2007-08-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:52:46 *** Rolf has joined #gnucash
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07:25:23 <choji> I was already here, with the Problem that the Price Editor with Finance::Quote not work with my http proxy. Now i had the problem a little specified. If i run gnc-fq-dump yahoo ... the connection runs over http and including with my http proxy in the http_proxy var. if i run gnc-fq-dump dwsfunds ... the connection runs over https and without my proxy. i already tried to set a var https_proxy, but with no success
08:16:38 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:16:51 <warlord> choji: clearly gnucash is telling you that you should get out from behind a proxy ;)
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14:13:52 <danieleboyo> i am looking for some help on how to set up a savings account with interest. i was wondering if the interest payments were automatic, or if they have to be manually edited
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14:58:15 <chris> danieleboyo: there is a convenient way to enter the interest payments whenever you reconsile.
14:58:48 <chris> or reconcile.
14:59:25 <chris> so, it's semi-automatic, but you still have to enter the amount.
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15:35:10 <danieleboyo> umm
15:35:16 <danieleboyo> ok, so how is it done?
15:36:08 <chris> each time you reconcile, there's an option to add an interest payment.
15:36:46 <chris> Just click the big button that says "Enter Interest Payment" :)
15:37:30 <danieleboyo> oh...ok, what does reconcile mean?
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15:41:00 <chris> danieleboyo: http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/cbook-reconacct1.html
15:41:30 <chris> danieleboyo: Actually, you might want to start at the beginning of the guide, too.
15:44:23 <danieleboyo> and how about taxes? is that automated in any way?
15:46:42 <chris> no
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19:47:05 <cjsstables> hello all. I'm getting started to install gnucash 2.2.1 onto Debian Lenny. Any pointers?
19:48:45 <cjsstables> or can anyone point me to a step by step doc or wiki?
19:51:24 <warlord> 'apt-get install gnucash' ?
19:52:25 <cjsstables> wrongo. not for ver 2.2.1 no prebuilt deb packages. Only source is available
19:53:12 <cjsstables> was hoping someone in here has built 2.2.1 from source and was looking for any roadblocks
19:53:21 <andi5> do you care about online banking?
19:53:29 <cjsstables> yep...
19:53:38 <andi5> goto the wiki and look for debian
19:54:07 <andi5> if you wonder where the wiki is.... there is a homepage for gnucash
19:54:24 <andi5> i guess google will tell you that
19:54:46 <cjsstables> I already read the wiki on the online banking issue and have the dependencies already loaded and know what make file changes need to happen
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19:55:18 <cjsstables> has anyone in here ever built gnucash from source?
19:55:21 <andi5> make file changes?
19:55:26 <andi5> huh???
19:56:10 <warlord> of course we have. ./configure ... ; make; make install
19:56:12 <cjsstables> yes you have to edit some of the make files to include the online banking prior to./config
19:56:23 <warlord> Huh? You dont have to change anything.
19:56:30 <warlord> (at least not in the GNUCASH sources)
19:56:35 <andi5> makefiles are created by configure.... there is absolutely no reason to touch themn
19:57:23 <andi5> if you mean makefile.am files, i am sure there is a better way... may you give me a link for that statement?
19:57:59 <warlord> Yeah, what changes do you think you need to make, and what made you think you needed to make them?
19:58:10 <cjsstables> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian better check out this wiki
19:58:29 <andi5> that is a debian rules file...
19:58:44 <andi5> but well...at least it is a file
19:58:47 <cjsstables> you do have to make changes. It is illegal for gnucash to distribute with on line banking support
19:58:49 <warlord> I dont see anything there requiring any changes to any GNUCASH files.
19:58:59 <warlord> cjsstables: that's still arguable.
19:59:06 <warlord> DEBIAN thinks it's illegal.
19:59:08 <warlord> We do not.
19:59:14 <cjsstables> ok. deb rules file...
19:59:30 <cjsstables> thanks for that correction
19:59:42 <andi5> well, it is substantial, because _we_ do not ship that
19:59:56 <cjsstables> ok
20:00:00 <warlord> Also, as of 2.2.0:
20:00:01 <warlord> Some of the source files have an exception for linking against OpenSSL, as
20:00:01 <warlord> per the following language:
20:00:07 <warlord> (from LICENSE)
20:01:05 <andi5> btw... what is the matter actually?
20:01:57 <warlord> the licensing issue? OpenSSL isn't GPL-compatible, and some library that AqBanking apparently links against OpenSSL
20:01:58 <cjsstables> so. next question is when i ./configure do I need to use any special prefix or is./configure --prefix=/usr ok
20:02:10 <warlord> I'd recommend --prefix=/opt/gnucash-2.2
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20:03:01 <cjsstables> ok. dumbass question here.. what does that do for me and or my install
20:03:25 <andi5> it puts everything into that directory and does not mess with your debian installation
20:03:51 <warlord> right. it means you type /opt/gnucash-2.2/bin/gnucash and it wont mess with anything on your system.
20:04:07 <andi5> or just put the bin dir into your PATH environment variable
20:04:11 <cjsstables> so that would be the start command
20:05:05 <cjsstables> Path environment variable.. ha.. I got stuck on that yesterday and still don't understand it
20:05:30 <andi5> PATH or another one?
20:05:51 <cjsstables> PATH... I don't really understand the concept
20:06:08 <cjsstables> is it similar to the dos path in dos?
20:06:43 <warlord> andi5: have you been reading all the win32 issues on -user?
20:06:51 <andi5> ahm... not yet
20:07:00 <andi5> i guess i will have to ;-)
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20:09:48 <cjsstables> ok guys. have to break.. mama's calling for din din
20:09:57 <cjsstables> back in a while
20:15:45 <andi5> warlord: just starting the reading, i notice a nasty detail again: for some things got better with 2.2.1 and the newer orbit2 version, for some they got worse... i'm lovin' it
20:25:21 <warlord> Ahh, the joys of windows, eh?
20:26:14 <warlord> I'm hoping that in the spring I can acquire an 8-core AMD-based VM host machine that can serve as a bunch of build/test VMs.. So we can have a win2k, winxp, and vista test platform.
20:28:40 <warlord> (and maybe also provide some other build-server VMs)
20:28:55 <andi5> yeah, that would be cool... ; regarding the win32 bugs, i might spend some time on it, give the bug commenters some dlls to test with... we definitely need some solutions someday
20:29:06 <warlord> Yeah..
20:29:41 <warlord> It would be nice to know WHY things are happening, and why they happen in some environments but not others.. We've had SOME people run tests, and those seem to be useful, I think..
20:30:22 <andi5> yes...
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22:23:23 <mray77> Hello, everyone! :-)) My nick is mray77. I am a newbie. I have downloaded
22:24:02 <andi5> the internet?
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23:16:34 <mray77> Hello, everyone! :-)) My nick is mray77. I am a newbie. I have GNUCash downloaded. I am having trouble with a tutorial. I am running on Windows Version 2.2.0. My example and the tutorial match (at the end of Chapter 4) but I do not understand why there is a negative figure in the profits (-$218.21). Could anyone explain that or could that possibly be a mistake?
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23:20:28 <warlord> notice that the guide ALSO has a "profits" of -218.21
23:20:48 <warlord> see section 4.7.3
23:21:19 <warlord> the reason is that Expenses exceed Income by 218.21..