2007-10-30 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:52:49 <lewy> I'm about to upgrade via MacPorts to the current version. I have an intel Mac on 10.4, soon to be 10.5. Do I need the variant universal or just the basic upgrade? Any advice?
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12:46:15 *** Fourbit has joined #gnucash
12:47:26 <Fourbit> Is there a list of accounts to use to set up gnucash?
12:51:50 <andrewsw> Fourbit: yes. its provided in the new account wizard. File -> New -> New File and follow the wizard.
12:53:24 <jsled> Or, File > New > New Account Hierarchy
12:53:30 <jsled> (for an existing datafile)
12:53:42 <Fourbit> Thanks andrewse, I'll look. I have already gone through that I think. But, I'll look.
12:53:54 <Fourbit> Ha. Ok. THanks.
12:54:23 <warlord> Fourbit: if you went through it then you already had the option to choose account hierarchies for your data file.
12:54:40 <andrewsw> jsled: I don't see that (2.2.1 debian).
12:54:55 <jsled> andrewsw: you may have to be on the account page itself.
12:55:00 <andrewsw> doh nevermind
12:55:40 <andrewsw> woah, here's a fun bug!
12:55:43 <Fourbit> I think I have it now. Thanks much. That was too simple
12:56:20 <andrewsw> File -> New -> New Account Hierarchy -> Cancel and look at the pretty bills due page...
12:56:49 <jsled> Oh? Heh.
12:57:00 <andrewsw> :)
12:57:05 <andrewsw> or :(
13:00:52 <Fourbit> Oh. So, that created a new business file. And, then when I switched to the old one gnucash crashed.
13:00:54 <Fourbit> :(
13:01:46 <warlord> Fourbit: what version of gnucash?
13:02:02 <Fourbit> Just checking.
13:02:54 <Fourbit> 2.2.1
13:04:05 <warlord> Huh. And it crashed, eh? Can you get a backtrace and file a bug report?
13:05:32 <Fourbit> Ha. :( No, don't think so. It something about not having bug buddy installed.
13:06:14 <warlord> Oh, well if you cant give us a stacktrace then it's not worth mentioning that it crashed.
13:06:16 <warlord> ;)
13:06:24 <Fourbit> Sorry that.
13:06:29 <Fourbit> Sorry about that.
13:06:53 <Fourbit> I'll see if I can duplicate that later.
13:08:04 <Fourbit> Oh, and wanted to thank you for trying to help me the other day. My system decided to play up and log me out. Again, sorry about that.
13:14:55 <warlord> it happens.
13:16:31 <andrewsw> warlord: do you want the doxygen.cfg.in just automatically fixed and diffed? or do you want someone to pick through it and ensure consistency?
13:18:02 <warlord> The latter is probably "better".
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13:18:41 <andrewsw> right, I see it now. The deprecated options are still listed in the upstream docs, but seem to be mentioned in the changelogs... I'll see if I can grok it.
13:28:28 <andrewsw> the biggest issue I see in the doxygen conversion is that its now trying to put everything into UTF8. What is the status of in gnucash? do you care about what encoding the docs are in?
13:30:10 <andrewsw> the only other significant changes are to the dot graphs which appear unused by gnucash.
13:32:02 <warlord> No, I dont care. I can set up the web site either way.
13:32:27 <jsled> utf8 is a good encoding, but I'm not sure all the files are actually either a) encoded in utf8 or b) indicate which encoding they are in, if not.
13:34:12 <andrewsw> according to the docs, doxygen uses UTF-8 internally already and it is the default input encoding.
13:35:13 <andrewsw> the USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING has been replaced with any encoding available in libiconv, but gnucash wasn't using the windows encoding anyway, so I think its irrelevant in that respect.
13:35:33 *** Medioman has joined #gnucash
13:37:47 <Medioman> The first OFX file I import is imported correctly, the second is blank or many info are missing. If I first import the second file it is imported correctly but the next is blank/missing. Anybody knows why? I'm using ubuntu gutsy, gnucash 2.2.1
13:41:48 <warlord> Um, the same transactions in both files?
13:42:18 <Medioman> no, monthly bank statements. e.g. jan and feb
13:43:19 <warlord> Check the transaction IDs.
13:44:51 <andrewsw> make doc works without errors and the html appears on the surface to be the same, but there are differences.
13:45:07 <warlord> Okay...
13:45:08 <andrewsw> in the online version: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/account-quickfill_8h.html
13:45:42 <andrewsw> there are two second-tier tabs: File List and Globals that don't exist in my local copy.
13:45:50 <Medioman> for transaction ID you mean <TRNUID>1 in the ofx file?
13:46:00 <Medioman> it's always the same value <TRNUID>1
13:47:13 <warlord> Maybe? my ofx-fu is low. But if the txn id is always the same, you're in deep doo-doo. In OFX, each txn is supposed to have a UNIQUE identifier. Your bank is lying to you, and telling you that you have "two" txns with ID=1
13:48:32 <warlord> But no, not the TRNUID
13:49:30 <warlord> I think it's <FITID>
13:51:10 <Medioman> It's random!!!!!
13:51:47 <warlord> random?
13:51:56 <warlord> I doubt it's completely random.. But they need to be unique.
13:52:18 <Medioman> 1-2-3-1-1-2-1-2-3... I can't see any logic
13:52:56 * andrewsw can finally put my dice away...
13:53:31 <Medioman> Do you know where I can download ofx examples to try? Perhaps it's really my bank fault!
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13:55:35 <Medioman> I have libofx3 1:0.8.2-3ubuntu2
13:55:45 <warlord> look in /usr/share/doc?
13:56:48 <Medioman> no ofx file in /usr/share/doc (/ofx)
13:56:56 *** tbic has joined #gnucash
13:57:14 <tbic> in 2.2.1 how do I get debug message to stdout?
14:02:33 <jsled> how do you cause code you're writing to print to stdout, or how do you get the existing app to print ot stdout?
14:03:16 <tbic> gnc:debug
14:03:46 <warlord> Medioman: try /usr/share/doc/*ofx*
14:03:47 <jsled> huh? Can you, you know, use a full sentence, maybe?
14:04:13 <tbic> in an older version I was able to do gnucash --debug and the messages would display to stdout.
14:04:37 <tbic> in the report file i use gnc:debug "Mesaage here" to print messages
14:04:38 <jsled> try `gnucash --debug --logto stderr`
14:05:03 <jsled> Right now, the messages (with --debug) are probably in /tmp/gnucash.trace
14:05:12 <Medioman> warlord --> AUTHORS changelog.gz NEWS.gz totest.txt changelog.Debian.gz copyright README.gz
14:06:06 <jsled> tbic: (or "--logto stdout" if you really want stdout explicitly.)
14:07:34 <tbic> I'm doing that, I get INFO WARN and MESSG but not my debuging messages
14:08:06 * jsled looks
14:10:31 <warlord> Medioman: then look in the lobofx source tree.
14:11:52 <jsled> tbic: yeah. That's non-intuitive. "--debug" only sets the log-level down to info; debug was super-verbose.
14:12:38 <jsled> tbic: try "gnucash --logto stderr --log gnc=debug"
14:13:26 <jsled> (or --log gnc.scm=debug will work, too)
14:13:44 <jsled> And won't increase a bunch of other suprious logging.
14:14:07 <Medioman> no ofx samples. Anyway any idea about the problem? qif files are imported correctly.
14:14:33 <jsled> I guess (gnc:debug ...) should really log at info or something....
14:14:49 <tbic> ok that got me a lot closer thanks
14:17:23 <tbic> jsled: is there anyways to just the the messages from the report I am working on?
14:19:14 <jsled> tbic: unfortunately not at present; if you wanted to create a generic gnc_scm_log(char *domain, enum level, gchar *message) { g_log(domain, level, msg); }, you could.
14:19:49 <jsled> The current gnc:{warn,message,info,debug} functions just wrap gnc_scm_log_{warn,error,msg,debug}, which hard-code "gnc.scm" as the log domain.
14:20:37 <tbic> ok well I have a good start thanks.
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14:21:20 <warlord> Medioman: Like I said, it sounds like your bank is repeating txn uniqueids
14:23:38 <warlord> andrewsw: any way to get it to work with 1.5.2 without warnings? I have no clue if/when FC7 will update it.
14:24:15 <andrewsw> um.. sure. just a sec.
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14:25:01 <Medioman> Thanks warlord!
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14:35:35 <andrewsw> warlord: to you and the list this time.
14:35:41 <warlord> ok
14:36:59 <andrewsw> off to work. later guys.
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15:51:53 *** Kyoon has joined #gnucash
15:52:07 <Kyoon> How do you launch gnucash from windows ... ?
15:55:31 <Kyoon> lol all I need is the executable name ..
15:55:34 <Kyoon> no?
15:55:45 <Kyoon> installer created no shortcut
15:59:13 <jsled> look for gnucash.bat
15:59:20 <jsled> But I thought it would install a shortcut.
15:59:35 <jsled> Maybe in a folder in All Programs ? I don't really know.
16:00:01 <Kyoon> gnucash.bat does it
16:00:46 <Kyoon> ty
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19:10:32 <andi5> hiho... given the recent progress of bug 363648 (COMM_FAILURE error on Windows2000), i would like to wait a while and rather release 2.2.2 with an included fix ... unless the bug stalls again ... any opinions?
19:21:08 <warlord> sure
19:21:12 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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19:24:08 <andi5> ok
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