2007-07-06 GnuCash IRC logs

00:00:12 <warlord> I thought so, but he's using the default sort..
00:00:33 <ram> Tried editing the 125 value to 125. and 135.00. Still have problem
00:01:40 <ram> My primary gnucash is 2.0.2. I have shipped the database to another machine running 2.0.5 and it shows the same problem.
00:02:05 <ram> There must be something in the database that is triggering the incorrect balance computation
00:02:14 <chris> ram: are you usign transaction numbers?
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00:02:47 <ram> The transactions around the problem are not using transaction numbers
00:02:59 <ram> There are other transactions that do use such numbers
00:03:25 <ram> Chris: have you seen my screen snapshot?
00:03:34 <ram> Can mail it to you if you'd like
00:04:08 <chris> warlord: thinking of http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/15989 ?
00:04:30 <ram> Thanks for a great product in Gnucash! Have used it for a year and a half with no problems!
00:04:59 <warlord> chris: that would be it!
00:05:12 <warlord> Durn, okay, not fixed in 2.0.5; it's been fixed SINCE 2.0.5
00:06:30 <chris> but that should've been fixed if ram restarted.
00:06:56 <ram> I did
00:07:07 <ram> and it didn't fix
00:09:10 <ram> chris: mail on its way
00:09:10 <warlord> True, reloading should recompute the balances.
00:09:26 <chris> there is http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/14470 but it's pretty old.
00:10:13 <ram> I can ship my database to you if you'd like. It is about 300K (compressed).
00:14:35 <chris> that doesn't look like a sorting issue at all :(
00:17:25 <ram> Am I safe in continuing to use 2.0.5 for transaction entry? I can live with an incorrect balance for a while, if I am sure my transactions are safe
00:18:37 <warlord> Yes, your transactions are safe.
00:18:39 <chris> ram: which transaction's date did you change? and which transaction was the first with the incorrect balance afterward?
00:20:30 <ram> The 130.00 was first. I changed the date to 6/11 (from 6/10). Now the incorrect balance shows up on the 125.00 transaction
00:22:05 <ram> Changed the date on the 125.00 transaction. Still incorrect balance
00:22:54 <chris> and if you change the date of the 3885.74 tranaction?
00:23:06 <ram> will try ...
00:24:34 <ram> changed the date on the 3885.74 transaction from 6/8 to 6/9/ Now the balance error shows up on the 3885.74 transaction
00:25:22 <chris> did the total error amount change?
00:25:49 <ram> chris: not sure what you mean
00:26:09 <ram> It appears the error is 2*3885.74
00:26:33 <warlord> ram: changing the date wont force a re-calculation unless you're running post-2.0.5 code.
00:27:08 <ram> The actual balance should be 2*3885.74 more than the incorrectly displayed balance
00:27:27 <leonardof> I'm a translator and I'm trouble translating "invoice" and "bill". I'll work on different terms for now, but when you close this issue I'd love some help. Thanks!
00:28:15 <ram> Should I try deleting the 3885.74 transaction?
00:28:41 <chris> ram: sure.
00:29:16 <ram> Deleted it. The running balance for all the following transactions is still off by 2*3885.74
00:30:07 <warlord> That's.... weird.
00:30:16 * chris agrees.
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00:31:01 <ram> Another (possible irrelevant) piece of data: There is 10MB log file in my directory. Could it be because I did a repair?
00:31:20 <warlord> Oh! Yes, it DEFINITELY could.
00:31:48 <ram> so repairs generate large log files?
00:31:58 <chris> It seems that it has to be something actually in the datafile.
00:33:12 <chris> ram: I'd close gnucash, unzip the datafile and search for '3885.74'
00:33:39 <ram> will do ...
00:33:55 <chris> perhaps the repair process messed things up. :(
00:36:48 <ram> grep for 3885.74 does not return anything ???
00:37:33 <warlord> How about a grep for 388574
00:38:23 <ram> Here is what grep for 388574 returns:
00:38:38 <ram> <split:value>388574/100</split:value>
00:38:39 <ram> <split:quantity>388574/100</split:quantity>
00:38:39 <ram> <split:value>-388574/100</split:value>
00:38:39 <ram> <split:quantity>-388574/100</split:quantity>
00:39:57 <warlord> That looks like only one transaction..
00:41:10 <chris> Do you have any Orphan or Imbalance accounts with transactions?
00:41:49 <ram> Yes, I notice an Orphan-USD acount with $275.00 in it
00:43:12 <ram> Single transaction date 11/04/2006 in it
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00:44:09 <chris> you might want to fix that, but it's probably not related (but who knows)
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00:44:31 <tats> hi
00:44:49 <ram> chris: how do I fix?
00:45:47 <chris> ram: move that amount to whereever it belongs?
00:45:49 <tats> is there a way to automatically create interest payment entries for a bank account
00:45:56 <leonardof> hello
00:46:19 <leonardof> could anyone help me with a confusion between the terms "invoice" and "bill"?
00:46:39 <tats> say, i got a bank account at ING and i know their yearly interest rate is 4,25% and they pay interest at the end of each month
00:46:54 <tats> can i schedule an interest payment each month?
00:46:54 <warlord> tats: SX
00:47:03 <leonardof> tats: I don't know, how, but I saw a help on this feature in the po file :)
00:47:14 <warlord> leonardof: Customer Invoice, Vendor Bill.
00:47:29 <warlord> (Receivable v. Payable)
00:47:39 <leonardof> warlord: there's "billing information" on the invoice dialog...
00:47:47 <warlord> Correct...
00:48:02 <warlord> Because "Invoicing Information" is incorrect English.
00:48:35 <tats> warlord, leonardof: ???
00:48:40 <chris> leonardof: they're sometimes interchangable, but in a business context, there's a slight connotation of "bill" being what you have to pay, and "invoice" being what you want someone else to pay you.
00:49:04 <leonardof> when "bill" is part of the invoice dialog, it's the same as "invoice"?
00:49:08 <warlord> tats: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_is_the_.22SX.22_thing_I_see_on_the_lists_and_IRC_periodically.3F
00:49:35 * chris goes to bed. "Bye."
00:49:47 <tats> warlord: ok but SX seem to be for a fixed amount
00:49:49 * leonardof sas good night, and thanks to chris
00:49:51 <warlord> leonardof: no.
00:49:56 <tats> warlord: here the amount is variable
00:49:57 <warlord> good night, chris
00:50:29 <chris> ram: oh, sorry, I'm beat. your situation is quite strange. I hope you figure it out.
00:50:37 <leonardof> can I always translate "bill" with the same word?
00:50:44 <warlord> leonardof: no
00:50:45 <ram> chris: thanks for trying
00:50:52 <ram> chris: good night
00:51:30 <ram> is there a bugzilla or something that I can formally report my problem?
00:52:15 <warlord> ram: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla
00:52:42 <ram> warlord: thanks! especially for staying up till almost 1am
00:52:47 <warlord> thanks.
00:53:25 <leonardof> so, generally "bill" means something I have to pay
00:53:38 <leonardof> when doesn't billi(ing) mean that?
00:54:00 <warlord> When it refers to an Invoice.
00:55:01 <warlord> leonardof: did you try reading the glossary?
00:55:16 <leonardof> warlord: I just updated its translation.
00:55:39 <warlord> HUH? You shouldn't have to translate the glossary.
00:55:46 <leonardof> warlord: I'm not that much familiar with GnuCash's interface
00:56:00 <leonardof> warlord: it wasn't translated, and I wanted to use it as a reference.
00:56:16 <warlord> Um, okay.
00:56:38 <warlord> anyways, bedtime for me.
00:56:40 <warlord> good night.
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00:56:45 <leonardof> warlord: thanks
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01:24:34 <Ben> Hi, the M$ windows version online banking setup tool (aqbanking) of gnucash 2.15 asks for regex.dll. Obviously the install program doesn't install this dll. Where do I get it? I can find different regex.dll's on the net and don't know which one is right. Thanks!
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01:39:06 <kam> Ben: I think the main developers have retired for the evening (Eastern US time), but they may see your message when they get back online.
01:42:58 <kam> If they don't answer soon check this link later: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs
01:53:28 <leonardof> Ben: you may look for it on projects like mingnu etc.
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07:03:58 <andi5> Ben: just copy bin\regex.dll into lib\aqbanking\plugins\16\wizards .... this is a known bug... i hope we find a solution soon (thinking about a workaround right now)
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08:54:46 <chris> moin, andi5
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08:56:11 <andi5> hiho chris
08:57:49 <chris> andi5: any chance you can review http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=452496 ?
08:59:25 <andi5> i will try... am targetting another bugger right now and time is limited
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13:25:54 <GuiGS> hi. I've post a bug: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=454340
13:26:48 <GuiGS> Can someone tell me if I did it right? It's the first time I do this.
13:37:03 <chris> GuiGS: It seems to be a reasonable bug report. Thanks for filing.
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15:18:20 <cstim> GuiGS: yes, the bug report is fine. If you want to make it perfect, you could also add a screenshot of the window when it is shown wrong :-)
15:19:25 <cstim> ahhh. Home-made Mojito for drinking. extremely nice.
15:20:01 <cstim> and Maia is sleeping fine after a nice evening. This is a great Friday night.
15:21:16 <jsled> :)
15:21:26 <cstim> hi jsled. want some Mojito, too?
15:21:44 * cstim got a good supply of limes for the weekend
15:21:53 <jsled> Naw, thanks; I've got some Belgian Wit and beet beer, over here.
15:22:02 <cstim> beet beer?
15:22:13 <jsled> indeed. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/96/16956
15:22:53 <cstim> "From: Magic Hat Brewing Company". cool. Magic taste, I guess :-)
15:23:31 <warlord> cstim: your Mojito's are EXCELLENT!
15:24:00 * cstim hands a Mojito over to warlord
15:24:53 <cstim> hm. I'm about to implement the auto-save the way chris has proposed it.
15:25:08 <cstim> I was wondering to move the code to a separate file (it's approx. 400 lines)
15:25:18 <cstim> but src/gnome-utils already has 70 *.c files :-/
15:25:20 <warlord> yummy!
15:26:00 <warlord> Eh, files are easy.
15:26:25 <cstim> you mean, I shouldn't care about 70 files but rather add gnc-autosave.c if I think so?
15:26:51 * jsled agrees. cscope doesn't have a problem opening files. :)
15:28:37 <cstim> cscope... I never used it so far
15:30:35 <warlord> cstim: yeah, dont worry about how many files are in the directory. Just create gnc-autosave.[ch]
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15:31:29 <cstim> jsled: btw, what about your license changes? Were you planning to document somewhere that "contributions by jsled are GPLv2 only, contributions by xy are GPLv2 or any later version, contributions by xy are GPLvWhatever plus openssl exception..."?
15:32:21 <cstim> @tell andi5 The gnucash-setup.exe with gnucash icon is very cool :-)
15:32:21 <gncbot> cstim: The operation succeeded.
15:34:13 <jsled> cstim: yes, I'd even started to write it up at some point ... jeez ... months ago, now. But took it out before an otherwise-unrelated commit.
15:34:21 <jsled> r15453, it appears
15:34:49 <jsled> no time like the present, I suppose.
15:35:02 <cstim> errr... I don't quite get it.
15:35:29 <cstim> you wrote up your intended changes and what we discussed, but then got distracted from committing it and that's why things are still the old way?
15:35:52 <cstim> (esp. as 15453 is just some translation update by me)
15:36:06 <jsled> I wrote up a new header to $top_srcdir/LICENSE that described the state of licensing, yes.
15:36:25 <jsled> Then, yes, got distracted.
15:36:31 <cstim> ah. ok. I see. Yes, that's what I was expecting.
15:36:32 * chris waits for jsled to do all the work, so he can just add his name. :)
15:36:57 * cstim *always* waits for {jsled,chris,warlord,andi5} to do all the work
15:37:15 <warlord> hehehe
15:37:20 * warlord does too much work.
15:37:56 <warlord> Speaking of which, at some point in the next 24 hours (or in 4 weeks) I'd like to take down the svn server to reroute some power/UPS cables.
15:38:19 <cstim> is that a binary question?
15:38:31 <cstim> like, do we want this now or in 4 weeks?
15:38:53 <warlord> sorta. i leave tomorrow for a month-long string of travel.
15:39:04 <warlord> The system IS connected to a UPS now..
15:39:12 <warlord> So it IS backed up.
15:39:42 <cstim> I'll be AFK again in 1:30 h from now, so everything after that is fine with me.
15:39:52 <warlord> hehehe
15:41:48 <jsled> Is there a canonical example of the OpenSSL exemption?
15:41:58 <warlord> OpenSSL exemption?
15:41:59 <jsled> url ... gnucash source-file reference.
15:42:35 <cstim> wikipedia, methinks.
15:42:48 <jsled> Indeed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openssl#The_exception
15:43:20 <cstim> unless I've just changed it to trick you into a new license text :-)
15:44:08 <warlord> Hehehe
15:44:11 <jsled> heh heh.
15:52:12 <cstim> Would people be interested to have a .gitignore file committed to SVN?
15:52:43 <cstim> (works like .cvsignore except that one file suffices for the whole tree, not only for the current directory)
15:55:23 <warlord> I have no objection
15:56:09 <jsled> Here's the language I'm planning on using as the OpenSSL exception: http://pastebin.ca/606336
15:58:13 <cstim> jsled: fine with me. I'd propose to use the word "additional" somewhere in the beginning.
15:58:30 <jsled> as opposed to "special"?
15:58:37 <cstim> maybe, yes
15:58:40 <jsled> Or modifying "permission"?
15:59:29 <cstim> well, "special exception" could also mean that for some exceptional situation the rights of the licensee are lesser than what he'd expect under GPLv2.
15:59:55 <cstim> but in this case the rights extend further than what Debian^H^H^H^H some people would expect under GPLv2.
16:00:59 <cstim> that's why I was thinking of "additional permission" or "in addition to"
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16:02:52 <jsled> Well, I just ape'd the text on the wiki, neither of which use 'additional'.
16:03:14 <cstim> right. That's what has always bothered me about the texts that are in circulation.
16:03:39 <cstim> Whatever. If you can't think of an easy way to fit it in there, maybe the standard text is just fine.
16:03:51 * jsled needs to take the dog out before picking up the SO from work ... I'll revisit this in an hour or so.
16:04:12 <warlord> jsled: works for me
16:04:12 <cstim> have fun
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17:01:33 <jsled> Ooh, compilation-mode in emacs-22 knows how to fontify ./configure output. Nifty.
17:03:41 <warlord> hehe
17:04:06 <jsled> heh. it also highlights the name of the being-built object in gcc compile lines ... and seems to fontify green the name of directories when make reports successfully leaving them,
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