2007-06-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:10 <abdrahim> The problem with the program is that when I try to enter my company name and hit apply or ok, the progam shuts down and no data is entered.
00:02:47 <jsled> You're saying you start gnucash, open the properties, enter a company name. press "Ok", and gnucash crashes?
00:03:56 <abdrahim> yes
00:04:41 <jsled> I'd like to be shocked, but I think I've seen that bug report before. Please do some searches at <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=GnuCash> if you care.
00:04:53 <jsled> Unfortunately, there is no export to QIF.
00:05:28 <jsled> I need to head to bed. Good night, and good luck.
00:07:33 <abdrahim> Thanks
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09:55:07 <jsled> Alright, it's time for another edition of "moderated gnucash-user email: spam or ham?!?"
09:55:11 <jsled> Today's email, from...
09:55:40 <jsled> has as its subject: "In the life cycle of the Expense Reporting, there are several points of interaction."
09:58:11 <warlord> I vote spam.
09:58:40 <jsled> Winnah!
10:04:12 <chris> hehe
10:05:13 <warlord> :)
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15:49:36 <andi5> jsled: hiho... may you tell me whether http://pastebin.ca/raw/545447 is a valid sx, especially the freqspec (it seems to miss a date), and if not, where the program should bark and maybe fail?
15:49:52 <jsled> andi5: looking.
15:50:00 <andi5> thanks
15:52:52 <andi5> this was saved with gnc 2.1.1
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15:53:49 <jsled> andi5: yeah, it needs something that corresponds to the date, in that freqspec block.
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15:56:11 <jsled> Wait, no ... I wonder how that happened.
15:56:58 <jsled> Even if the <ui_type> is 'once', there should still be a <fs:once><fs:date>...<//> structure under that.
15:57:49 <andi5> (gnucash does not seem to fail loading the file (have not yet tested on linux), but the start date is still reset and recurrenceToString fails (see bug #443941 for warnings), the returned NULL is printed then -> crash
15:57:51 <jsled> unless, maybe, the gnc-frequency widget created something very abnormal or partially-consistent.
15:59:12 <jsled> But ... all the cases of the switch there do *something* ... at worst, we g_return_val_if_fail(), which should return a null dom tree to the caller.
15:59:20 <andi5> http://pastebin.ca/raw/545569 for a backtrace
15:59:25 <jsled> In any case, the writing of that structure should never have happened.
15:59:38 <andi5> that is probably right :)
16:01:47 <jsled> Ah, the dog has needs. Biab.
16:02:09 * andi5 gets something to eat
16:28:38 <jsled> andi5: it should fail during parsing the freq spec, but there's no way in sixtp to say "one of these must be set", and I don't think the code/logic does such a check.
16:32:05 <andi5> what if the start date was initialized to today?
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16:33:33 <jsled> hey cstim.
16:33:39 <cstim> hi jsled, andi5
16:33:40 <jsled> andi5: where? in what context?
16:33:45 <andi5> hiho cstim
16:33:46 <warlord> hiya cstim
16:34:12 <cstim> hi warlord! is your family well again, hopefully?
16:34:37 <andi5> jsled: i am thinking of gnc-freqspec-xml-v2.c::fspd_init() .... but it is just a wild guess
16:34:59 <andi5> i hope that the date is valid then at least
16:35:11 <warlord> yeah, mom is here now.
16:35:39 <andi5> cstim: *reading your mail right now*
16:35:50 <cstim> warlord: good to hear. I hope she gets completely well again soon.
16:36:47 <cstim> andi5 and all: yeah, the aqbanking part on Windows is having all kinds of problems at initial setup. I even consider shipping gnucash-2.2.0 *without* aqbanking just because its initial setup on windows isn't tested enough.
16:37:05 <jsled> andi5: hmm. I'm not sure I see what you're saying. But I realy can't understand how that FS got emitted in the first place.
16:37:57 <jsled> Oh, I see.
16:38:04 <cstim> andi5: and at least Rostock should be quiet again by now, I hope? All demonstrations out in the woods and fields?
16:38:08 <andi5> oh, good ;-)
16:38:33 <jsled> andi5: In the case INVALID: {...} the xmlSub is created, but never actually added to the tree.
16:39:05 <jsled> it had to be that case. Which means, it's not even a valid SX in the first place, but regardless.
16:39:12 <andi5> cstim: tomorrow we will probably have halligalli in the city again.... big concerts are planned
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16:39:30 <warlord> cstim: thanks. me too.
16:41:03 <andi5> jsled: would not that mean that fs:ui_type would be "none"?
16:41:51 <jsled> andi5: ah. yes. :/
16:42:13 <jsled> Er. Not necessarily.
16:42:34 <jsled> I mean, there is this funny ui-type separate from the 'type'. So here, the ui-type would be 'once', but the type would be 'none'.
16:43:23 <cstim> ok, I'm off to bed.
16:43:26 <jsled> or, 'invalid
16:43:28 <jsled> '.
16:43:30 <andi5> uhm.... could you explain that in one sentence? :)
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16:43:39 <andi5> cstim_zzz: one secound
16:43:41 <andi5> -u
16:43:52 <cstim_zzz> andi5: ja?
16:43:55 <andi5> cstim_zzz: do you mean with "consider" "suggest"?
16:44:12 <andi5> should i start removing it from the builds?
16:44:14 <cstim_zzz> andi5: not yet.
16:44:16 <jsled> andi5: FreqSpec.c:xaccFreqSpecInit()
16:44:28 <andi5> ok
16:44:34 <cstim_zzz> andi5: I want to work on aqbanking this weekend and fix the hard-coded qt3-wizard path.
16:44:40 <cstim_zzz> but you know, so little time, so much to do
16:44:43 <andi5> oh, cool
16:44:51 <cstim_zzz> After the weekend I'll suggest what to do.
16:44:52 <andi5> i did not have time to look at your path additions yet
16:45:19 <cstim_zzz> alternatively, I am also thinking about proposing another beta release (2.1.4 or whatever) and delay 2.2.0 for 2-3 weeks.
16:45:25 <cstim_zzz> but I'll write this by email.
16:45:31 <andi5> fine
16:45:42 <andi5> see you, cstim
16:47:38 <andi5> jsled: ah, so freqtype <-> uifreqtype is only an implementation detail?
16:47:59 <jsled> andi5: hmm?
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16:48:27 <andi5> but well, i think i get it now
16:48:39 <jsled> It's an implementation detail. I don't know what you mean by "only".
16:48:52 <andi5> do not mind :)
16:48:52 <jsled> This is a freqspec that was initialized, but not setup correctly.
16:49:30 <jsled> So, either the gnc-frequency widget – which does work a bit differently in 2.1.x – is broken, or the sx-from-trans code is broken.
16:49:45 <jsled> Both of which are the places where FreqSpecs are setup apart from being initialized.
16:53:11 <andi5> jsled: another topic: you have probably seen the "every x months" spin button make jumps greater than one, right? ... this seems to be due to a spin button timeout event which controls "fast-forward" spinning... it is run because the changed(?) signal handler is too slow
16:53:21 <andi5> just wanted to say that before i forget it :)
16:53:51 <jsled> andi5: I have seen that ... I think it's in my issues list, too.
16:53:58 <jsled> But I'd "forgotten" about it.
16:54:00 <jsled> That's good to know.
16:54:05 <andi5> good
16:56:25 <jsled> andi5: recorded; it was in my issues list before, but fell out somehow.
16:57:13 <andi5> and yet another: on windows, when i run gnucash --nofile, go to sx editor and select frequence "never", gnucash spits out a lot of g_date_get_julian: assertion `d->julian' failed and more, endlessly
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16:59:29 <andi5> is that reproducible on linux?
17:00:59 <jsled> Hmm. Do you mean "None"?
17:01:26 <andi5> maybe, it is "nie" here, i translated it back to never :)
17:01:30 <jsled> Ah. :)
17:01:32 <jsled> I guess a crit from gnc.engine.recurrence and gnc.engine.sx...
17:01:38 <jsled> But not the error you're suggesting.
17:02:01 <jsled> http://pastebin.ca/545726
17:02:22 <jsled> (that's with 2.1.3)
17:02:22 <andi5> http://pastebin.ca/raw/545727
17:02:44 <andi5> did you change anything recently? i use here ;-)
17:03:07 <jsled> No, I've not made any changes in a long while, :(
17:03:22 <andi5> oh, you are not the only one :(
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17:04:37 <Genscher> just arrived from windows to complete linux. and since my original copy of Quicken doesn't work under linux, i tried to import my QIF file within gnucash
17:04:52 <Genscher> horrible.
17:05:02 <Genscher> ;)
17:05:10 <Genscher> ok, not fully horrible
17:05:16 <andi5> thanks for this information... ;-)
17:05:43 <Genscher> i only miss some things from quicken, but the menu in gnucash makes sense
17:05:44 <andi5> i have thought foreign ministers would be more diplomatic ;-)
17:06:00 <Genscher> hehe
17:06:04 <Genscher> my problem is this
17:06:24 <Genscher> when i import, gnucash tells me "the date is amigious" (or something like that)
17:06:32 <Genscher> "please choose date format"
17:06:48 <Genscher> y/m/d or m/d/y
17:06:50 <Genscher> the problem is
17:07:02 <Genscher> my date format is d/m/y as in all europe....
17:07:13 <Genscher> and that is not part of the dropdown menu
17:07:14 <Genscher> :(
17:07:15 <warlord> Your QIF file would beg to differ.
17:07:52 <Genscher> any ideas how i can get that gnucash uses d/m/y as date import format?
17:08:31 <Genscher> it's just not funny having entries from year 2021
17:08:32 <Genscher> ;)
17:08:33 <warlord> Genscher: you dont understand... The QIF file has whatever format the QIF file has, which may or not be your locale format.
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17:08:52 <Genscher> warlord, i understand clearly.
17:09:10 <Genscher> the problem is, that gnucash doesn't recognize it right
17:09:15 <Genscher> and akses me to choose
17:09:18 <Genscher> *askes
17:09:24 <Genscher> *whatever ;)
17:09:32 <warlord> If it's not suggesting d/m/y then it must've found a date that can't fit into d/m/y -- for example, the second number could be a 13 somewhere.
17:09:44 <warlord> Sorry if I dont believe you.
17:09:49 <Genscher> warlord, hehe
17:09:55 <warlord> Show me some of the date entries from you QIF file.
17:09:57 <andi5> Genscher: have you actually taken a look at the file?
17:10:02 <Genscher> will do
17:11:16 <andi5> QIF is not meant to be human readable in its presentation of dates, at least... the date format may differ from what you would expect in the graphical user interface
17:11:22 <Genscher> andi5, warlord you might be right :) looking into the file was a quite good diea :)
17:11:52 <Genscher> well, i'm on linux, so you can expect that i am at least able to open a shell ;)
17:11:55 <Genscher> thanks for the hint :)
17:12:03 * Genscher tries importing again
17:12:27 <andi5> Genscher: i am sure you are :-)
17:12:30 <warlord> :)
17:12:42 <warlord> Like I said, "sorry if I dont believe you" ;)
17:12:48 <warlord> :-D
17:12:53 <Genscher> :)
17:13:17 <andi5> whaaa... please stop, these tango smilies are just too funny :) *rofling*
17:13:49 <warlord> hehehe
17:15:35 <Genscher> haha
17:15:36 <Genscher> :)
17:15:42 <Genscher> hey guys
17:15:45 <Genscher> it's working
17:15:49 <andi5> tada
17:16:02 <Genscher> thanks to you :)
17:16:07 <andi5> terrifying
17:16:13 <Genscher> great work
17:16:35 <Genscher> now, i really need to simplify the interface ;)
17:16:36 <warlord> hehe
17:16:46 <Genscher> just kidding ;)
17:16:51 <andi5> Genscher: just do not forget to send us patches :)
17:17:28 <Genscher> well, i don't think gnucash is aiming at another copy of quicken interface ;)
17:18:04 <andi5> gnucken?
17:19:18 <Genscher> ;)
17:19:42 <Genscher> is gnucash able to get my online banking entries?
17:20:16 <andi5> gnucash is able to speak to aqbanking, aqbanking itself is rather multilingual
17:20:57 <Genscher> good to know
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17:45:15 <Genscher> ok, no need for coding :) i found KMyMoney which is actually exactly what i was looking for. thanks for the support and good work so far!
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21:26:22 <dacc> how do you guys recommend managing stock holdings in gnucash? given their value changes every day...
21:27:36 <jsled> dacc: have you read the tutorial and concepts guide?
21:28:13 <dacc> jsled: skimmed, mostly
21:28:29 <jsled> There's whole sections about how to handle stocks.
21:28:36 <dacc> jsled: i'll read "Investments" more carefully
21:28:40 <dacc> jsled: ok, thanks
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