2007-10-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:06 * warlord should plan out my maintenence plan for Saturday.
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01:11:18 *** ifoo has joined #gnucash
01:12:24 <ifoo> Hm, so... I wrote 3 checks end of last year, reported them on my taxes last year.. but they were cashed beginning of 2007... for consistency, I added them to book keeping for this year but it deducts money from my account which I deducted last year... is there anyway to have it not calculate in this years profits? /me think's that makes sense
01:23:20 <ifoo> actually, I should probably just move the 3 checks for December and just mark them as cleared... maybe.
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05:07:40 <skds> Certainly already asked 1000times, but I can't find anything in the net, so again: Is it planned to have filters to move incoming online bookings straight into the right category??
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05:26:05 <anajilly> ifoo: the date I put in the ledger, I think, is the date I write on my checks.
05:26:27 <anajilly> so yeah, it doesn't matter when they're cashed. move them to December.
05:27:07 <anajilly> (I'm not an expert... though I did read "Learn Accounting in 24 Hours. heh)
05:31:04 <puck> In "Auto-Split Ledger" view, then I start entering a new transaction and the memo field is auto completed (so the other account is there and the dollar values are) is it possible to only enter one dollar value and have the other one match it?
05:31:28 <puck> I have to enter the same number twice, or if I hit enter by mistake I get an imbalance split which is just a pain.
05:33:40 <puck> And I guess there is no short-cut to create a new txn?
05:36:16 <puck> Ah, I found the menu item, and I've just set the short-cut
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07:54:41 <warlord> puck: Not in Auto-Split mode, no. Use Basic mode if you want that.
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12:33:15 <ifoo> anajilly: I reviewed the e-mail my accountant sent me a while back... that's the way you should do it, you're right
12:50:40 <XiXaQ> I'm having difficulties understanding the Jobs functions. If I have a subscription, for instance, should that be a vendor job and each renewal a bill in that job?
12:53:11 <warlord> Subscription?
12:53:16 <warlord> Umm... probably not.
12:53:34 <warlord> Generally, jobs are more like... different contracts for one vendor or customer.
12:53:47 <warlord> E.g., a consultant who had multiple contracts with a single customer.
12:59:04 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
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13:28:27 <warlord> hey andi5
13:28:34 <andi5> hiho warlord
13:29:00 <andi5> (back from barcelona :-D)
13:29:07 <warlord> If you're going to do any gnucash hacking tomorrow I suggest you sync up in the morning.
13:29:12 <warlord> welcome back! How was Spain?
13:29:18 <andi5> spanish, mostly
13:29:34 <andi5> actually, catalan even :)
13:29:39 <warlord> heh. No habla espaƱol?
13:29:44 <andi5> que?
13:29:47 <andi5> :-)
13:29:49 <warlord> heh
13:30:05 <andi5> thanks for the advice
13:30:51 <andi5> i am pretty satisfied with the feisty->gutsy upgrade i just did :-)
13:31:34 <warlord> Nice
13:32:36 <andi5> [ot] does anyone know how i can ssh-find a file with emacs using a socks proxy? :-)
13:32:54 <jsled> "ssh-find"?
13:33:03 <warlord> yeah, what's ssh-find?
13:33:19 <andi5> like C-x C-f ssh://user@host:file
13:33:33 <jsled> Hmm.
13:33:36 <andi5> or /scp:user@host:file
13:33:37 <jsled> sshfs?
13:33:49 <andi5> hm...
13:33:55 <warlord> Yeah, I'd recommend sshfs
13:33:57 <jsled> I've used sshfs to open remote files in emacs; it worked pretty well.
13:34:05 <andi5> great... thanks, will try that
13:34:11 <jsled> There's that new remote-file infra. in emacs-22 ... a replacement for ange-ftp. What was that again.
13:34:43 <jsled> "Tramp".
13:34:54 <jsled> Which explicitly supports ssh, scp, &c.
13:35:03 <andi5> is that new? ... iirc that was doing the ssh stuff in emacs21 as well?
13:35:30 <jsled> The news item is "Tramp is now part of the distribution.", so I'm sure it was available before, too.
13:35:41 <andi5> ahh
13:37:42 <andi5> wow... is not that NEWS file HUGE?
13:38:19 <jsled> It took me a good while to read it, yes. It helps to re-remember the folding-mode keystrokes before getting too far into it.
13:38:49 * andi5 would like to have good folding support for python, but well
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19:49:45 <dbreiser> I'm a happy camper. Somebody on ubuntu tracked down the missing set of parentheses that was hammering gtkprint on ppc machines (at least mac and ubuntu)
19:50:52 <andi5> parentheses? :-)
19:51:37 <dbreiser> yep. some function was ending up getting the top 32 bits (=0) instead of the bottom set
19:51:52 <dbreiser> the patch just puts in (xxxxxx) and it works
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19:52:33 <andi5> but that is no bug in gnucash, right? :
19:52:39 <dbreiser> and I'm even happier that Martin Preuss has discovered making ofxdc work in aqbanking3
19:52:59 <dbreiser> andi5: true - it's an upstream bug in gtk+ 2.10+
19:53:00 <andi5> dbreiser: are you using aqbanking3 productively already, btw?
19:53:06 <andi5> pheww :-D
19:53:34 <dbreiser> andi5: not yet. I haven't even checked out the tree yet. Martin wrote me today.
19:53:48 <andi5> i see
19:54:05 <dbreiser> my task for the weekend is to see if aq3 ofxdc works in qbankmanager
19:54:33 <dbreiser> I have a bunch of ofx accounts, so I can try checking, credit card and investment organizations
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19:55:10 <andi5> do you need my bank connection for transactions? :-D
19:55:45 <dbreiser> I'll get back to you when we enable payment transactions :P
19:55:52 <andi5> ;-)
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21:40:57 <tim_abell> i have a single word correction to src/doc/design/component-manager.texinfo. should I submit a bug against gnucash and attach the diff?
21:49:12 <tim_abell> I guess everyone is asleep / partying so i'll just get on with it. hope no-one minds.
21:51:59 <tim_abell> done. http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=490699
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22:10:46 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord