2007-10-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:58:10 <tbic> I'm trying to group the account by accoutn type in a report does anyone know how to do that?
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09:05:38 <warlord> tbic: which report?
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09:07:25 <warlord> @tell edgy either post the invoice and immediate process payment... Or just ignore the invoice completely. Up to you.
09:07:25 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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09:10:31 <tbic> I am trying to make a cash flow type report for the budge
09:11:03 <tbic> warlord: budget
09:11:43 <warlord> Wait, are you writing a new report?
09:11:55 <tbic> modify an existing report
09:12:07 <warlord> Close enough..
09:12:19 <warlord> You'll have to make the sort yourself.
09:13:28 <tbic> I need something that group and sums expences, income, lialities, etc.. (also trying to learn scheme in ther process)
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09:15:04 <warlord> tbic: Unless you use the existing html-table generator code, you'll have to do the grouping yourself.
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09:16:28 <tbic> warlord: I was going to use the existing html-table code, it's just getting the account in the order, instead of a tree view like the budge report
09:17:57 <tbic> much like the cash-flow report
09:18:44 <warlord> Well, if you use the html-table code then you should be able to tell it how to sort. I've never used that code before; look at, say, the transaction report for clues.
09:18:52 <tbic> basically I need to see if where my budge is in alocating all of my moeny
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09:19:23 <warlord> Um, and the existing budget report doesn't do that?
09:21:38 <tbic> it seems to compair actual to budget, but of example I budgeted X as income, I want to make sure that my budge Y for expences + liabilities is not more than X (budgetd income)
09:22:41 <tbic> I'm trying to create a zero based budget. I am currently do a lot of manual adding
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09:28:50 <tbic> I created a function account-full-type<? and do the sort in it instead of account-full-name<? but it does not seem to do anything
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09:30:21 <warlord> I've never looked at the budget report, so I have no idea. I could answer a specific code question, but not a "why doesn't this thing that you haven't seen and can't see work?"
09:32:25 <tbic> I understand, do you know if there any any report the group account in the way I was refering to?
09:33:45 <warlord> Sure... The Income Statement.
09:36:06 <tbic> Thanks, the exactly what I am looking for. (well that report for a budget)
09:42:29 <tbic> Is there any up to date API documentation for the scheme API?
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13:22:36 <warlord> @tel tbic http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/ -- the Scheme API == the C API, pretty much.
13:22:36 <gncbot> warlord: Error: "tel" is not a valid command.
13:22:53 <warlord> @tell tbic http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/ -- the Scheme API == the C API, pretty much.
13:22:53 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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17:35:17 <babyTux> is it okay for me to set up a chron job to archive the old version of my log and xac files?
17:35:27 <babyTux> or will that mess up everything?
17:37:07 <warlord> It's just fine.
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18:53:00 <jvsmith> I'm unable to open my gnucash file. Not sure what happened but I went to open gnucash yesterday and it started up but never completed. In the gnucash.trace i have a few lines with crit errors. I've googled some and looked through the archives but nothing was helpful. Thanks.
18:54:21 <foo> jvsmith: ee
18:54:22 <foo> k
18:54:35 <foo> Anything weird that could cause you to not be able to open your gnucash file?
18:54:38 <foo> eg. did it crash last time you used it?
18:54:42 <jvsmith> you're telling me.
18:54:49 <jvsmith> no everything was fine.
18:54:54 <foo> Really? Geez, weird.
18:55:16 <foo> Hang around in here, someone should know.
18:55:52 <jvsmith> cool. i posted on the mailing list here is the link w/ the gnucash.trace entries http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2007-September/021896.html
19:00:39 <foo> jvsmith: Good idea
19:04:37 <jvsmith> ya i don't really know what happened. i used it as normal the last time which was friday then tried to open the file yesterday, i believe, and it seems normal then all of a sudden it stops and the gui stops responding. if you toggle to another window and go back you get only an outline of the window and everything else is gray.
19:05:55 <mjchang> jvsmith: have you tried to open an older file just to make sure that your gnucash executable is okay?
19:07:13 <jvsmith> i've create another file with the new account wizard and that worked ok.
19:09:20 <mjchang> jvsmith: in the mailing list posting it looks like you are using schedule transactions correct?
19:09:48 <jvsmith> that's correct.
19:11:56 <mjchang> jvsmith: haven't really worked with SX so hopefully someone else can chime in on that...
19:13:21 <jvsmith> i hope so. i've been using gnucash for a few years now and would hate to have to start over. thanks for looking.
19:14:11 <mjchang> that's why I was wondering if you were able to open an older file successfully.
19:14:50 <mjchang> at worst it sound like a few days of data would need to be re - entered (of course back it up first...)
19:15:36 <jvsmith> i can't say that i have an older file to open. never considered that i would have a problem with the actual data file. i guess live and learn.
19:16:32 <mjchang> So you don't have older files in the same directory as your original file?
19:17:26 <jvsmith> not for this particular ledger. besides the file there is just a bunch of xac and log files.
19:19:04 <mjchang> okay maybe I don't understand what you mean my ledger file - in gnucash I thought there is only the ONE main file xyz.xac which has everything all of your accounts, etc etc. is that what you mean by ledger file or something else.
19:21:29 <mjchang> and there are backup copies in the same directory as your <my-gnucash-file>.xac file
19:21:34 <jvsmith> well maybe i misunderstand. i have a file called checking_account which is what I open whenever i have to choose the file. there is also a bunch of files called checking_account.<datestring>.xac and checking_account.<datestring>.log.
19:22:25 <cortana> the xac files are bakups of your main account file made every time you save
19:22:29 <mjchang> yeah so the file checking_account.<datestring>.xac is an old copy of your gnucash state from datestring
19:22:42 <jvsmith> ok i'll try one of the xac files.
19:29:43 <jvsmith> it appears it might be something with the scheduled transactions. i've to open about 6 of the xac files but same thing happens with each file. The gnucash.trace file shows the same thing each time.
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19:40:58 <jsled> jvsmith: None of those errors should prevent the file from opening.
19:41:35 <jsled> jvsmith: Does the account that's related to the Christmas Fund SX still exist?
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19:47:06 <jsled> jvsmith: One thing that would narrow it down is to run it like `gnucash --nofile`, then in Edit > Preferences > Scheduled Transactions turn "since last run at startup" off, then File > Open your fille.
19:47:20 <jvsmith> ok. i'll try that.
19:47:49 <jsled> Hopefully it will then open without hanging. If you then Actions > SX > Since Last Run and it hangs, well, we know where the problem lies.
19:48:09 <jsled> Of course then, you should be able to Actions > SX > Editor and see if any of them are "weird".
19:48:22 <jsled> Of course, it shouldn't hang, but maybe we can get enough detail to see why it is, and fix it.
19:48:37 <jvsmith> that worked.
19:49:27 <jvsmith> thanks for your help jsled. i really appreciate it.
19:49:37 <jvsmith> are you one of the main developers?
19:50:19 <jsled> jvsmith: Feels more like just a maintainer, given how little time I can find to actually develop, but yes. :) I wrote the SX module, in particular.
19:52:16 <jvsmith> that's cool. that was one of the main features I had been waiting for. not that it stopped me from using the program. but it just makes life a lot easier. thanks again for all your and everyone else's hard work in creating/maintaining a great program!
19:52:24 <jsled> :)
19:52:48 <jsled> Well, I don't know if you're willing to share your datafile, but it'd be nice to see if I can reproduce the hang. If so, I should be able to fix it (when I can find the time)
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19:54:46 <jvsmith> i don't think i have to much of a problem w/ that. talk offline? what's your e-mail?
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20:36:29 <jsled> jvsmith: jsled asynchronous org with the relevant punctuation inserted.
20:37:17 <jvsmith> ok thanks. i'll send you an e-mail shortly.
20:37:25 <jsled> jvsmith: thanks.
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21:14:40 <warlord> chris: any idea why someone could have two Root accounts? one of type ROOT, and one of type NONE?
21:16:36 <chris> 2?!
21:16:56 <chris> well, possibly.
21:17:40 <chris> There was a some period of time where the Group-removal made a Root-account of type none.
21:18:00 <chris> I don't know if it was released or not.
21:18:07 <chris> maybe in a 2.1.x
21:19:12 <chris> so, going back and forth in versions might have converted the root account to a "real" account with type none? maybe.
21:19:26 <warlord> Could be..
21:19:36 <warlord> See recent -user posts.
21:19:51 <warlord> he DID go back to Linux at one point (but I didn't ask what gnucash version he went back to)
21:21:36 <chris> That's probably it.
21:22:17 <warlord> Yeah. Luckily there's a UI workaround.. Just reparent all the accounts back up to the top level.
21:33:30 <warlord> probably due to debian/ubuntu sucking and only having 2.0.2
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