2007-06-21 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:33 *** zarchne has joined #gnucash
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02:28:46 <gunnmjk> In gnucash, is there a way for me to "reset" the balance? I stopped using it for a couple months, and just want to put in my current balances without making changes to everything.
02:28:47 <gunnmjk> Thanks
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09:16:06 <JoeyJoeJo> is there an osx build of gnucash?
09:17:45 <andi5> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSXInstallation
09:19:21 <JoeyJoeJo> thanks.. I was hoping I could use it without installing X though
09:20:18 <andi5> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSXInstallation#Manual_compilation_.28GnuCash_2.1.1_Quartz.29
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09:35:49 <warlord> gunnmjk: Start over with a new account file?
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10:24:57 <jsled> gunnmjk: or just make some adjusting transactions, similar to how one makes Equity:Opening Balances transactions to establish account balance in the first place.
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12:39:20 <andi5> @tell cstim great news regarding aqbanking! kudos to you :) oh, i do not know why locale messages should be installed under lib/, but that is a rather standard procedure, so i will probably "fix" dist_aqbanking at the weekend then...
12:39:20 <gncbot> andi5: The operation succeeded.
12:47:08 <warlord> andi5: now that I've got the INvoice Search down to a couple changesets -- any chance you might be able to look over the three changesets and see what I might've screwed up?
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13:03:00 <andi5> hehe... i will try to take a look at it
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13:06:34 <andi5> i need (quick) strategic advice regarding the "schema invalidation warning"... i want to have the gnc-backend-file registered before the qsf-backend, ... i see several possibilities: (1) make the modules not register themselves, but rather load the modules specifically (as in gnc-engine.c) ; (2) add an integer prio parameter to qof_backend_register_provider ; (3) add a boolean param as in (2) ; (4) something else .... any advice? .... i guess (1
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13:08:23 <jsled> explicit loading is good. A "priority" is a bit mis-modeled, I think. It's really more of a "load-before" or "depend-on" relation, right?
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13:09:17 <andi5> so explicit loading is ok?
13:09:19 <jsled> But, how does the qsf backend being loaded first result in that message? Have we not configured libxml2 at that point?
13:09:37 <andi5> oh, i do not know and do not care :)
13:09:47 <jsled> Ah ... but you're sure it fixes it?
13:10:29 <jsled> *I* think it's okay ... for those modules, anyways. They're always loaded, right? In every configuration?
13:11:40 <warlord> Yeah, those two modules exist in every gnucash configuration.
13:12:00 <warlord> Does changing the load order really fix the problem?
13:12:15 <warlord> If so, I wonder if there's something done in the qsf module to turn on validation?
13:13:21 <warlord> (the QSF code certainly USES schema validation)
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13:14:32 <warlord> OH, I bet....... qsf_determine_file_type()
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13:15:53 <warlord> So that when QSF is loaded first it runs the QSF check using Schema Validation which fails (because it's a Gnucash File, not a QSF file)..
13:16:22 <warlord> Whereas when the file backend is loaded first it runs the file backend "check_data_type()" function first.
13:17:37 <andi5> i will be back (later)
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13:17:48 <warlord> ok
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16:30:05 <andi5> warlord: i assume what you said about the validation is correct ... do we still want to fix the loading order? if we want to load the modules explicitly from gnc-engine.c, i would rename g_module_check_init to qof_backend_module_init() and call that from qof_load_backend_library() ... does that sound correct to you?
16:32:19 <andi5> that way qof modules can be unloaded again, unless they are explicitly registered to qof... now they call g_module_make_resident as soon as they are dlopened
16:37:40 <andi5> well... just drop me a note... it is on my todo for the weekend
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17:03:17 <warlord> @tell andi5 I dont have a strong opinion how it gets done
17:03:17 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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18:03:36 *** pitosga has joined #gnucash
18:03:39 <pitosga> hello
18:03:46 <jsled> hello
18:03:48 <jsled> :)
18:04:00 <pitosga> know anything about HBCI/OFX
18:04:02 <pitosga> ?
18:04:08 <pitosga> hey jsled :)
18:04:12 <jsled> Maybe ... what's your question?
18:04:15 <pitosga> thanks for the server tip
18:04:44 <pitosga> basically i have been struggling with helpdesk at my bank to get that kind of access
18:04:52 <pitosga> they do provide msmoney support
18:05:22 <pitosga> but no other software beside that, no other info besides msmoney 'rest of the world'
18:05:32 <pitosga> release
18:05:44 <pitosga> does it make any sense to you?
18:06:13 <pitosga> i'm just starting with gnucash
18:06:37 <pitosga> i usually make my management on very basic spreadsheets
18:06:40 <jsled> sure, it makes sense that they would only support msmoney, to some degree.
18:07:37 <pitosga> but i now have 5 years of history on spreadsheets that i have just read can be imported(with some work :) ) into gnucash
18:08:28 <jsled> What bank? And are you trying to use HBCI or OFX?
18:08:33 <pitosga> jsled: i'm an IT guy myself so i understand their point... just can't drop my arms and do nothing, at least TRY to go around it...
18:08:47 <pitosga> jsled: that is my major issue
18:08:59 <pitosga> i don't know what method my bank uses
18:09:16 <pitosga> iFetching details for 101251...ok
18:09:16 <pitosga> Fetching details for 101252...ok
18:09:31 <pitosga> i'm downloading a ton of xml files from microsoft
18:09:42 <pitosga> hope that gives me some sort of info on that
18:09:44 <jsled> Oh. Well, HBCI is – as I understand it – primarily a DE thing. I'd guess that its OFX.
18:10:03 <pitosga> i'm at Portugal, europeen union
18:10:25 <pitosga> Millennium BCP bank
18:10:48 <pitosga> :\
18:10:56 <pitosga> any pointers?
18:14:17 <pitosga> jsled: is this the standard way of getting there?
18:14:48 <pitosga> parsing msmoney xml files to get the server info on my bank?
18:19:36 <pitosga> :|
18:19:41 <pitosga> google up...
18:21:57 <jsled> pitosga: It seems to be. If your bank provides OFX files for download, you can simply import them directly.
18:22:14 <jsled> pitosga: If you're trying to do OFX DirectConnect, then <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2> has some good info.
18:22:45 <jsled> Also, <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings> has some settings info, but it's pretty US-specific.
18:23:28 <pitosga> hum
18:23:33 <pitosga> i do not think so
18:23:51 <pitosga> at least ofx was never mentioned
18:24:25 <pitosga> by them
18:24:38 <jsled> Hmm. Then, they might not support it...
18:27:11 <pitosga> this msmoney xml files are endless...
18:27:29 <pitosga> 103000 and counting!
18:27:36 <jsled> What are they?
18:27:55 <pitosga> they are the xml files that msmoney uses to connect to banks
18:28:08 <pitosga> http://www.jongsma.org/gc/
18:28:10 <pitosga> here
18:28:27 <pitosga> this guy trew in some scripts to get them
18:31:14 <pitosga> then as i see it i must convert them from UTF-16 to UTF-8 or even iso-8859-1
18:31:21 <pitosga> to grep them
18:31:33 <pitosga> find the one that specifies my bank connection info
18:31:45 <pitosga> *IF* there is such file
18:32:17 <pitosga> and finnally knock myself out with port knocking and ofx hammering
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