2007-10-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:41 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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09:15:32 <motin_0> it's happening again... some unknown process is writing to the disk like hell, the cpu usage is constantly 100%, but I can't figure out which process it is! can you help me? htop only displays max process cpu usage of around 4-5%, the rest is marked red in the cpu meter, as if was a niced process causing this
09:16:09 <motin_0> wrong channel sorry
09:25:22 <cortilap> kill processes until it stops?
09:34:48 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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10:34:29 *** SuperHeroi has joined #gnucash
10:35:11 <SuperHeroi> Is there a way to import .mny files to GNUCash?
10:35:20 <jsled> That's MS Money?
10:35:31 <SuperHeroi> yes
10:35:42 <jsled> No, there's not.
10:35:50 <SuperHeroi> :(
10:36:02 <SuperHeroi> How do I import this .mny file to somewhere else?
10:36:05 <jsled> I understand that you can get Money to export QIF, if Money is still available to you.
10:36:31 <warlord> SuperHeroi: you need to convert it to a QIF, using Money, and then you can import the QIF.
10:36:45 <SuperHeroi> right. I will try this
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11:29:13 <SuperHeroi> it seems that GNUCash only imports from QIF the accounts. When no account is set does not import anything
11:30:05 <SuperHeroi> I have one QIF file from money but GNUCash did not import anything.
11:30:53 <jsled> "when no account is set"?
11:31:28 <SuperHeroi> I do not know using Money very well, I am trying to import the money file. But this money file has data, and when importing does not come anything.
11:31:44 <SuperHeroi> I can show you the money file I want to import.
11:31:57 <warlord> I dont care about the money file... You could show the QIF file you're trying to import..
11:32:20 <SuperHeroi> yes
11:32:39 <jsled> SuperHeroi: please use something like pastebin.ca (instead of flooding the channel...)
11:32:55 <SuperHeroi> jsled: does that accepts files?
11:33:19 <jsled> QIF is just a text file, so you can copy/paste into it.
11:33:30 <SuperHeroi> yes it does :)
11:33:53 <SuperHeroi> http://pastebin.ca/733134
11:35:05 <SuperHeroi> I do not understand why GNU Cash does not import any data from this QIF file.
11:35:19 <jsled> Lovely. "D31/1'07"
11:36:06 <warlord> SuperHeroi: because the date format isn't recognized.
11:36:10 <SuperHeroi> what does it mean?
11:36:18 <SuperHeroi> hum..
11:36:23 <SuperHeroi> how do I fix it?
11:36:34 <jsled> Oh. !Type:Dinheiro ? wtf?
11:36:36 * SuperHeroi would never imagine his problem was related to one date :)
11:36:43 <SuperHeroi> Dinheiro = Money
11:36:51 <warlord> SuperHeroi: yes, but that's wrong.
11:37:03 <warlord> The !Type's need to be in English.
11:37:14 <warlord> So the importer just isn't recognizing your data file.
11:37:14 <SuperHeroi> Money has exported it wrong then.
11:37:42 <warlord> actually, josh, the importer should recognize that date.
11:38:10 <jsled> Nifty. I just find it funny, is all.
11:38:16 <warlord> yeah.
11:38:23 <warlord> It's the !type that's broken.
11:38:50 <warlord> SuperHeroi: just change the !Type to :Bank
11:38:53 <SuperHeroi> I have changed "!Type:Dinheiro" to "!Type:Money"
11:39:00 <SuperHeroi> Bank = Money?
11:39:32 <SuperHeroi> So, changing from "!Type:Dinheiro" to "!Type:Bank" ?
11:39:46 <warlord> !Type:Money isn't valid, either.
11:39:54 <warlord> It could either be !Type:Cash or !Type:Bank
11:40:04 <SuperHeroi> I prefer Cash :p
11:40:07 <warlord> (they are effectively equivalent)
11:40:16 <SuperHeroi> hum..
11:40:36 <SuperHeroi> The importing script could show some results for debugging purporses, when something goes wrong.
11:41:13 <SuperHeroi> hey! it works now !
11:41:44 <warlord> the qif importer needs to be rewritten.
11:42:22 <SuperHeroi> :o
11:42:27 <SuperHeroi> :|
11:42:57 <SuperHeroi> is there anything in MS Money that works better than GNU Cash? I have never used both.
11:43:15 <SuperHeroi> ops
11:43:19 <SuperHeroi> I am using GNU Cash now.
11:46:28 <SuperHeroi> When starting GNU Cash without importing data, I used to see one TreeView with many Accounts. I do know where I could open it again. It is closed now.
11:47:35 <jsled> File > New > New Accounts Page
11:48:28 <SuperHeroi> jsled: very well hidden :)
11:53:53 <SuperHeroi> is there any GNUCash developer here?
11:54:23 <warlord> yes.
11:54:26 <warlord> a few of us
11:55:06 <SuperHeroi> cool. Would any of you accept the sugestion of adding one "Icon" for accounts? It would make more visible things. I say because of the first impression I had from GNU Cash. What do you think?
11:55:50 <jsled> I don't understand your suggestion...?
11:56:11 <SuperHeroi> "File > New > New Accounts Page" for See accounts. Is hidden.
11:56:22 <jsled> Is hidden?
11:56:27 <SuperHeroi> I think
11:56:47 <jsled> Well, the Accounts Page should (almost) never go away.
11:56:52 <SuperHeroi> Seeing this account page is very usefull :)
11:56:54 <jsled> I.e., it can't be closed, normally.
11:57:04 <jsled> In fact, how did you get it to not appear?
11:57:15 <jsled> Are your registers opening in new windows?
11:57:19 <jsled> Or did you create a new window?
11:58:11 <SuperHeroi> I have started something empty and imported from money
11:58:21 <SuperHeroi> s/money/QIF file
11:58:31 <jsled> Ah. Did you go through the new-file druid?
11:58:53 <SuperHeroi> File -> Import -> Import QIF
11:59:02 <jsled> How did you start gnucash?
11:59:08 <warlord> jsled: I think if you run for the first time and run the QIF import it might not create the account page.
11:59:11 <SuperHeroi> from the desktop
11:59:20 <jsled> warlord: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
11:59:48 <warlord> SuperHeroi: can you tell us, step by step, what happened when you started gnucash, and what options you chose?
12:00:34 <SuperHeroi> warlord: I dont remember exatly but I will try again and then tell you with that page is hidden again
12:01:37 <warlord> If it was the first time then it wont run the same way again.
12:01:40 <SuperHeroi> To close the profile I was testing with random data, I have gone to File->New->New FIle.
12:01:49 <warlord> There is a "first time you run gnucash" page that you only get the first time.
12:03:40 <SuperHeroi> I have answered: "continue without saving"
12:05:00 <SuperHeroi> Can you reproduce this?
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12:05:30 <jsled> When you go to File > New > New File, do you get the "New Account Hierarchy Setup" druid?
12:05:47 <SuperHeroi> yes, but I cancel this. Once I want to import.
12:07:10 <jsled> Ah.
12:07:21 <jsled> Sure. That leaves one with a window without an account page.
12:07:22 <SuperHeroi> I just wanted to start a new profile.
12:07:27 <jsled> A) you should probably go through that dialog.
12:07:57 <jsled> B) we should probably create an account tree if that dialog is cancelled.
12:08:08 <jsled> Or, maybe, create one before hte dialog instead of at the end.
12:08:13 <jsled> (so it's there in either case)
12:08:42 <jsled> Or, since there are other ways to get to a window without an account page ... maybe just put it in the "basic" toolbar action set.
12:09:11 <jsled> ...though, as I say, in normal use once you have such a page, we try to make it hard to close it.
12:09:17 <jsled> So, most of the time, a toolbar item wouldn't be useful.
12:09:31 <jsled> At the same same time, this comes up enough to be a FAQ, so maybe we do need something.
12:09:41 <jsled> My vote is to disallow other windows, but... ;)
12:09:50 * SuperHeroi see jsled is insterested in making GNUCash better, well done :)
12:11:09 <warlord> jsled: I think gnucash should just always create the account page; it should be the first thing done.
12:11:19 <warlord> So, yes, it should get created at the beginning of the dialog, not at the end.
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13:12:40 <SuperHeroi> thank you warlord, jsled for your atention. I muse leave now. I hope come back laster. :)
13:12:49 <jsled> SuperHeroi: take care
13:12:55 <warlord> good luck
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14:50:18 <runelind> I am running gnucash2.2.1 on OS X, and whenever I go to set up the online accounts, I can't seem to download the account information. It connects successfully to the server, but closes the connection without grabbing my account info. This used to work before when I tried gnucash about 3 mo's ago
14:51:27 <warlord> maybe your bank changed their server and started blocking it?
14:51:39 <runelind> I tried with a couple of different accounts :|
14:51:55 <runelind> was following the docs at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2
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15:15:49 <bighornram> anyone know what ofx error #15510 is?
15:16:48 <jsled> http://www.google.com/search?q=ofx%20error%2015510
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15:17:52 <warlord> googling for that gives this link: http://moneydance.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1188253826/14
15:18:09 <warlord> Which leads to http://moneydance.com/forum/YaBB.pl?action=dereferer;url=http://download.microsoft.com/download/a/3/d/a3da081d-333e-4c5b-8029-815a932e5b19/OFXAudit.xls
15:18:17 <warlord> which says which says that 15510 is an error meaning CLIENTUID not registered. Maybe they're blocking Moneydance from accessing the site??
15:18:20 <bighornram> some of those posts are by me. i can't seem to find a solution to this error. gnucash won't connect either. ie: Salem Five Bank
15:18:36 <bighornram> gnucash too.
15:18:56 <bighornram> no source as how to circumvent this?
15:19:04 <warlord> Not surprising, both MD and GnuCash use LibOFX.
15:19:18 <warlord> Change banks?
15:20:23 <bighornram> is a big PIA but yea I am in process of doing that, unfortunately chose Netbank, now they went to ING which won't support ofx either.
15:20:54 <bighornram> was hoping to figure out how they are doing it and fix the problem.
15:21:19 <warlord> Most likely it's the client uid that quicken or money send in..
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15:22:02 <bighornram> I find that # in the ofxlog file from quicken
15:25:07 <warlord> 15510?
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15:25:50 <bighornram> there is a new and old clientuid # in the ofxlog from quicken
15:27:42 <bighornram> Maybe one day someone will open a bank and BLOCK Microsoft and Quicken; the world would be a better place.
15:28:04 <bighornram> Ms & Intuit.
15:28:34 <warlord> Hehehe
15:28:46 <warlord> Or maybe someone would sell an OFX server OTHER than intuit.
15:33:46 <bighornram> thanks for the ideas, off to go bank hunting
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16:48:48 <McUles> hello
16:49:09 <McUles> i have a little problem with configuring hbci with a chipcard
16:49:20 <McUles> can anyone help me with the procedure?
16:49:39 <warlord> you're probably better off asking on the gnucash-de mailing list.
16:49:48 <McUles> kk, thx
16:50:11 <McUles> where can i find it?
16:50:36 <McUles> #gnucash-de don't exists
16:51:55 <jsled> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de
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16:55:48 <McUles> in this mailinglists is all about linux but i'm using windows
16:56:16 <McUles> i just need a little step by step to create the user-accout
17:00:44 <warlord> McUles: it's an email mailing list. sign up using your email account and then send an email to the list.
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23:10:17 <dbr> what's the unix utility that generates guid's?
23:10:30 <jsled> uuidgen
23:11:17 <dbr> thanks.
23:11:39 <jsled> `uuidgen | tr -d - |tr a-f A-F` if you want gnc:guid's.
23:12:01 <dbr> this is obliquely related to the earlier questions about ofx and the Salem 5 login issues
23:17:13 <dbr> interestingly, the mac incarnation spits out capital letters already.
23:17:50 <dbr> I think I'm going to be irritated even more at banks and Intuit soon.
23:18:33 <dbr> It looks like Microsoft and Intuit are using ofx 1.03 and 2.03 to do a sleazy end run around open standards
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23:58:28 <warlord> sleazy in what way, dbr?