:51:53 <andi5> but i think hampton has it on his agenda... we have a few weeks left, i guess :)
12:53:34 <warlord> I thought we could change THAT fork into the g_spawn API?
12:54:26 <andi5> well, i was working on that, asked a lot of questions until hampton says it would be easier/better to do a real port to c :-)
12:54:37 <andi5> s,says,said,
12:54:44 <warlord> i guess it all depends on his timeframe.
12:55:42 <andi5> i am not sure 2.2.0 _must definitely_ have price quote support..... yes, it would be nice... but i think getting it out is more important
12:55:56 <jsled> I don't know if I agree.
12:56:07 <jsled> Especially as we just delayed 2.2 for a month for no apparent reason.
12:58:11 <andi5> hm? with what do you disagree? :)
12:58:15 <warlord> andi5: I thnk you should just go ahead and get it working with g_spawn()
12:58:26 <warlord> if hampton rewrites it, fine.. But at least we have it working.
12:58:50 <warlord> I think jsled thinks that we should have price quote support.
12:59:11 <jsled> Yeah. shipping 2.2(/win) without F::Q seems like a large regression.
12:59:58 <andi5> i think we cannot ship activeperl and the finance-quote perl module anyway....
13:00:23 <warlord> why not?
13:01:00 <warlord> (and ... we don't already?)
13:01:09 <andi5> no, we do not
13:01:21 <andi5> we use activeperl for intltool, that is all
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13:02:17 <warlord> do we need aciveperl for F::Q?
13:02:45 <andi5> i think so, because i do not know another windows perl that supports the finance-quote module
13:03:16 <jsled> Is the problem with activeperl technical or licensing?
13:03:26 <jsled> Or...?
13:05:32 <andi5> hm.... the zip file we use for intltool is about 8.32 MB, i do not know whether one can strip that down..... more importantly i somehow doubt that one is allowed to package activeperl ..... maybe i find some note about that *is searching*
13:12:53 <warlord> thanks
13:15:45 <andi5> i will play with inno, maybe it can download or point the user to the download site while installing gnucash
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13:17:31 <warlord> Ok.
13:41:28 <chris> alright, I'm gonna go ahead and go on record saying I think 2.2 should wait until after the GSoC tasks are done, i.e. after the summer.
13:41:47 <jsled> oh?
13:41:58 <chris> If I'm the only one who thinks that way, that's fine.
13:42:22 <jsled> I was thinking a 2.2 release would "flush buffers", so to speak, and give us some breathing room to "easily" get their work into 2.4.
13:43:56 <chris> But my reasoning is the only user-visible changes are SX-related. Not to downplay those, but it just doesn't feel so significant to make a release urgent.
13:44:18 <jsled> True. Though the windows changes...
13:44:20 <jsled> And time.
13:44:50 <chris> win32 seems to have found a reasonable way to find testers even without a big release.
13:44:51 <warlord> the g-wrap -> swig isn't user-visible, but I think it's a worthwhile release feature.
13:45:26 <warlord> Another reason to try to get a 2.2 release before the GSoC is to checkpoint the code branch before the GSoC stuff comes in.
13:45:44 <chris> warlord: I don't think swig warrant a release. Just think about the release notes.
13:45:46 <warlord> There have been a bunch of bugfixes in trunk that haven't made it back to 2.0.
13:46:04 <warlord> There's the GtkPrint changes.
13:46:06 <andi5> chris: i am not sure that is correct.... i would think that a lot of possible win32 testers fear its proclaimed unstable nature
13:46:11 <warlord> The new check formats.
13:46:47 <chris> Ok, check formats. Is GtkPrint-stuff user-noticable?
13:47:21 <chris> andi5: do you think lack of testers is holding up progress on win32?
13:47:22 <warlord> I dont know.
13:47:27 <jsled> Being able to drop g-wrap will make distros happier, which is good. :)
13:48:48 <chris> jsled: ok, if we were at risk of being dropped from a distro because of g-wrap, I'd say that's a good reason to release.
13:50:39 <chris> I also think it kind of looks bad to make a new release with so little new user-visible stuff, while at the same time still having so many of the same bugs as the last release.
13:51:10 <andi5> chris: i just think win32 usage has not taken off yet ......
13:51:10 <andi5> anyway, i think 2.2 is not 2.5 or 3.0 and i would rather have more releases improving gnucash sequentially than a really big bump after gsoc
13:51:57 <chris> andi5: really? the SF numbers are pretty impressive.
13:52:25 <chris> honestly, I can't understand how there are so many win32 users downloading an unstable gnucash.
13:52:49 <andi5> maybe someone mirrors sf regularly ;-)
13:53:12 <chris> (I guess the old release was deleted, but it was > 1000, wasn't it?)
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13:53:30 <andi5> chris: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Download_numbers
13:54:09 <chris> wow, that's even more that I thought.
13:54:54 <andi5> there is a time gap between r15667 and r15815, downloads have been relatively constant imho
13:54:57 <chris> warlord: what non-backported bugs are you thinking of?
13:55:43 <warlord> Umm.. I'm sure they exist. I dont have anything off the top of my head, and I dont have a ChangeLog to grep ;)
13:56:28 <andi5> i remember some that have not been backported given hamptons remove-deprecated
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13:58:27 <chris> another factor is that I kind of think the window closed on us... meaning I don't think there's enough time to actually release a 2.2 before the GSoC apps start their work, and I'm hesitant to split our effort between release-engineering and mentoring.
13:58:56 <warlord> I dont think GSoC starts until May 28
13:59:31 <jsled> yeah. And I assume they'd all be working on branches anyways.
13:59:43 <jsled> (at least initially)
14:01:01 <andi5> where does the big reindentation fit in?
14:01:06 <warlord> Are we gonna give them all SSH commit access?
14:01:12 <warlord> Oh, there's that, too!
14:01:21 <chris> I'm not worried about code conflicts; more about dissapation of attention. And it's naive to think that we can ignore a new release right after it ships, even if we could get it out before May 28.
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14:02:01 <jsled> warlord: I'd assumed (as well) that they'd get accounts, yes.
14:02:28 <jsled> But I guess there's no compelling need. We could suggest git-svn/svk or something.
14:02:35 <jsled> See how they want to roll.
14:03:57 <warlord> Well, let's assume that we DO wait until after GSoC. Let's say GSoC finishes Sep 1. Even if we start the release cycle THEN we'll still not release until at least Nov.
14:04:11 <chris> Anyway, doesn't it seem like the rate of new, unique bugs being reported against 2.0 is greater than the rate at which we're fixing them?
14:04:53 <jsled> chris: yes. and? :)
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14:05:12 <warlord> I dont see how waiting for GSoC will change that.
14:05:26 <warlord> 2.0.0 was released in July 2006.
14:05:45 <warlord> We should DEFINITELY release 2.2.0 sometime in 2007
14:06:02 <warlord> I dont have a STRONG opinion about when this happens..
14:06:29 <chris> jsled: :) somehow that suggests to me that we're not ready. /me shrugs.
14:06:50 <warlord> it suggests to ME that we're not spending enough development cycles on bug-fixing.
14:07:00 <jsled> it suggest to me that the register and reports are shit.
14:07:24 * andi5 thinks that the source code base will first need to seddle down after gsoc, delaying 2.2 further
14:07:34 <chris> warlord: yes, jsled: and yes.
14:07:36 <andi5> s,seddle,settle,... damnit
14:07:36 <jsled> Which, I think, are where most of the reports are piling up...
14:08:57 <chris> jsled: right, which is why it kind of sucks, to release 2.2 and say, oh, it _still_ doesn't to multi-currency correctly, and oh, the cap-gains reports still crash, no it doesn't to lots or book-closing, or db-backend, or...etc.
14:09:49 <jsled> True. Though I don't think not releasing helps. If anything, it shows there's still life in the project, which might help attract peopel to fix the problems. :)
14:11:29 <chris> jsled: maybe, but I don't think gnucash gives off the smell of rotting code as badly as it used to.
14:11:50 <warlord> True. It was.. what? 3 years from 1.8.x to 2.0?
14:12:02 <chris> andi5's right, too. but, maybe one or two of the students will stick around to help with the release?
14:12:13 <jsled> That's true, though the perception lingers. We're going to want to do some major PR after the register-rewrite and reports revisions land.
14:13:06 <chris> jsled: sure, but that's why I'm wary of a 2.2 that *look* so unchanged from 2.0.
14:14:02 <chris> we need something to back up the PR.
14:15:41 <jsled> I don't think we can pull off the PR now.
14:19:04 <andi5> i think the windows port can help the pr.... someone visionary might come up with nice use cases :)
14:21:15 <chris> the win32 port is real progress, but releasing it with known regressions is a terrible idea, IMO.
14:22:08 <chris> Also, having a bunch of win32 users is probably going to increase the defect-discovery rate without much increase in the defect-fixing rate.
14:22:09 <warlord> chris: other than F::Q, what known regressions?
14:22:36 <chris> warlord: don't ask me; ask andi5.
14:22:38 <andi5> regression compared to the linux version, you mean? .... even if we do not support every feature in 2.2 on windows, those that compare will probably use linux as primary system and win32 somewhere else, probably reading-only
14:23:04 <andi5> i do not know of any
14:24:11 <chris> andi5: so do you think lack of exposure is holding up progress on win32?
14:25:24 <andi5> yes.... i think there is some sort of direct proportionality between exposure, size of user base and size of developer base.... but i may be naive here
14:27:54 <chris> well, the constants of proportionality will be different for win32, and they're not so terrific on linux, either. But that's rather beside the point.
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14:30:10 <chris> well, perhaps another option is to have a very extended 2.1.x period, but one where we're not resticted from merging new semi-major branches.
14:31:10 <chris> we could start it sooner, call it "beta", and stretch it out hoping that we can turn it into something worth getting excited about.
14:31:30 <warlord> Well.... I'm not sure about an extended 2.1.x period. I think I understand why you'd like it, but I think it sort of violates the point of test releases.
14:31:49 <warlord> We might as well just wait.
14:32:13 <chris> yeah, I'm just trying to address the win32 side of things.
14:32:40 <warlord> Well, we COULD have a 2.1/2.2 release which is only advertized as "win32 support"
14:32:52 <andi5> please tell me why i am using gaim 2.0.0beta6 and still no 2.0.0 in sight? ... i do not understand it and it certainly does not help me getting excited about 2.0.0 :)
14:34:53 <chris> warlord: that idea is growing on me.
14:34:58 <chris> andi5: what do you think?
14:35:26 <andi5> sounds like wiki/release schedule which is my preferred solution
14:36:12 <warlord> And, well, the ancillary updates for Linux/Unix are an added bonus, but it's still only advertized as Win32 support.
14:36:44 <andi5> is it bad to say "folks, we prepare for the xyz", where xyz is some cool term for the outcome of gsoc
14:39:38 <chris> I think there are few PR landmines to avoid, but it seems feasible to me.
14:40:07 <warlord> chris: which landmines?
14:40:22 <andi5> like, we replace the buggy register (oh, you just downloaded it)?
14:40:51 <chris> well, we don't want to give the impression that we're abandoning *nix support.
14:41:25 <chris> and we don't want to give the impression that win32 users are getting super-premium functionality that *nix users can't.
14:41:49 <warlord> chris: Oh, I think that's easy enough to avoid. the only thing that win32 users get that *nix users dont are binaries.
14:42:11 <chris> and we don't want to give the impression that win32 users are beta-testers for *nix users which will get the more stable 2.4.
14:42:38 <warlord> I think all of that can be clear in the announcement and/or FAQ.
14:43:37 <andi5> well, just do not try to say "linux users" and (vs.) "win32 users", treat the singletons as subsets of both sets
14:43:51 <chris> warlord: well they'd also be getting some release-engineering work. I assume andi5 would branch off of trunk to start stabilizing win32.
14:46:10 <chris> andi5: I actually think there will be more win32-only users than you're suggesting.
14:46:22 <warlord> chris: no, I think the 2.1 releases would be done on trunk, just like the 1.9 releases. And we'd branch at 2.2.0 just like we branched at 2.0.0
14:47:03 <andi5> FYI: from my point of view (i may have some lucky computer setup) win32 runs relatively stable already ..... testers will have to prove me wrong first
14:49:38 <andi5> chris: maybe..... anyway, ideally gnucash would run equally well on all operating systems :-)
14:49:47 <warlord> Agreed.
14:50:06 <chris> ideally.
14:50:40 <warlord> chris: but I dont see us doing any win32-specific release engineering separate from the rel-eng of trunk.
14:52:28 <chris> warlord: then the only thing that's different from a normal 2.2 is that the release announcement says "win32"?
14:52:43 <warlord> chris: yes.
14:52:55 <chris> what, we upload a win32 binary, but not a tgz?
14:52:55 <warlord> (and we start to "officially" support win32)
14:53:05 <warlord> No, we upload a src .tgz
14:53:39 <chris> and ask Bill pretty-please not to run rpm-build?
14:53:57 <andi5> ohh, you meant no 2.2 for unix at all? ... i think i did not got that
14:54:09 <warlord> andi5: no, that's not at all what I said OR meant.
14:54:40 <warlord> What I MEANT is that when we talk about 2.2, we talk about "added support for win32".
14:54:47 <andi5> exactly
14:55:08 <chris> <@warlord> Well, we COULD have a 2.1/2.2 release which is only advertized as "win32 support"
14:55:18 <warlord> chris: right.. "ADVERTIZED"
14:56:01 <chris> um, so what does "only" mean?
14:56:09 <warlord> "Hey, we've got a 2.2 release now. The only new major feature is win32 support. We've fixed a few bugs, too, on all the platforms. Here you go. Here's the win32 installer. Here's the sourcecode"
14:57:16 <chris> oh, hmm, I guess I see what you mean.
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14:58:57 <remiss_> cool.. I installed it on a windows box today, but it crashed (the one on sf.net)
14:59:33 <warlord> remiss_: how did you install something on sf.net?
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14:59:42 <warlord> ;)
14:59:53 <andi5> remiss_: cool ;-) ...we need more information nonetheless, sorry.... start http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Error_messages <--- here
14:59:54 <warlord> "It crashed" isn't a very helpful report.
14:59:59 <remiss> warlord: no problem, you just go to sf.net and scream INSTALL at it
15:00:13 <remiss> I wasn't reporting bugs or trying to help :p
15:00:18 <remiss> just saying :P
15:00:37 <remiss> it was from january or something
15:00:41 <andi5> remiss: hey, we will tell the irc server not to let you quit until you helped us ;-)
15:00:48 <remiss> hehe :p
15:01:25 <warlord> Oh, from JAN? Try the release from last week.
15:01:45 <remiss> hmm.. I'm not sure he cares enough
15:01:55 <remiss> is it a binary or will it have to be compiled?
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15:02:05 <andi5> binary
15:02:07 <remiss> he's one of those "windows rulz" people
15:02:13 <remiss> link?
15:02:32 <andi5> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Q:_Where_is_the_binary.3F .... come on :)
15:02:47 <warlord> remiss: sf.new
15:02:50 <warlord> er sf.net
15:03:35 <remiss> that's from januray, no?
15:03:39 <warlord> no
15:03:46 <remiss> crappy date formats
15:03:47 <warlord> it's from last week.
15:04:08 <remiss> hmm.. it says 2007-01-08
15:04:16 <andi5> remiss: the date is incorrect, try to look at the revision numbers (15815)
15:04:18 <jsled> It's from THE FUTURE.
15:04:30 <andi5> jsled: you cannot know that... that is impossible
15:04:36 <andi5> not yet
15:05:14 <warlord> Yeah, the date is wrong. The date is from the first upload, not the latest upload.
15:05:18 <remiss> hm, okay.. it was that one then.. I don't think he cares enough to report any bugs
15:05:30 <andi5> remiss: do you care?
15:05:41 <remiss> not about windows
15:05:45 <warlord> Well, if it doesn't work please report the failure... otherwise it will never get fixed.
15:05:54 <andi5> may fail on linux as well
15:06:02 <remiss> in wine? :p
15:06:12 <remiss> well.. works great on linux for me :]
15:07:32 <andi5> remiss: in a nutshell: we cannot help you better if do not serve us with more information.... if you do not care about the bug, then there is no need to tell us.... sounds like flaming
15:08:13 <remiss> hmm.. sorry, I thought the one we tested was from januray
15:09:11 <warlord> remiss: if it was from january, then you should update and try again. If it's the recent version, you should report problems.
15:09:12 <remiss> and I really can't help with windows as I don't use it .. and he doesn't care
15:09:13 <andi5> see http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnucash/ for more history
15:09:40 <warlord> if he doesn't care then why did you bring it up?
15:10:34 <remiss> nm
15:15:47 * warlord grumbles about lazy users who aren't willing to spend 2 minutes to describe problems.
15:18:27 <remiss> I'm sorry, but I didn't even see it crash... I just thought we had tested a version that was three months behind svn, and I can't help it, he just don't want to spend any time on reporting bugs, he's not that kind of guy, so I'm sorry.. let's just forget I said anything..
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15:19:52 <remiss> I'm impressed by gnucash, it's not that, and I'm not complaining, you guys do a terrific job..
15:21:57 <warlord> thanks.
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15:40:56 <bowhuntr> Is there anybody here that can help me get gnucash installed? Configure fails when it checks for slib but i have slib installed
15:41:21 <warlord> bowhuntr: what OS/Distro?
15:42:55 <bowhuntr> A new one called eLinux
15:43:23 <warlord> Figures.
15:43:37 <warlord> Okay, so what version of slib? and did it come from your distro?
15:45:24 <bowhuntr> I found the bug report about this issue but cant figure out how to get past it
15:45:24 <bowhuntr> This distro is based on Foresight
15:46:04 <warlord> I can't help you if you dont answer my questions.
15:46:20 <bowhuntr> slib version is 3a4
15:46:20 <bowhuntr> I installed it from foresight
15:46:38 <warlord> and where is it installed?
15:46:55 <jsled> bowhuntr: why are you using "eLinux"?
15:46:57 <warlord> (for the record, 3a4 has known issues)
15:50:29 <jsled> Wow. Distrowatch doesn't even know about "elinux".
15:51:30 <bowhuntr> I am using eLinux because I know the developer and he asked me to help
15:51:30 <bowhuntr> And I like it
15:51:53 <bowhuntr> I told you it was new
15:51:55 <warlord> bowhuntr: well, then, why don't you ask him to help you get gnucash working ;)
15:52:24 <jsled> Fair enough. I'm always curious about why people choose distros.
15:52:47 <warlord> so bowhuntr, where is slib installed?
15:53:59 <bowhuntr> I am going to downgrade slib to 3a1 and see if that helps
15:55:21 <bowhuntr> We both have been working on it but we both are getting the same error
15:55:40 <andi5> somehow they try to evade our questions today....
15:55:45 <bowhuntr> slib is in /usr/share/slib
15:57:23 <bowhuntr> I had been using Freespire until the dev asked me for help
15:59:30 <warlord> bowhuntr: Ahh, do you have a symlink from /usr/share/guile/slib -> /usr/share/slib?
15:59:36 <warlord> And what about slibcat?
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15:59:57 <cstim> hi all
16:00:05 <andi5> hiho cstim
16:00:18 <cstim> I'm only here for a quick remark
16:00:19 <warlord> hi cstim
16:00:50 <chris> hi cstim.
16:01:07 <cstim> jsled: as for the CSV import GSoc student, as I said I would definitely be up for helping you mentoring him.
16:01:41 <jsled> cstim: excellent. :) That will be helpful.
16:01:47 <cstim> jsled: I'd like to ask whether you could CC: me during the initial discussion, in case they aren't on -devel anyway.
16:02:01 <bowhuntr> Not sure about the symlink, warlord, how do I check that
16:02:09 <warlord> bowhuntr: ls?
16:02:20 <cstim> jsled: and I could also think of meeting on the phone with him every now and then.
16:02:20 <jsled> cstim: I'd be happy to, though I expect to have all discussion CC: -devel.
16:02:27 <cstim> jsled: great.
16:02:33 *** cstim is now known as cstim_afk
16:03:09 <jsled> yeah. Phone or other closer chats (IM/scheduled IRC) I'll certainly look to keep you in on.
16:04:10 <bowhuntr> Not sure what you mean warlord
16:05:09 <warlord> bowhuntr: if you dont know what I mean, then please get your friend online too?
16:05:12 <cstim_afk> see ya
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16:08:20 <bowhuntr> ok
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17:29:51 <tedcx> just noticed that in the accounts tab the header "transfer" doesn't resize to the left. "Description can also be dragged to the left of "Transfer" and can't be reset. Ver 2.05 64 bit
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17:31:19 <warlord> tedcx: yes, the description column cannot be shrunk.. It will always auto-expend to make sure the full register is never smaller than the window size.
17:31:45 <jsled> to make transfer wider you have to drag on the right-hand side.,
17:32:12 <jsled> Then, drag on the left-hand side to shrink Description.
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17:34:43 <warlord> Right, you need to increase the transfer column first... THEN you can shrink the description.
17:34:48 <warlord> (this REALLY should be in the FAQ)
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17:46:38 <magenpie> how to record an asset (car) that i already had when i started using gnucash?
17:46:50 <warlord> magenpie: Equity
17:46:59 <warlord> (just like everything else)
17:47:05 <magenpie> that would be RE, right?
17:48:01 <magenpie> so i had it right...i'm just going through over 6years of entries
17:50:05 <magenpie> ty
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18:05:58 <chris> or liability (cdr)
18:08:06 <warlord> :-P
18:09:38 <magenpie> yeah
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18:23:14 <warlord> later, all
18:23:18 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:24:42 <magenpie> would it be 'proper' to increase the value of my house account based upon appraisal?
19:25:55 <chris> magenpie: how many people look at your books?
19:26:05 <magenpie> lol...
19:26:11 * magenpie looks over shoulder
19:28:49 <chris> well, if they're your books, and you know what the transactions mean, it's perfectly reasonable to try to make an asset account reflect what you think is its current value.
19:30:24 <magenpie> good
19:40:03 * jsled wonders if anjuta is any good.
20:19:23 <tedcx> in the "open account" account tab, the transfer column won't resize if dragged to the left, only to the right.\. version 2.05 64 bit
20:20:42 <jsled> tedcx: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-11.html#T17:29:51
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21:37:46 <hampton> [ot] jsled: does it need a response?
21:39:09 <hampton> I'm in the middle of moving most of the Account parameters from the public definition to object private storage. At the same time I'm making them object properties that can be set with g_object_[gs]et_property, g_object_new, etc.
21:40:00 <hampton> Perhaps I should commit this and go do the same with QofInstance. That would allow the g_object_new(xxx, "book", book, NULL) form for creating any object.
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21:54:46 <tedcx> nay way to import accounts after they are exported?
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22:08:02 <warlord> hampton: yeah, i was gonna start with Qof..
22:08:19 <warlord> but go ahead! :)
22:08:59 <warlord> tedcx: no, there's no way to merge two gnucash accounts.
22:12:28 * warlord just read Daniel's recent emails. * sighs *
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