2007-09-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:52 <derekS> it says to use the python script?
00:02:17 <derekS> nm
00:02:19 <derekS> i found it
00:04:26 <derekS> so if i don't see "aqbanking" in the tools menu, my distro doesn't suppor it?
00:05:04 <warlord> You're running Debian or Ubuntu?
00:05:35 <warlord> (yeah, if you dont see HBCI setup in Tools then you're not configured for it)
00:05:53 <warlord> you MIGHT be able to just find/install the proper "gnucash-hbci".. Or you might have to rebuild.
00:07:15 <warlord> Anyways, bedtime for me.
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00:08:21 <derekS> warlord-afk: ubuntu
00:08:23 <derekS> thank
00:08:23 <derekS> s
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03:36:28 <foo_> I'm looking for some web software that will allow me to have employees/contractors document their work. I'd need to be able to create certain groups that only allow folks to post to stuff they have access to and see what they have access to. I'd use mediawiki if it had access control lists... I have SugarCRM, and I'm debating using that... well, I use it, I'm just thinking of something simpler. Any two cents?
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08:07:49 <edgy> Hi, I am new to gnucash and accounting but I am learning. I added an invoice and wants to print it but I don't have taxes so I want to remove it permanently from the invoices, can I?
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08:17:06 <warlord> foo_: moinmoin? This isn't the right forum to be asking that.
08:17:35 <warlord> edgy: there's no way to remove that single "Tax" line.
08:17:44 <warlord> (without removing it from the invoice.scm)
08:20:07 <edgy> warlord: so all the changes i make in the report options is just temporary?
08:20:45 <MindOfChaos> hello
08:21:01 <MindOfChaos> Is GNUCash worth while trying out? For use for a small business?
08:21:20 <warlord> edgy: well... THAT depends. You can rename the report and then 'save' your modified report options, but it wont affect the next time you click 'print' from an invoice.
08:21:54 <warlord> MindOfChaos: that's like going into the OpenOffice channel and asking "can i write a letter in OOo". ;-) Of course it's worth trying out.
08:22:39 <MindOfChaos> ok
08:22:42 <edgy> warlord: so I cannot also specify a default stylesheet for my reports?
08:22:52 <MindOfChaos> So it will handle GST taxs etc
08:22:57 <MindOfChaos> Ok
08:23:01 <MindOfChaos> I will give it a try
08:23:17 <MindOfChaos> Hopefully it will fill my needs managing multiple bank accounts etc
08:24:11 <warlord> edgy: nope
08:24:44 <edgy> warlord: another question is when I double click an account to enter a transaction I have some with $ and others with my currency how can I do this please?
08:25:11 <warlord> See the wiki about handling GST. It will handle it from Invoices and Bills semi-automatically. It will not automatically split off GST from manually-entered transactions.
08:25:35 <warlord> How can you do what?
08:30:26 <edgy> warlord: how can I enter a transaction in a currency different than the default currency for the account
08:31:53 <warlord> Um, that question doesn't make sense. An account is keeping track of a particular currency. For example, if you have a Bank in USD, it makes no sense to use that account to track your GBP.
08:32:08 <warlord> What exactly are you trying to do?
08:34:11 <edgy> I have an expense of $159 for a server purchaged and a SAR616 for a license I purchased so how can i put these in my expense account
08:34:26 <edgy> warlord: sorry if I am asking stupid things. I am really new to accounting
08:34:57 <warlord> What's you main currency?
08:35:11 <edgy> warlord: SAR
08:35:40 <warlord> Okay, so the question I'd ask myself is: do you really care that it cost $159? Or do you care that it cost, (e.g.) 2384.12 SAR?
08:36:39 <warlord> I presume you PAID for it using SAR; either via a credit card or some other method that performed the currency-exchange on your behalf?
08:36:53 <edgy> warlord: I would be back after 10 mins sorry ...
08:42:21 <IanL> warlord: If his expense is in dollars and his bank account is in SAR does what he cares about really matter?
08:43:31 <IanL> wouldn't he just record the transaction in an expense account in dollars and make a transaction with his bank account? I suppose he could just forget there were even dollars involved at all and record the expense in an SAR expense account.
08:43:46 <IanL> though
08:49:22 <warlord> IanL: exactly.
08:50:23 <edgy> warlord, IanL: sorry my problem is I don't know the exchange rate
08:50:35 <warlord> If he doesn't care about the the $ then he can just record it directly as SAR and ignore the fact that it was $. I did that when I went to Prague in March; I recorded all my CZK transactions in USD; I recorded them with the exchange rate included, and put the CZK amount in the txn description.
08:50:53 <warlord> edgy: well, you'll need to determine the exchange rate /eventually/
08:51:37 <warlord> What I did was enter my best guess for the exchange rate immediately, and then went back and 'fixed' the transactions once they cleared my account -- and I marked them 'cleared' at the same time so I knew I'd already fixed the rate.
08:51:43 <edgy> warlord: when I recieve my bank report I would get the exchange rate but till then how can I put this $100 in the default SAR account
08:51:53 <warlord> But I just "ignored" the fact that I used CZK.
08:52:06 <warlord> edgy: guess on the exchange rate.
08:52:23 <warlord> (I'm assuming for now that you just dont care about how many $ you spent.
08:52:24 <edgy> warlord: fine, where can I put this exchange rate, please?
08:52:33 <warlord> In your calculator
08:52:45 <IanL> warlord: yah for trips like that it makes no sense to create expense accounts in CZK
08:53:20 <edgy> warlord: so you want me to put an estimation? ok how can I put a mark so i remember this is not the real amount?
08:53:24 <warlord> You're ignoring that you spent USD. Think about it this way: You spend SAR, but you just don't know EXACTLY how many SAR you spent. So you're guessing at how much it cost you until you get your monthly statement.
08:53:49 <warlord> IanL: exactly.
08:54:07 <warlord> edgy: mark it however you want. Read above about what I did with my CZK txns
08:55:39 <edgy> warlord: how did you mark them "cleared"? where is this option? (and really sorry for being dummy)
08:56:11 <warlord> edgy: click on the "Reconciled?" column for the transaction in the register.
08:57:24 <edgy> warlord: aha! now at least I know why that column is there. Thanks a lot for your cooperation, I would read more of the manual today
08:57:38 <warlord> Please do. It's very good.
08:58:01 <edgy> warlord: do I need to read something in accounting before that?
08:58:59 <warlord> No, the tutorial should get you through basic accounting principles, too.. You DO need to understand what "addition" and "subtraction" mean..
09:01:06 <edgy> ;)
09:09:29 <edgy> warlord: I am now building my account heirarchy. I buy and sell domains and hosting so does it make sense to have an account tree that contains domains, hosting in both the expenses and the income?
09:11:51 <edgy> where in the expenses I record the money I pay for them and in the income I record the money I sell it for
09:19:06 <warlord> edgy: I dont know -- you might want to ask an accountant.
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10:19:57 <warlord> i'll be back..
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16:34:07 <warlord> GRR... FC7 just changed the g-wrap version.. So of course my existing gnucash 2.0 doesn't work anymore. Blah!
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16:52:28 <foo_> warlord: lame
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16:53:10 <warlord> Pardon?
16:57:43 <ifoo> warlord: FC7...
16:59:27 <warlord> Ahh..
16:59:36 <warlord> Well, it means I should just update to 2.2 ...
16:59:47 <warlord> So I backed up my personal data file and now I'm using 2.2. :)
17:00:33 <andi5> does fc7 ship with gc 2.2?
17:04:08 <ifoo> warlord: :)
17:05:08 <warlord> andi5: 2.2.1 is in fc7 updates
17:05:15 <andi5> oh, nice
17:09:07 <warlord> yeah..
17:09:16 <warlord> And g-wrap was upped to 1.99
17:09:43 <andi5> what is g-wrap? ;-)
17:11:22 <warlord> :-P
17:13:08 <andi5> warlord: could you please ask anyone coming here with one of the two major xp/vista problems to offer me remote access to their machines? i really need some time on one if they want some fix :-)
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17:14:33 <warlord> andi5: why dont you just hang out here for more hours and ask ;)
17:14:47 <andi5> that may not be a standard procedure, but hey ;-)
17:14:55 <warlord> :D
17:14:57 <andi5> warlord: yes, i guess i can do that
17:15:10 <warlord> I'm always telling people to ask you, anyways.
17:15:30 <andi5> i have started to read the backlogs again, at least :)
17:15:42 <warlord> ok
17:18:09 <andi5> arrgh... i need something to eat, but i cannot stop to listen to music ;-)
17:18:23 <andi5> s,to listen,listening,
17:18:42 <warlord> hahaha
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19:45:50 <edgy> Hi, I don't want my invoices to print two decimal places (700.00), how can I cancel this please?
19:48:54 <edgy> any help please?
19:51:59 <warlord> Umm... that's controlled by your currency.
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21:41:47 <puck> Is there any docos or examples for the new swig bindings?
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21:51:02 <warlord> puck: Well, the examples are throughout all the scheme code. the docs... Well, it's the same API as the C api, pretty much.
21:51:27 <puck> Ahh, okay then
21:54:42 <puck> Hmmm, Debian doesn't ship the swig files, I'll try the source...
21:55:26 <warlord> what do you mean?
21:55:45 <warlord> which "swig files"?
21:55:59 <warlord> The built scheme bindings are definitely shipped, otherwise gnucash wouldn't work.
21:56:41 <puck> I was hoping to try writing some Perl reports for gnucash, and I found a paper discussing writing perl interfaces using swig.
21:56:54 <puck> I was going to try seeing how far I can go down that path.
21:57:33 <warlord> Oh. Um.. That would be a LOT of work. First you'd have to create the PERL bindings. Second, um, I have no idea how you'd get the reports to read from PERL.. It's pretty tightly bound to scheme.
21:58:02 <puck> :(
21:59:32 <warlord> If you know PERL you can teach yourself scheme in a day. a week to really understad it well. I highly recommend you spend the time.
22:00:37 <puck> Unfortunately I don't really have the time. My 5 month old daughter takes up all my spare time!
22:01:13 <warlord> 5 months? Eh, that gives you 4-5 hours of naptime every day! ;)
22:02:05 <puck> But not during the evenings when I'm at home... She goes down at about 10-11pm...
22:02:09 <puck> :(
22:02:18 <warlord> WOW! That's late
22:02:54 <puck> But she does sleep through to 9am-ish. I wish I did!
22:03:19 <warlord> hahah
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