2007-04-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:13:13 <bx2> Can anybody explain in detail how to open gnu cash files in text editor? I am running ubuntu do they need to be unzipped? how is it done ?
11:14:02 <jsled> mv file file.gz; gunzip file.gz;
11:14:07 <cortana> bx2: if your editor does not uncompress them automaticall then do: zcat datafile > tmp; editor tmp
11:18:16 <bx2> so which gnu cash file do i select? log xac or the box one?
11:19:42 <jsled> the box one. That's your datafile.
11:19:52 <bx2> also, do i type these as commands into terminal or where?
11:20:05 <jsled> yes, into a terminal.
11:20:27 <jsled> Though, you might be able to do something simliar via nautilus or something.
11:20:46 <jsled> s/something similar/the same thing/
11:26:14 <bx2> im using abi word and am given a choice of how to open gzipped, text auto others xhtml. Also, should i save a copy of this somewhere before i start this?
11:26:31 <jsled> Yes, you most definitely should make a backup.
11:26:39 <jsled> You can't use AbiWord for this.
11:26:52 <bx2> what to use then?
11:27:18 <jsled> You need a text editor, not a word-processor ... something like gedit or vi
11:27:33 <jsled> Applications > Accessories > Text Editor
11:27:34 <jsled> ?
11:28:35 <bx2> get this error in gedit gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.
11:28:35 <bx2> Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.
11:28:35 <bx2> Select a character coding from the menu and try again.
11:28:46 <jsled> yeah, you'll need to uncompress it first.
11:29:18 <bx2> doing it in terminal how?
11:29:26 <jsled> as per the commands given above.
11:33:59 <bx2> in terminal it's at gnu nano 2.0.2 with a list of stuf at the bottom with up arrow letters what now?
11:34:24 <jsled> how did you get into nano?
11:34:47 <jsled> Are you editing the gnucash datafile, or ... ?
11:36:15 <jsled> got it. So you're staring at a bunch of XML, then?
11:37:13 <bx2> no just nano at the top blank then at bot read lines with a list of actions
11:37:46 <jsled> um. did you substitute your datafile's name for "datafile"? did the zcat command succeed?
11:38:12 <bx2> no
11:39:00 <jsled> Exit out of nano; I don't use it or know how, but the on-screen help should direct you.
11:39:13 <jsled> You'll first need to change into the directory where your datafile lives.
11:39:31 <jsled> You might want to start up gnucash and look at the titlebar to see what directory path that might be.
11:41:49 <bx2> it's in /home/bx2/BIZ DATA
11:44:25 <jsled> Is that a directory or file name?
11:44:30 <jsled> (and why all the upper-case?)
11:45:37 <bx2> both and I saved it in upper cade to diff it from others, is that a prob?
11:45:57 <jsled> no, it's not a problem, it's just uncommon.
11:46:06 <jsled> It can only be either a file or a directory name, but not both.
11:46:21 <bx2> see i told you i was a noob
11:46:34 <bx2> but i gotta learn somehow huh?
11:46:35 <jsled> At the command line {{{ file "/home/bx2/BIZ DATA" }}} will tell us.
11:47:01 <bx2> exactly like that with the brackets?
11:47:29 <jsled> Everything except the braces (and spaces immediately adjacent to the braces)
11:49:55 <bx2> doesn't do anything just a >
11:50:31 <jsled> ctrl-c to cancel.
11:50:50 <jsled> It's asking for the continuation of the command ... that's usually because you opened a quoted region, but didn't close it.
11:51:12 <jsled> Like, if you say [[[
11:51:13 <jsled> echo '
11:51:15 <jsled> ]]]
11:51:21 <jsled> It'll prompt you for a second line.
11:51:35 <jsled> with ">"
11:51:43 <bx2> ok
11:52:06 <jsled> So, uh, did you get both "s in the command above?
11:52:24 <bx2> yes went back twice to confirm
11:54:55 <jsled> Hmm. Well, maybe this would be easier in nautilus.
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11:55:17 <bx2> also in gedit there is a selection for encoding utf-8 or western
11:55:31 <jsled> Yeah, it's confused. Neither are correct.'
11:55:48 <bx2> how do i get in naut?
11:56:26 <bx2> im also taking notes
11:56:53 <jsled> The Places menu (assuming a gnome desktop)
11:57:41 <bx2> how in places menu?
11:58:00 <jsled> {Places > Home Folder}?
11:59:09 <bx2> ok am there
11:59:23 <bx2> don't see naut
11:59:36 <jsled> You're in nautilus; it's the file-browser
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12:00:12 <bx2> ok then the BIZ DATA file i see
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12:00:54 <jsled> So, make a backup if you haven't. Then rename it to 'BIZ DATA.gz'. Then you should be able to "uncompress" it, somehow.
12:01:51 <jsled> Or, perhaps, once it's named whatever.gz, you can just open it up in the Archive Manager, and then open the file from there.
12:02:40 <bx2> yes because archive will not open it, if I've backed it up on zip i should be o.k. then?
12:03:16 <jsled> "on zip"? Like on a zip drive?
12:03:23 <bx2> yes
12:03:31 <jsled> Yeah, that should be fine.
12:03:49 <bx2> ok i've renamed it
12:05:09 <jsled> Now that it's renamed, you should be able to open it in Archive Manager? Even if you just double-click on it?
12:06:16 <bx2> ok it's in archive then select the application tto open it gedit ?
12:06:25 <jsled> yes
12:07:13 <bx2> should i first click extract?
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12:12:01 <jsled> I'm not sure how good Archive MAnager is ... you might be able to edit it in-place, using "Open With..." on the uncompressed file from Archive Manager itself.
12:12:18 <jsled> But, yes, you can extract the datafile out, as well.
12:12:29 <jsled> Whatever you're more comfortable with
12:14:17 <bx2> in archive it lists noe applications at all so if i extract, then to where? desktop?
12:15:16 <jsled> Wherever. /home/bx2/, Desktop ...
12:15:20 <jsled> /tmp/, even.
12:20:18 <bx2> ok we got it on the desktop then open with gedit?
12:20:21 <jsled> Sure.
12:21:27 <jsled> (Geez. I hope this is even possible. :)
12:21:53 <bx2> ok looking at what appears to be a list of urls then html or is it xml?
12:22:02 <jsled> it's XML.
12:22:18 <bx2> you mean you weren't sure??
12:22:41 <bx2> now he tells me
12:23:53 <bx2> ok for example, say I want to change the invoice counter?
12:24:38 <jsled> Well, it's not magic. It has to either record the current/next value of the counter, or increment the last id value.
12:24:46 <jsled> So, changing either should change the counter.
12:25:05 <jsled> Depending on which one it is.
12:26:01 <bx2> also is there a help guide for this as far as other stuff i can edit?
12:26:10 <jsled> no.
12:26:39 <bx2> those urls at the top how to?
12:26:59 <jsled> I don't believe any of them even resolve.
12:27:31 <jsled> Yeah, no, they're 404.
12:27:49 <bx2> can i change the counter for all invoices saved or just starting from the last one?
12:28:59 <bx2> also can i change other things about the invoice like it's ugliness? and thank you for your patronage etc?
12:29:47 <jsled> The invoice formatting is not in your datafile.
12:30:22 <bx2> so where is that?
12:30:26 <jsled> bx2: Tehre are a few FAQs about Invoices at <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_you_make_the_organization_name_appear_on_my_Invoices.3F>
12:30:59 <jsled> As for the counter, you can try changing the count-data at the top. Or you can change hte last invoice ID. I'm not seeing a clear "<gnc:next-invoice-id-counter>..." element.
12:31:14 <jsled> You may want to wait for warlord to return and ask him the best way.
12:31:52 <bx2> ok thanks man, gotta go
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12:45:49 <hampton> the count-data is record keeping for gnucash. as i recall, mainly used to update the progress bar
12:45:54 <hampton> ah, he left
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12:49:01 <andi5> hi... reading about nautilus and checking http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/mime/shared-mime-info/freedesktop.org.xml.in?revision=1.245&view=markup , i saw they call *.gnumeric, *.gnc and *.xac a "GnuCash spreadsheet" .... well, i hope you agree that this is suboptimal :)
12:50:54 <andi5> i would like to a file bug .... any suggestion? maybe "Financial data" combined with GnuCash somehow?
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13:24:34 <jsled> Not *.gnumeric. *.gnucash.
13:24:48 <andi5> of course
13:33:42 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
13:34:17 <fell> I think, I found a way to become rich.
13:35:05 <andi5> spend less than received?
13:36:33 <fell> open a new file, put EUR 1000,00 in; change in INR (60INR=1EUR) and then you will have EUR 1000,02
13:39:26 <fell> in Journal i see 1000,00; in Accounts I see 1000,02
13:41:29 <fell> I think, before the price editor stored 1/60; now he shows 0.016667
13:43:50 <fell> Is there a correspondence to changing the type of the course?
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15:43:23 <Seth> Howdy. Newbie: I saw that GnuCash 2.1 says it's OsX compatible, but can't find any additional docs. Building has problems with libtool as seen in previous posts for previous versions. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
15:44:00 <jsled> Seth: have you seen <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSXInstallation>?
15:44:16 <Seth> I have, but it has nothing about 2.1
15:45:01 <jsled> "Current developer version" and "Compiling on your own" might be relevant.
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15:45:40 <Seth> jsled: Ok. I just thought that since 2.1 is explicit about it's support for Windows and Mac that it would have bundled build instructions. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything obvious
15:49:25 <hampton> 2.1 is a test release. The real release will be 2.2, and yes we should probably have separate 2.2 build instructions written by then.
16:00:17 <Seth> If anyone here has built 2.1 on mac, I would appreciate some pointers. Hampton, Jsled, thanks for your help
16:09:32 <jsled> Seth: have you checked the gnucash-{devel,user} mailing list archives?
16:09:59 <Seth> Jsled: Only what's turned up in google searches
16:10:25 <Seth> Jsled: I see that other people have had my same problem, but I didn't find anybody mentioning a solution
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16:40:18 <fell> In short I have to leave. Should I open a bug for the price editor inaccuracy?
16:40:53 <andi5> of course!
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16:46:08 <fell> which component should I select?
16:46:51 <andi5> engine, general or ui? ... i do not know
16:47:06 <andi5> does not really matter
16:47:33 <andi5> even half-done bug reports are better than no reports at all
16:47:51 <fell> Ok, today I like engine
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17:02:08 <bx2> How to change invoice numbers am running ubuntu fiesty
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17:11:41 <hampton> open your data file and look for this:
17:11:49 <hampton> <slot>
17:11:49 <hampton> <slot:key>gncInvoice</slot:key>
17:11:49 <hampton> <slot:value type="integer">2</slot:value>
17:11:49 <hampton> </slot>
17:12:12 <hampton> make sure you make a backup first
17:15:57 <bx2> do i have to do it on all the invoices
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17:18:58 <hampton> do what?
17:19:18 <hampton> are you trying to change individual invoice numbers, or the next automatically assigned invoice number.
17:19:53 <bx2> i guess next one
17:21:08 <hampton> Look through your data file for the snipped I posted. That's how gnucash remembers the last assigned number. The next assigned invoice number will be one higher than whats in the data file.
17:22:08 <bx2> I've found it for each invoice as i scroll down then change the last one?
17:23:25 <hampton> I only see that snipped once in my test data file.
17:23:52 <hampton> I do see "<invoice:id>000001</invoice:id>" for each invoice. That's not what I'm talking about.
17:26:59 <bx2> i see the snippet at every invoice as </slot:value type="string">Invoice 00003</slot:value>
17:27:11 <bx2> <slot>
17:27:22 *** GiobbeTheCaptain has joined #gnucash
17:27:45 <GiobbeTheCaptain> hello!
17:28:04 <GiobbeTheCaptain> can I ask a question about the "Price Editor"?
17:28:05 <jsled> GiobbeTheCaptain: hey. Please use a pastebin service if you need to paste multiple lines.
17:28:19 <GiobbeTheCaptain> k
17:28:22 <jsled> http://pastebin.ca/ is a good one.
17:28:27 <GiobbeTheCaptain> cheers!
17:29:36 <hampton> You find a "<slot:key>gncInvoice</slot:key>" for every invoice?
17:29:39 <andi5> hampton: at least there is a recommended way of installing f::q now: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#Finance::Quote :-)
17:30:36 <bx2> affirmative
17:30:58 <hampton> ok. weird
17:31:13 <bx2> am i lookin in the wrong data file?
17:31:44 <hampton> go to the top of the file. Look for <book:slots> In that section, you should find the snippet I posted.
17:33:24 <bx2> ok got it then what/
17:34:38 <GiobbeTheCaptain> I would like to ask a question about GNU Cash.After setting up in the "security editor" the funds I'm interested in, I get the following messages whenever I try to run "Get Quotes": http://pastebin.ca/454886
17:34:42 <hampton> change the number to whatever you want the next invoice number to be (minus one)
17:36:18 <hampton> GiobbeTheCaptain: That's because the symbol names you've used aren't recognized by yahoo.
17:36:32 <GiobbeTheCaptain> what shall I use instead?
17:36:54 <bx2> ok I've got this data file unzipped to my desktop then into gedit, how do i get it back into gnu cash?
17:37:12 <GiobbeTheCaptain> if I look at http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/mutualfunds/ga/gb0008468174.html I found the same identifier
17:37:20 <hampton> run gnucash. it doesn't care if the file is zipped or not
17:38:19 <hampton> But that number doesn't work if you put it into the search field
17:38:23 <hampton> at yahoo
17:38:35 <bx2> did it no change
17:39:42 <GiobbeTheCaptain> you're right...
17:41:09 <GiobbeTheCaptain> it's really strange... I'm typing the same ISIN code
17:41:23 <hampton> Try gb0008468174.mf
17:41:53 <bx2> maybe better to just keep crawlin up from 000010, heck in another twenty years
17:42:09 <hampton> bx2: when you create a new invoice and don't specify a number, it doesn't give you one higher than what you put in the data file? It worked for me here.
17:43:20 <bx2> no sir, seems i stay as before,
17:44:04 <bx2> this code isn't gettin into gnu how do i send it/
17:44:46 <hampton> I don't know what to tell you then. Quitting gnucash, changing that number, then starting gnucash worked for me.
17:44:55 <hampton> I don't understand your last sentence.
17:46:05 <GiobbeTheCaptain> still not working... but it's used in the URL to reference it: http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=GB0008468174.MF
17:46:36 <GiobbeTheCaptain> but if I try to type GB000846814.MF still cannot find it
17:47:12 <bx2> ok i right clicked on the changed desktop file to open it with gnu instead of from applications doesn't change
17:48:50 <hampton> I'm now getting "invalid ticker" from yahoo for that code
17:50:57 <bx2> success at last! it helps if you "save" the edited file!
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17:51:15 <hampton> I'm not sure what's going in. Yahoo is working again, but I still can't get valid data via the Finance::Quote code. I know others have had problems with Yahoo Europe recently. I wonder if something's going on there.
17:52:06 <GiobbeTheCaptain> I try with another server...
17:53:45 <hampton> problem could be that Y outputs different data for mutual funds than it does for stocks
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17:59:56 <GiobbeTheCaptain> I found the solution!
17:59:57 <GiobbeTheCaptain> gosh!
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18:06:09 <hampton> which is?
18:08:17 <GiobbeTheCaptain> Ok. I give you an example
18:09:43 <GiobbeTheCaptain> Let's say that you're interested in the following fund: http://uk.biz.yahoo.com/mutualfunds/ga/gb0030949704.html then you click on the ISIN link, in this case gb0030949704. You will be redirect to http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/cq?s=gb0030949704&d=v1&m=mf. Click on the most updated entry: MFZLNHII.L
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18:10:19 <GiobbeTheCaptain> you'll be redirect to the page http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=MFZLNHII.L Click on "DOWNLOAD DATA" in the bottom and then open the text file
18:11:18 <GiobbeTheCaptain> you gotta use in the "Security Editor" the ID in the text file, in this case MFZLNHII.L
18:11:41 <hampton> Given that info, MFZLNHII.L should work in gnucash
18:11:52 <GiobbeTheCaptain> once you run "Get Quotes" you retrieve the value... not really straighforward :)
18:12:05 <GiobbeTheCaptain> thanks hampton!
18:12:50 <hampton> Gnucash (well Finance::Quote really) uses the http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=xxxx interface to yahoo. anything that works in that url should work in gnucash.
18:13:08 <GiobbeTheCaptain> great!
18:13:11 <hampton> do you know about the gnc-fq-dump program you can use to test with?
18:13:21 <hampton> gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe MFZLNHII.L
18:14:10 <GiobbeTheCaptain> let me try... are you a GNU CASH developer?
18:15:43 <hampton> yes
18:17:03 <GiobbeTheCaptain> nice piece of software, well done guys... I didn't look at the source code, but I've seen the user interface and the functions developing in the last years!
18:24:12 <hampton> thanks
18:25:53 <hampton> I notice that MFZLNHII.L and GB000846814.MF show slightly different prices on yahoo's site
18:28:21 <GiobbeTheCaptain> yeah... it's not clear
18:28:37 <GiobbeTheCaptain> one seems to be more recent thought
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19:26:05 <bx2> gnu cash is saving all the logs etc to my desktop, how can i send them into local? im running ubuntu fiesty
19:26:21 <jsled> "into local"?
19:26:30 <jsled> It should save them alongside your datafile.
19:26:52 <jsled> So, maybe, make a directory for your data, rather than having the datafile on the desktop.
19:27:09 <bx2> how to do it?
19:27:15 <jsled> df -k
19:27:24 <jsled> Sorry ... wrong window.
19:27:36 <jsled> Places > Home Dir. Right click, New directory or something.
19:28:39 <jsled> Then drag your datafile into the new directory.
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20:16:12 <zach> jsled: FYI, I compiled latest on both windows and linux. SX editor is still VERY slow for me in windows, but opens quickly on my slow linux box...
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20:29:08 <bx2> Where can I edit out some of the unwanted files listed under file in gnuc?
20:33:12 <zach> ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash/history/%gconf.xml
20:38:06 <bx2> How to edit invoices? how to set fancy with the thank you thingy?
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20:53:50 <zach> jsled: the data file is still marked dirty when you do a 'since last run' even with no changes...
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20:56:13 <zach> I also have a problem with the way windows handles the drop down box in the 'since last run' dialog
20:56:49 <zach> it doesn't actually change the selection until you click off of the line with the changed drop down box
20:57:47 <zach> so if you just change one to 'to-create' and then immediately go click the OK button it doesn't get created (still treated as '
20:57:52 <zach> 'reminder')
20:58:14 <zach> in linux the drop down box behaves differently (better)
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21:02:38 <bx2> Is there any way to set fancy invoice as default?
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21:11:01 <jsled> zach: by "still" you mean with svn/trunk, I take it? The only time it should be marked dirty is if there are auto-create SXes.
21:11:11 <zach> yep
21:11:18 <zach> 15995
21:11:33 <jsled> "boo" re: the crappy Gtk behavior on windows.
21:12:33 <zach> yep it sucks compared to linux
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