2007-04-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:28 <hampton> Its in trunk. You just need to update.
00:02:28 <fell> Oh yes I see, between my last Update and installing missing tools. Everything clear.
00:03:20 <jsled> hampton: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431164 if you care to intervene.
00:04:03 <hampton> I thought I fixed all the ^%$ system errors. :-(
00:04:39 <dbr> hampton: if he's using a mac, it could be he's found the 'running from the applications menu problem'
00:05:35 <dbr> I haven't found time to go further into that disconnect of perl and f::q
00:05:36 <hampton> He doesn't say. I'll ask for system, os, and actual commodity.
00:21:41 <hampton> dbr: Is there a description of that disconnect anywhere, or a filed bug report?
00:22:16 <dbr> probably not, but I'll look. If not, I can probably file one.
00:22:50 <hampton> I was looking for something to put into the comments for 431164
00:23:15 <dbr> I can comment there, too, if you'd like.
00:23:52 <hampton> k. I just put in a comment asking for os, how gnucash was installed, and what security.
00:25:26 <dbr> I'm going to check the list archives...
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01:31:11 <dbr> gah. after reproducing the f::q system error at will a couple weeks ago, and 3 times tonight. I can't make if fail any more.!!!
01:31:31 <hampton> :-(
01:33:04 <dbr> first time I've ever rebooted to try to make a failure come back.
01:33:23 <hampton> lol
01:34:26 <dbr> when all else fails, take a nap (or to sleep for the night) see y'all tomorrow
01:34:41 <hampton> good night
01:34:41 *** dbr has quit IRC
01:34:52 <fell> Ok, make install with --enable-locale-specific-tax was successful, but there is tax report available and tax related options crash
01:35:38 <fell> ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:txf-get-payer-name-source
01:37:18 <hampton> That's defined in ./src/tax/us/txf.scm
01:38:11 <hampton> and in ./src/tax/us/txf-de_DE.scm
01:38:37 <hampton> gotta go to bed myself
01:38:41 <hampton> night
01:39:30 <fell> yes, here is sunrise, it's realy time for bed. Good night
01:46:19 *** fell has quit IRC
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06:46:17 <conrad> Hmm. Can I suggest that we clean up the downloads directory as pointed to by the website.
06:46:48 <conrad> Historic information is all well and good, but there's a lot of stuff there that really doesn't need preserving.
06:48:03 <conrad> Like packages for 1.2 and 1.4 in all manner of distributions...
06:48:31 *** ceplma has quit IRC
06:48:32 <conrad> You also have tar.gz for gnupos, and I abandoned that project many years ago.
06:53:51 *** ceplma has joined #gnucash
06:57:40 <conrad> Bah. Firefox leaks memory like a sieve.
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07:21:07 <conrad> Sheesh. This takes forever to build.... :-) (can you tell its a long time since I've done this....?)
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08:43:58 <dbr> @tell warlord macintel build successful
08:43:58 <gncbot> dbr: The operation succeeded.
08:45:29 <jsled> nice.
08:45:36 <dbr> indeed
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09:07:13 <Wilddev> @tell warlord fix the svn tag for the release
09:07:13 <gncbot> Wilddev: The operation succeeded.
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09:15:54 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:16:02 <warlord> .
09:16:02 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 32 minutes ago: <dbr> macintel build successful
09:16:03 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 8 minutes ago: <Wilddev> fix the svn tag for the release
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09:23:47 <warlord> dbr: Yay!
09:23:53 <jsled> Didn't chris already fix the tag?
09:24:04 <warlord> I thought he did..
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09:33:24 <chris> I guess wilddev isn't on -commits.
09:33:37 <warlord> I dont know.
09:33:55 <chris> Oh well.
09:34:26 <warlord> I thought you had fixed it.
09:42:41 <chris> I had.
09:43:04 <jsled> are you going to re: the -commits msg?
09:43:37 <chris> didn't plan on it.
09:43:53 <jsled> He should know.
09:46:20 <chris> I'm not disagreeing, but I'm curious why?
09:47:24 <jsled> So he knows other people care that it's correct. That he probably should be reading -commits.
09:49:08 <chris> ok, I'll re:
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10:02:22 <warlord> chris: your re: mail has no text in it..
10:05:12 <chris> yeah, that was a mistype.
10:06:18 <warlord> ok
10:06:22 <chris> I meant to hit 't' to add to To:, but hit 'y' instead, which sends.
10:06:24 <warlord> and also, no need to Cc -changes
10:06:31 <warlord> Oops
10:07:23 <chris> I don't even think I can post to -changes.
10:08:16 <warlord> You cant
10:08:19 <warlord> your first reply is in the mod queue
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11:44:11 *** ScislaC has joined #gnucash
11:44:53 <ScislaC> congrats on the first release of the 2.1 branch :)
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11:48:17 <warlord> thanks
11:49:00 <fell> tpfennig:Thilo, you got my mail?
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11:50:21 <ScislaC> Here's a Q I've been wondering about for a while... is there a file where I can manually edit the list to match transactions? (provided that's even how matching works) It seems that there are some that it is good about guessing and others that it always misses (so if I could just add keywords for those, it would get most of my transactions automatically matched).
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11:51:01 <warlord> jsled: um, okay.. so what does that imply?
11:51:26 <warlord> ScislaC: matching where?
11:52:30 <ScislaC> warlord: I suppose I should have been more clear... :) Transaction matching when importing a downloaded transaction list from my bank.
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11:52:47 <warlord> ScislaC: QIF or OFX/HBCI?
11:53:26 <warlord> jsled: keep us (me?) informed? ;)
11:53:30 <warlord> (have fun)
11:54:45 <ScislaC> warlord: OFX
11:55:09 <ScislaC> (actually... QFX)
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11:56:17 <warlord> do you have "bayesian matching" turned on in your preferences?
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11:58:00 <ScislaC> warlord: wow... apparently I didn't
11:58:15 <ScislaC> I assume it will just need to be trained then, eh?
11:58:19 <warlord> Yep.
11:58:36 <ScislaC> that's pretty wicked that it did so well without it! :) Thanks!
11:58:44 <warlord> NP.
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13:04:56 <warlord> FYI, my T1 is down again, so pulls from subversion will take a little longer.
13:09:25 <jsled> hmm. http://www.gnome.org/mobile/
13:11:21 <warlord> Scary
13:11:39 <andi5> the children?
13:15:26 * andi5 finally gets some more memory... windows will never see the real world again ;-)
13:15:45 <warlord> memory is good. :)
13:16:25 <chemaja> jsled, i wonder if people will want to run that on their pcs
13:17:07 <jsled> chemaja: eh?
13:17:33 <chemaja> jsled, you know, an "embedded" install of gnome on their regular PC
13:17:41 <chemaja> think old crappy pc
13:18:40 <jsled> chemaja: oh. Perhaps. Watching the optimization of tinymail and EDS for mobile platforms certainly has impacts for the desktop environment.
13:19:19 <jsled> As well, a "old crappy pc" sounds suspiciously similar to a "small virtualized session".
13:19:51 <jsled> s/Watching the//
13:20:17 <chemaja> jsled, yea i was reading the tinymail dev guy's blog entries for a while on planet gnome feed
13:20:25 <andi5> [ot] wow, the first time they did not garble my surname
13:21:00 <warlord> How would they garble Köhler?
13:21:05 <andi5> Khler?
13:21:20 <andi5> klingon
13:21:50 <warlord> Klingon?
13:21:51 <warlord> ;)
13:21:52 <warlord> LOL!
13:22:17 <andi5> see you later
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13:43:36 <warlord> Hmm... I'm having some pretty weird network issues here.
13:44:39 <twunder> stoopit question: Will an svn update of trunk give me 2.1.x?
13:44:51 <jsled> yeah.
13:46:00 <warlord> twunder: yes, but... you might not be able to get to SVN right now.
13:46:22 <twunder> warlord: right, I can't right now, but I was able to about an hour or so ago
13:46:37 <warlord> Yeah. I'm having network issues...
13:46:47 <twunder> so I managed to get it and build it OK on FC6...
13:48:22 <warlord> good..
13:48:24 <twunder> just wanted to make sure I knew what it was that I had ;)
13:48:35 <warlord> Heh
13:48:48 <warlord> So, yeah, right now my T1 is down, and my backup tunnel just went away, too.
13:49:07 <warlord> I'm trying to figure out if I got renumbered or something else.
13:49:07 <twunder> joy
13:52:02 <twunder> does 2.1.x do anything to the data file when opeing a 2.0.x file? I just opened a copy of my 2.0.x data file and canceled the Since Last Run dialog, and gnucash thinks the file has changed and wants it saved...
13:53:19 <twunder> FWIW, I think the new SLR dialog is going to take a lot of getting used to for me :(
13:54:45 <warlord> Hey, can someone do me a favor?
13:55:31 <twunder> depends on what it is...
13:55:49 <jsled> I think the SLR dialog does dirty the book, even when cancelled. That should probably be a bug.
13:55:50 <jsled> 2.1.x will not create a backwards-incompatabile file without a gconf key being twiddled.
13:55:54 <jsled> One of the things I'd like to do on Sat is document and publicise that flag.
13:55:58 <warlord> traceroute or mtr to cvs.gnucash.org and let me know how far it gets?
13:56:00 <jsled> And figure out when the flag's going to become obsolete or inverted ... i.e., when 2.1.x will become backwards uncompat by default.
13:56:44 <jsled> (4 line dump:)
13:56:47 <jsled> [[[
13:56:47 <jsled> jsled@phoenix [~]$ tracepath svn.gnucash.org
13:56:48 <jsled> 1: phoenix ( 0.134ms pmtu 1500
13:56:48 <jsled> 1: cisco1a5-0-101.burl.sover.net ( 127.997ms
13:56:48 <jsled> 2: cisco1.wnskvtao.sover.net ( 120.231ms
13:56:48 <jsled> 3: link74-145.cent.net ( asymm 4 126.388ms !N
13:56:50 <jsled> ]]]
13:56:56 <twunder> $ traceroute cvs.gnucash.org
13:56:56 <twunder> traceroute to cvs.gnucash.org (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
13:56:56 <twunder> 1 ( 29.433 ms 32.747 ms 34.274 ms
13:56:56 <twunder> 2 P1-3.LCR-01.BLTMMD.verizon-gni.net ( 36.217 ms !H * *
13:56:57 <jsled> Ok, 5 lines.
13:58:48 * twunder will be out of town on bug day, so won't be able to participate :(
13:59:28 <warlord> Actually, I think my upstream router is dead right now.
13:59:29 <twunder> but I'll be thinking about gnucash while sipping beer around the campfire ;)
13:59:41 <jsled> :)
13:59:48 <warlord> twunder: nice.
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14:05:56 <warlord> Unfortunately it means that list email wont work, either..
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14:10:52 <jsled> gncbot_: @quit
14:11:00 <jsled> gncbot_: part
14:11:10 <jsled> gncbot: ping
14:11:10 <gncbot> pong
14:11:15 <jsled> gncbot_: ping
14:11:26 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
14:11:34 *** jsled sets mode: +o warlord2
14:11:34 <warlord2> @op
14:11:34 <gncbot> warlord2: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
14:12:12 <warlord2> @op
14:12:13 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord2
14:12:49 <warlord2> Anyways... Hopefully we didn't lose too much email to RCN
14:13:14 <jsled> indeed
14:14:11 <warlord2> Looks like the mail was just delayed, not blocked.
14:15:07 <warlord2> So, I suspect we didn't lost anything. yay.
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14:46:36 <twunder> jseled: your wish is my command ;) http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431435
14:47:14 <jsled> twunder: thx. :)
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16:53:09 <fell> andi5: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/15937 is nice, but didn't solve my problem http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-19.html#T01:34:52
16:54:02 <andi5> thanks.... did i say so? .... well, give me steps starting from an empty data file :)
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16:58:42 <andi5> nice.... windows xp needs 16 seconds to boot to the desktop now, 20 to be responsive :) ... (i should have tried vmplayer a little bit earlier)
16:59:12 <fell> andi5: No, you did not. I am one of the guys in https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2007-April/004850.html
17:00:50 <andi5> fell: so what should i do to make the report crash?
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17:02:50 <fell> click on "Bearbeiten->Steuerrelevante Optionen"
17:04:05 <andi5> fell: i guess it would be nice to make the dialog a little bit narrower? :)
17:05:19 <andi5> fell: just continue, ... i am here, nur für dich ;-)
17:06:50 <fell> andi5:Also, ich teste, 2 Jahre,nachdem Christian das eingebaut hat und sich kein Schwein drumgekümmert hat, den lokalen Steuerkram.
17:07:44 <fell> andi5: Diese Woche ist da so ein Sturm der Kleinunternehmer in der deutschen Mailingliste losgebrochen.
17:08:03 <andi5> fell: ich verfolge das immer nur maximal peripher
17:09:00 <fell> andi5: Die wollen ihre USTVA endlich einfacher machen, wenn es geht über libgeier.
17:09:25 <andi5> oh... es gibt libgeier ja wirklich... klang nach erfundenem namen
17:09:59 <fell> Nö, Geier ist die Antwort auf die diebische ELSTER ;)
17:10:16 <andi5> habisch mir schon gedacht :)
17:11:10 <andi5> fell: kann ich dir irgendwie behilflich sein? ... ich bin leider überhaupt nicht in dem code drin, aber bei konkreten dingen mag es vielleicht noch gehen
17:11:49 <fell> Ich habe vor 10 Jahren zuletzt was mit LISP gemacht und auch sonst ziemlich eingerostet.
17:15:00 <fell> andi5: Wie binde ich denn jetzt gnc:txf-get-payer-name-source? Hampton meinte, es ist in ./src/tax/us/txf.scm und ./src/tax/us/txf-de_DE.scm
17:15:55 * hampton goes back to sleep
17:18:45 <andi5> wo fehlt das denn?
17:18:58 <andi5> hampton: i see a pattern
17:19:34 <andi5> fell: we have the power... we can send hampton to bed whenever we like to
17:19:52 <fell> Is HE responsible for THAT?
17:20:13 <andi5> is there anything he is NOT responsible for?
17:20:44 <warlord> LOL
17:21:03 <fell> When I was young, I also felt responsible for all the bad things in the world
17:21:12 <warlord> Hehehe
17:21:34 <andi5> now you are, but you do not think that any more?
17:22:41 <fell> No, I make yoga and feel united with something higher
17:23:01 <hampton> wait.... are you saying that I'm god? Now if I could just remember why I made myself forget that fact.....
17:23:09 <hampton> :-)
17:23:11 <warlord> fell: gnc:txf-get-payer-name-source is defined in src/tax/us/txf.scm (and the de equiv) and re-exported from the us.scm
17:23:22 <warlord> hampton: Thank you, Mr Brazil.
17:23:29 <andi5> fell: ahh... so you say that gnucash borks as soon as you try to open that dialog?
17:24:02 <fell> yes, but I tested only in de-DE
17:26:47 <andi5> fell: anything in your /tmp/gnucash.trace.ABCDEF file about taxes?
17:27:22 <andi5> (i can open that dialog without any problem)
17:29:25 <andi5> jsled: do you know the warnings "<GLib> g_string_append: assertion `val != NULL' failed" and "<gnc.engine.recurrence> recurrenceNextInstance: assertion `g_date_valid(&r->start)' failed"?
17:31:59 <fell> yes, about 20 times WARN <gnc.module> Failed to open module gnucash/tax/us ...
17:32:30 <andi5> did you install them?
17:33:10 <andi5> them = libgncmod-tax-us.so
17:33:22 <fell> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/unstable/gnucash --enable-debug --enable-doxygen --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings --enable-locale-specific-tax
17:36:46 <jsled> andi5: no, I do not. I'd like to, though.
17:37:21 <andi5> jsled: those are logged without using any sx'es with current trunk
17:37:58 <jsled> andi5: e.g., using --nofile or something?
17:39:57 <fell> in /home/frank/unstable/gnucash/lib/gnucash I have libgncmod-tax-us.so
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17:40:37 <fell> do I have to change something like LIBDIR ?
17:42:05 <andi5> hm... now i see other (critical) warnings.... jsled, i will keep you updated
17:48:24 <andi5> fell: did you update your sources (especially src/gnc-module) without rebuilding the tax/us module?
17:49:05 <andi5> fell: nm libgncmod-tax-us.so | grep gnc_module_init ... should give you libgncmod_tax_us_gnc_module_init
17:51:09 <fell> andi5: 00000967 T libgncmod_tax_us_gnc_module_init
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17:54:36 <fell> andi5: procedure was: svn u;make;make install
17:54:42 <andi5> fell: what about nm libgnc-module.so | grep gnc_module_get_symbol
17:55:17 <warlord> fell: did it pass "make check"?
17:56:19 <fell> 00002075 t gnc_module_get_symbol
17:58:30 <fell> No, sorry. I didn'n know. Make is somewhat magic to me (at this time)
17:59:31 <andi5> warlord: the tax/us module should be loaded even without --enable-locale-specific-tax, is that right?
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18:00:32 <warlord> andi5: I think so, yes.
18:00:48 <warlord> fell: try "make check" and see what happens.
18:01:10 <fell> It is running.
18:01:34 <andi5> it will take a while... that is the cost for speeding up normal builds :)
18:02:04 <fell> off topic: I opened info:make to learn
18:04:20 <warlord> I doubt that will explain "make check" to you..
18:05:10 <fell> Oh, I see the Output is GC specific
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18:10:34 <warlord> Yes, "make check" is something specific to gnucash. (although it's actually something that automake will do)
18:10:51 <andi5> ok.... will have to work hard tomorrow to get my vm image compile gnucash... /me does not want to reboot every hour on saturday :)
18:11:11 <warlord> andi5: good point.
18:11:21 <andi5> fell: good luck :)
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18:13:10 <fell> warlord: Where can I find info about make check?
18:13:41 <warlord> fell: what info would you like to find?
18:14:00 <fell> the meaning of it
18:14:11 <warlord> It's an automated test suite
18:14:52 <fell> Ah, yes it sends 1000s of warnings
18:15:57 <warlord> sure, but that's normal.
18:16:00 <warlord> Does it die?
18:16:36 <fell> For me irritating is the doubleslash in "/usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.1.2/../../..//libpopt.la"
18:16:46 <jsled> for us too.
18:17:01 <jsled> AIUI, it's a problem in libtool.
18:17:26 <fell> warlord: It finished
18:18:22 <warlord> if it finished then.... Hmm... okay.
18:19:37 <fell> something to examine in the output or start now?
18:20:47 <warlord> Unlikely. But the tests might not really be thorough for the tax reports.
18:22:22 <warlord> fell: so if gnucash is dying looking for that scheme symbol, it means that something isn't loading the right module to get that symbol defined.
18:24:34 <fell> ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:txf-get-payer-name-source
18:24:50 <warlord> fell: is there more to the scheme strack trace?
18:25:14 <warlord> because that symbol is CLEARLY defined in the code.
18:26:28 <warlord> that symbol gets used from src/gnome/dialog-tax-info.c
18:26:43 <warlord> it COULD be a scheme environment issue.
18:27:47 <fell> http://pastebin.ca/448871
18:30:09 <fell> Is it right, it looks for ~/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto:7:15?
18:30:21 <warlord> Oh, wait...
18:30:38 <warlord> You're in the DE domain -- why is it trying to load gnucash/tax/us?
18:30:38 <fell> 1.8 <> 2.x
18:30:55 <hampton> backward compatibility
18:31:20 <warlord> hampton: yeah, but look at src/tax/us/gncmod-tax-us.c
18:31:26 <warlord> #ifdef LOCALE_SPECIFIC_TAX
18:31:26 <warlord> const char *thislocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
18:31:26 <warlord> if (strncmp(thislocale, "de_DE", 5) == 0)
18:31:27 <warlord> return g_strdup("gnucash/tax/de_DE");
18:31:27 <warlord> else
18:31:27 <warlord> #endif
18:31:29 <warlord> return g_strdup("gnucash/tax/us");
18:31:39 <hampton> I was referring to the read of the config file
18:32:02 <warlord> Oh.
18:34:58 <warlord> anyways, something is broken in your system because something is trying to load the gnucash/tax/us module instead of the gnucash/tax/de_DE module.
18:36:09 <warlord> Anyways, I gotta run to the pool. back in about 1/5 hours.
18:36:11 <warlord> 1.5
18:36:15 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
18:37:15 <fell> locale says: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 ... LC_IDENTIFICATION="de_DE.UTF-8", but LC_ALL=
18:37:38 <jsled> Ah, well there you go.
18:38:03 <jsled> Testing LC_ALL is probably not the best thing to do; LANG or LANGUAGE.
18:42:47 <fell> man:locale.1p: LC_ALL If set to a non-empty string value, override the values of all the other internationalization variables.
18:45:11 <jsled> As it is empty, though, we should probably fallback to looking at other vars, in some precedence order.
18:45:16 <jsled> Can you please file a bug re: this?
18:45:50 <jsled> You can copy/paste this IRC transcript in, or just link to the HTML logs.
18:46:45 <fell> OK,I will try. Which severity and so on?
18:47:22 <jsled> defaults are fine, but I'd guess minor severity is appropriate.
18:58:24 <fell> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431502
18:59:21 <jsled> fell: great, thanks! :)
18:59:33 <fell> welkome.
19:03:45 <fell> But it is not the primary cause:
19:04:32 <fell> export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8;./gnucash ->ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:txf-get-payer-name-source
19:05:23 <fell> or should I rebuild after LC_ALL=...?
19:05:41 <jsled> no, that's a purely runtime thing.
19:07:34 <fell> trace says again: 01:01:17 WARN <gnc.module> Failed to open module gnucash/tax/us
19:08:11 <jsled> You should file another bug for the unbound variable issue, methinks.
19:08:12 <jsled> That's probably a good detail to include.
19:08:53 <jsled> In fact, the content of the pastebin. Maybe as an attachment ot hte bug.
19:10:57 <fell> OK, but I attach the new trace
19:20:20 <fell> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431510 is yours
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20:52:37 <warlord> fell: FYI, I just tried current SVN on FC5 and I cannot reproduce your issue.
20:57:10 <warlord> I just did: env LANG=de_DE /opt/gnucash-svk/bin/gnucash and then I ran the Tax & TXF Export report..
20:59:15 <fell> I have openSuSE 10.2, but the installation was terrible broken. Do you think, that affects?
21:00:17 <warlord> i have no idea.
21:00:23 <warlord> what version of guile?
21:00:35 <warlord> (and what installation was broken?)
21:05:30 <fell> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=239152
21:09:05 <warlord> Oh the SUSE installation. Sorry.
21:09:19 <fell> guile 1.8.1-24
21:12:30 <warlord> huh. ok.
21:13:27 <warlord> So... This could be a guile 1.8 thing..
21:14:48 <fell> I have LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 -in GC 1.8 was a difference between de_DE and de_DE.ISO..
21:16:05 <warlord> Even using LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 it works.
21:16:08 <warlord> The page says:
21:16:13 <warlord> Besteuerte Erträge / Absetzbare Aufwendungen
21:16:13 <warlord> Zeitraum von 2007-Jan-01 bis 2007-Apr-19
21:16:13 <warlord> Blaue Einträge können in eine .TXF-Datei exportiert werden.
21:16:13 <warlord> Keine Konten mit steuerrelevanten Informationen gefunden. Sie können steuerrelevante Informationen im Dialog Bearbeiten->Steuerrelevante Informationen angeben.
21:16:38 <warlord> But no crash.
21:17:21 <warlord> Now, it could be FC v. SuSE.. Or guile 1.6 v 1.8
21:17:33 <fell> looks fine! Do you have menu item report->tax..
21:18:03 <fell> That am I missing, too
21:19:08 <warlord> You mean "Berichte -> Steuer-Beritcht & TXF Export"
21:19:17 <fell> yes
21:19:22 <warlord> Yes, I have it.
21:20:03 <fell> then with my config something is wrong
21:20:28 <warlord> Like I said, it could be FC v. SuSE or guile-1.6 v. guile-1.8
21:20:41 <warlord> I wonder if andi5 or cstim can reproduce?
21:21:34 <fell> WARN <gnc.module> : could not locate gnucash/tax/us interface v.0
21:23:08 <warlord> fell: yea, that means the loading code isn't working.
21:23:38 <warlord> (it's trying to load gnucash/tax/us instead of gnucash/tax/de_DE
21:23:41 <warlord> I dont know why)
21:27:26 <warlord> I've updated http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431502 that it works for me.
21:29:47 <fell> wrong, that was about insufficient usage of LC_ALL, the crash is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431510
21:31:27 <warlord> Grr...
21:34:25 <warlord> Okay, updated http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431510
21:38:21 <warlord> fell: these aren't two bugs, it's one bug with two symtoms.
21:38:51 <fell> OK, but in 431502 the important lines are [00:36] ff
21:40:24 <warlord> I've closed 431502
21:40:29 <fell> man: LC_ALL ...override the values of all the other
21:41:58 <warlord> Feel free to update 431510 with that info, but I dont think it's all that important ...
21:42:41 <fell> LC-LANG was set, LC_ALL was unset, this means, if there is no LC_ALL GC, also has to check some other LC_ var
21:43:04 <warlord> I'll note that I just set LANG on FC and it worked fine.
21:43:16 <warlord> Oh, wait...
21:43:34 <warlord> I didn't compile with --enable-locale-specific-tax
21:43:48 <warlord> Let me recompile
21:44:03 <fell> Oo, oo ...
21:45:24 <warlord> (although we still only need a single bug report)
21:47:13 <fell> jsled said make 2
21:48:06 <warlord> yeah, well.. jsled was... premature.
21:48:11 <warlord> the two bugs are absolutely related.
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21:49:38 <fell> 1. s.o. should check that the interpretation conforms man:locale ... (I know, germans are terrible followers of norms and laws and other stupid things ;)
21:51:10 <warlord> "s.o." ?
21:51:37 <fell> low priority
21:53:11 <warlord> s.o. mean low priority?
21:54:14 <fell> if someone has too much time, he can look over LC_* interpretation
21:54:46 <warlord> okay, let me rephrase.. What does "s.o." stand for? What's the acronym short for?
21:55:07 <fell> someone
21:55:42 <fell> maybe he?
21:56:26 <fell> or hampton, or ...
21:56:43 <warlord> Ahhh.. Never seen that shorthand for "someone" before.
21:57:12 <fell> then it's denglisch, sorry
21:57:33 <warlord> No worries.
21:57:41 <warlord> Anyways, it still worked for me
21:59:51 <fell> OK, I will use another machine with Suse 10.0, I think. But I have to install all the dev stuff
22:00:10 <warlord> Or use FC5?
22:00:11 <warlord> ;)
22:02:07 <fell> I have my desktop (sue10.2), our laptop suse 10.0, and an K6-200 with kubuntu 6.10, but no free diskspace
22:07:26 <warlord> Not enough displace on the K6-200 to apt-get install gnucash?
22:09:18 <fell> since the last update of oo I get no more kde login
22:10:45 <warlord> oo?
22:10:48 <warlord> Open Office?
22:10:50 <warlord> OOo?
22:11:12 <fell> its a 2GB partition, I have to clean some old data partition, but that needs very much time.
22:11:23 <fell> yes OOo
22:11:25 <warlord> Maybe some of the packages are cached?
22:12:06 <fell> that could be, good idea
22:12:19 <warlord> I know that Yum caches packages on FC.
22:37:13 <fell> last question before I clean one of the machines, my ./configure has nothing missing or wrong: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/unstable/gnucash --enable-debug --enable-doxygen --enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings --enable-locale-specific-tax
22:41:05 <warlord> well, do you want OFX or HBCI support?
22:50:41 <fell> in Germany usual HBCI, but do I need it for tax
22:51:02 <warlord> No...
22:51:51 <fell> kubuntu runs (300MB cache deleted), thanks
22:52:53 <warlord> You're welcome
22:58:20 *** twunder has quit IRC
23:18:52 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
23:18:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o Wilddev
23:18:59 <warlord> Hiya Wilddev
23:19:10 <Wilddev> hiya warlord
23:19:17 <warlord> how are you?
23:19:33 <Wilddev> I'm doing just peachy today ty
23:19:36 <Wilddev> hru?
23:19:39 <warlord> Excellent.
23:19:51 <warlord> I'm doing okay.
23:40:33 <warlord> anyways, bedtime for me. good night
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23:41:38 <Wilddev> nite
23:43:18 <fell> short before sunrise, I need sleep. CU later
23:44:59 *** fell is now known as fell_afk