2007-06-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:39:52 <jsled> Hmm. dogtail-like thing: http://www.gnomejournal.org/article/56/exercising-your-application-with-accerciser
09:40:32 <jsled> Ooh... with an interaction/script recorder...
09:43:21 <warlord> well, it sounds like it tests the accessability of the app, not the functionality per se.
09:47:22 <jsled> good point.
09:50:00 <warlord> I doubt the register meets the accessibiity "requirements"
09:50:18 <jsled> Yeah, I can't imagine.
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15:03:08 <jsled> heh.
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15:10:37 <warlord> you know what I'm referring to, right..
15:10:45 <jsled> of course.
15:11:17 * jsled thinks warlord's hammer implements GInterface.
15:12:48 <warlord> hahahahaha
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16:08:41 <dbr> jsled: if SX editor is working at all for you, I suspect I have a major GTK+2 problem
16:09:06 <jsled> dbr: sorry I wandered away last night, especially without warning.
16:09:12 <dbr> any attempted use of the SX editor crashes gnucash for me, even on a clean new file
16:09:22 <dbr> np.
16:09:37 <jsled> dbr: It has been working fine for me in regular use over the last couple of months.
16:09:45 <jsled> dbr: it certainly shouldn't be that unstable!
16:09:52 <dbr> I'm stuck at GTK+ 2.6.10 until fink gets pango/cairo fixed
16:10:17 <dbr> I'm thinking maybe configure needs to complain about the age of my gtk?
16:10:44 <jsled> Hmm. Maybe, though I thought we only up'ed from 2.4 to 2.6 ... so – as far as we've known before – its fine.
16:10:48 <jsled> s/its/it's/
16:11:32 <dbr> oh good :( another mac mystery
16:12:44 <jsled> Well, I seem to have gtk 2.6 still installed. Lemme get a build against it started...
16:13:50 <dbr> ooh. SX editor works for me in 2.1.3 in a clean file...
16:14:18 <jsled> so just --nofile, then SX List, then "New", then... ?
16:15:27 <dbr> not quite, I created a clean file a while back (March12) that I use to save time. but otherwise Actions/SX editor-> New
16:15:30 <dbr> then works.
16:16:21 <dbr> in r16210, I can open the SX view, but any attempt to get New or Edit going on an SX crashes.
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16:17:51 <jsled> Okay, so it's not gtk-2.6, then ... presumably you build 2.1.3 with that as well?
16:18:00 <dbr> yes
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17:16:17 <dbr> 2.1.4 SX editor works for me too.
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17:31:13 <jsled> dbr: 2.1.{3,4} work, but not 2.1.5?
17:32:34 <dbr> 2.1.{3,4} work, but not r16210. I'm setting up to build 16215 now (maybe andi5's changes in the qof realm are relevant)
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17:36:04 <jsled> midterm SoC evals in just under 2 weeks...
17:36:28 * jsled adds all SoC dates to my todo file...
17:36:40 <jsled> [ot] org-mode++
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18:10:15 <dbr> jsled: woohoo. r16215 restores SX editing for me.
18:11:02 <jsled> Ah. that's scary, but great! :)
18:11:40 <dbr> qof is soooooo much fun!
18:11:45 <jsled> :(
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19:13:09 <dbr> jsled: it looks like the crash when "[x] Review Created Transactions" is set in the SLR dialog may have been fixed. At least it worked once for me. (couldn't find a bugzilla entry for it, though)
19:15:05 <jsled> Oh ... that could make some sense, given fixes to the qof/query code.
19:16:00 <jsled> yeah, I have <http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/doc/sx.rst> which I've been using for issue-tracking and stuff.
19:16:32 <jsled> Hah! And I just noticed that trac is actually trying to interpret it as RST, and failing. :)
19:18:47 <jsled> That's pretty great, actually.
19:18:57 <jsled> c.f. <http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/browser/gnucash/trunk/src/doc/sx.rst#since-last-run>
19:19:32 <jsled> Although now I'll have to spend a bunch of cycles making sure it translates w/o docutils warnings ... :)
19:26:18 <dbr> hmm. the link worked for me, as is. ?
19:27:08 <jsled> Mostly ... there's just a bunch of warnings and whatnot. And the lists at the very top are mis-formatted.
19:53:31 *** vbabiy has joined #gnucash
19:53:37 <vbabiy> Hello Everyone
19:55:13 <chris> vbabiy: hello
19:56:20 <vbabiy> chris: are you a developer of this project?
19:56:28 <chris> vbabiy: one of several.
19:56:44 <vbabiy> What would it take for me to join this project
19:57:07 <chris> vbabiy: that depends on how you want to contribute.
19:57:16 <chris> vbabiy: are you a programmer?
19:57:37 <vbabiy> Correct
19:58:25 <chris> vbabiy: Well, you're going to have to get familiar with the code base. Have you build gnucash from source?
19:59:09 <vbabiy> Is it build on C or C++
20:00:11 <chris> mostly C, and a little scheme.
20:00:46 <vbabiy> wow scheme i didn't know people still used it
20:01:37 <vbabiy> chris so this would be the best way to get involed go in the source and get use to it
20:01:51 <chris> vbabiy: I suggest you get the source from svn trunk, build it, poke around the source a bit, and see if you're still interested. Yes.
20:02:04 <vbabiy> ok
20:02:12 <vbabiy> what the svn server
20:02:40 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building
20:02:50 <vbabiy> thanks jsled
20:03:31 <chris> jsled is the fastest link paster in the WWW.
20:03:37 <vbabiy> :)
20:04:14 <chris> I think he just has all the URLs memorized.
20:04:25 <vbabiy> must be google
20:04:42 <jsled> nope.
20:04:47 <vbabiy> :)
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21:56:57 <[0x100]> I'm trying to get a friend of mine to try gnucash (switching from quickbooks). It seems all he can export is IIF files, which gnucash can not read. Is there any other way to get his quickbooks data into gnucash?
22:37:02 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
22:37:17 <warlord> vbabiy: Once you get gnucash building, find an itch and scratch it. Send in a patch.
22:37:26 <warlord> [0x100]: nope.
22:38:08 <vbabiy> warlord: Okay
22:42:39 <warlord> vbabiy: is there a particular feature you'd like to implement?
22:43:17 <vbabiy> warlord: not yet I think I still need to play more with the application
22:43:28 <vbabiy> also is there support with online banking?
22:43:45 <warlord> HBCI and OFX Direct Connect, both through AQBanking
22:44:07 <warlord> (although neither support stock transactions)
22:44:16 <vbabiy> ok
23:02:33 <dan2> gnucash is great
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23:03:06 <dan2> warlord: does gnucash support OFX Direct Connect?
23:03:30 <warlord> dan2: yes
23:03:34 <dan2> how?
23:04:35 <warlord> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2
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