2007-09-01 GnuCash IRC logs
02:09:21 *** Jaran|zZzzz has quit IRC
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07:57:20 *** gergesm has joined #gnucash
07:57:34 <gergesm> hello
07:58:13 *** kielein has joined #gnucash
07:58:29 <gergesm> I'm looking for a way to import quotes into Gnucash - finance::quote hasn't got what I want. I could script a little parser that makes CSV files or similar. Any way to get that in?
08:00:07 <chris> gergesm: Are they from online?
08:00:26 <gergesm> yes, they're from a local bank website
08:01:09 <chris> Perhaps you can extent F::Q. As I understand it, it's intended to handle many different sources.
08:01:11 <gergesm> chris, http://www.spuerkeess.lu/fr/sicav/view
08:01:52 <gergesm> not really a programmer, I can butcher something together with sed, awk and friends
08:02:08 <gergesm> would F::Q accept a text file or csv ?
08:03:18 <chris> I don't know much about F::Q, but if you work with it, then anything that uses F::Q can use your scraper.
08:04:24 <chris> I imagine that if you can do it in sed/awk, you can do it in F::Q.
08:04:54 <gergesm> if one has some basic perl knowledge I'd presume ;-)
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10:02:26 <julian> hello, i have defined an opening balance for my checking account. i thought i could have done so for my "cash in wallet" account. according to the double entry accounting system, money come from somewhere and goes somewhere else. so my idea is to make a transfer from "other incomes" account to "CiW" account. is that right?
10:04:05 <andi5> julian: does http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/txns-puttoget1.html#txns-puttoget-open2 help?
10:07:26 <julian> andi5, so the idea is to make a transfer from Equity::OpeningBalances to CiW account ?
10:07:52 <andi5> yep
10:11:13 <julian> all right, thank you
10:11:22 <andi5> you are welcome
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11:52:20 *** BlueScorpion has joined #gnucash
11:52:28 <BlueScorpion> guten tag
11:52:40 <Jaran> hello
11:52:55 * BlueScorpion ist das erste mal hier
11:53:04 <BlueScorpion> wer ist hier der chef vom gnucash? ;)
11:53:14 <Jaran> this is an english speaking channel ;)
11:53:18 <BlueScorpion> oh sry
11:53:33 * BlueScorpion is here the first time
11:53:45 <Jaran> those with ops are actual developers of gnucash
11:53:48 <BlueScorpion> who can help me with a gnucash problem 2.2.1?
11:53:56 <BlueScorpion> ok
11:54:00 <Jaran> hehe read the topic
11:54:06 <Jaran> just state your question and wait ;)
11:54:45 <BlueScorpion> just writing my problem and wait better hope for answer, really? :)
11:54:56 <Jaran> lol
11:56:24 <BlueScorpion> i read the advice in the gnucash wiki now too ;)
12:02:10 *** ro1 has joined #gnucash
12:05:31 <ro1> I have a question - when I'm downloading transactions from my bank/credit card/whatever, and it asks me for a date range, why does it give me transactions which are out of the data range? I asked for June 18-June 29, and I ended up with transactions from early June until today.
12:05:47 <ro1> Additionally, why can't I sort by date in the generic transaction importer?
12:15:58 <BlueScorpion> I have the following error message (german) "Der Client konnte auf Grund eines CORBA-Fehlers nicht zur Serverliste hinzugefügt werden: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0"
12:15:58 <BlueScorpion> this appears when i start the 2.2.1 version und try to open my file (created with 2.2.0)
12:15:58 <BlueScorpion> sometimes there no error message but the tool hang up.
12:15:58 <BlueScorpion> "
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12:25:09 <Jaran> BlueScorpion: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=469464
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12:56:57 <chan> hello, anyone has experience connecting gnucash to bank of america with ofx?
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13:35:52 <chan> anyone has experience logging into bank of america thru ofx?
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15:20:30 <ro1> I have a question - when I'm downloading transactions from my bank/credit card/whatever, and it asks me for a date range, why does it give me transactions which are out of the data range? I asked for June 18-June 29, and I ended up with transactions from early June until today. Additionally, why can't I sort by date in the generic transaction importer?
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16:41:54 *** mixandgo has joined #gnucash
16:41:58 <mixandgo> hello
16:42:25 <jsled> hello
16:42:29 <mixandgo> I am having a bit of a problem understanding the whole concept of double entry accounting, so here is my question :
16:43:11 <mixandgo> I am dealing with money in 3 different curencies so I'd like what would be a proper way to start a new gnucash file
16:43:34 <jsled> mixandgo: have you read the tutorial and concepts guide?
16:43:48 <jsled> In particular <http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/chapter10.html>, "Multiple Currencies"? :)
16:44:46 <mixandgo> jsled, I did read some of it ! but I'd like a quicker "thingy" to start with
16:46:27 <jsled> Well, that section describes how gnucash supports multiple currencies, and how to structure your file for it. I'm not sure what's quicker than the documentation we put together expressly for this situation, especially since I don't have any personal experience with multi-currency.
16:47:12 <mixandgo> ok, I'll go ahead and read it, and get back if I am having trouble
16:48:25 <mixandgo> one question, what is equity ? for personal use, besides opening balance
17:05:50 <chris> mixandgo: for personal finance, besides opening balance, equity is rarely used.
17:06:01 <mixandgo> thank you
17:09:50 <mixandgo> and it will always remain the same ? I mean it will always show there as the ammount I've entered when I started to use gnucash ?
17:24:03 <jsled> mixandgo: pretty much. There's the Equity account, which is pretty much fixed as you say.
17:24:22 <jsled> And there's instantaneous equity, as per the Accounting Equation, which is only available via a report.
17:24:36 * jsled goes afk again.
17:27:45 <mixandgo> woudl you put buying stuff like car/laptop/etc in assets or expenses ?
17:28:55 <cort> mixandgo: if you count it as part of your worth, want to track its value over time and want to resell it then it's an asset
17:32:54 <mixandgo> how would you track it's value ?
17:36:24 <cort> well, if you recon its value has dropped by £200, you transfer £200 from asset:car to expenses:car depreciation
17:36:45 <mixandgo> I see...
17:45:32 <mixandgo> so if you later sell it and buy another car ?
17:45:43 <mixandgo> you have a different car account ?
17:45:59 <mixandgo> asset:car2 ? something like that ?
17:46:11 <cort> that sounds sensible
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17:46:30 <cort> likewise if it went up in value you transfer from an income account to the assets:car account
17:46:41 <cort> i think there may be an example of this in the tutorial & concepts guide...
17:49:40 <mixandgo> do you have a link for that ?
17:50:14 <cort> should beaccessible from gnucash's help menu
17:50:41 <cort> also from http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.0/C/gnucash-guide/
17:54:12 <chris> mixandgo: IMO, a good rule of thumb is to count everything as an expense unless you plan on selling it.
17:54:48 <mixandgo> well I don't "plan to" but I eventually will sell it
17:55:53 <chris> sounds like a plan to me.
17:56:22 <mixandgo> so how would I classify it ? :D
17:56:26 <mixandgo> asset or expense
17:57:02 <chris> up to you, expense is simpler, but asset lets you track more information.
17:57:41 <chris> note that, even if you choose asset, you still have an expense why you buy it.
17:57:55 <mixandgo> I think I'm gonna start with expense, sinse the whole concept is hard to rgasp
17:57:58 <mixandgo> *grasp
17:58:20 <chris> well, you have _some_ expense.
17:59:04 <chris> your depreciation is an expense - assuming it's going to be worth less than you pay.
17:59:54 <chris> tracking assets _is_ more complicated, because it's most useful when you know how much stuff is worth, which often, you don't.
18:00:26 <mixandgo> right
18:01:06 <chris> while, otoh, it's usually pretty easy to figure out how much you spent.
18:03:22 <mixandgo> thank you for your time, gotta get some sleep
18:03:28 <mixandgo> see ya
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20:16:46 <ro1> I have a question - when I'm downloading transactions from my bank/credit card/whatever, and it asks me for a date range, why does it give me transactions which are out of the data range? I asked for June 18-June 29, and I ended up with transactions from early June until today. Additionally, why can't I sort by date in the generic transaction importer?
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22:40:23 <dbr> ro1: it is aqbanking that allows you to select dates for the ofx data stream, but the server may not honor the request and just sends some default (usually recent) set of transactions
22:41:03 <dbr> ro1: the sorting in the transaction matcher would be a request for enhancement. No one has included that feature yet.
22:43:02 <dbr> @tell chan for bank of america info see: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings
22:43:02 <gncbot> dbr: The operation succeeded.
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